I'm lucky i have a shop pretty close and they have everything i've ever needed. I have another shop thats about 200 yards from my house but i wont use it coz i don't want any people that live close to me seeing me going in and out of there. I don't buy anything online, i just don't trust it. I work fucking hard for my money and i don't want some c#nt in eastern europe nicking it lol
What ya smoking tonight mate? I'm smoking a psychosis scissor snot and 2 month cured 11 week cheese cocktail spliff and its awfully nice, something money just can't buy lol
dont think id use a shop thet close eather m8! A nosy old bat next door and ya F'd, lol. I get my ex gal to buy all my main stuff online, she dont grow so its cool and she uses her card

id rather take the gamble for half price goods, I used to order duty free smokes online but they got a batch at coustoms

and got funny, lol
Im smokin some high grade hash, hand rolled lebanon or so I belive

dont sound as sweet as yours though, wana trade ------>