SuperCloset, Sea of Green


Well-Known Member
Hey Gnome...Just some advice. Your not going to get views
by constantly posting your links all over people's threads.
At least give some compliments...

Update on my girls...

Not much info., but good pics.
My Blueberry girls...


Flash shot of my closet SoG...They are bushing up very quick.

My Widow in the background should be done soon.

My mothers are healthy, and I've started 12 of the WW
seeds I germinated a few days ago...

Back in a few...


Active Member
Still lookin awesome man...

Hey, do you have a front shot of your entire closet in this thread, if not would u mind putting one up?...



Active Member
Talk about filling a request fast haha...

You said you were using "Dual 80w 24" fluero tubes"...what brand and how much were the bulbs + fixture for you..?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I really enjoy watching this grow. As a fellow BB grower, it's always fun watching others develope their plants. Maybe, one of us will actually produce a purple/blue type plant by the end? I'll be damned if I have only seen ONE actually turn blue.

I'll stay tuned brother.


Well-Known Member
i think ur wrong cause i got views rite after i posted the link on this thread....and i do leave people compliments! im a newb...sorry if i sound like a dick!


Well-Known Member
very nice JB....I just love how they look with all that hair and contrast of colour! excellent!
That's the flash shot right when the 400w kicks on...makes for a good shot.

I'll be damned if I have only seen ONE actually turn blue.
Your right about that...I think it has to do with the temps.
The hues normally turn blue in colder temperatures. I've seen
some crazy shots from outdoor BB.

Good show sir, good show!
Thanks dude, I'll be waiting on that God Bud...

Hey hows that plant that you threw pollen on? any signs of seeds and such?
The two BB girls that I crossed have each produced about four seeds each
growing on the stem...not in the bud. That's about what I expected. I'll try
to take a shot when they wake up later.

im a newb...sorry if i sound like a dick!
I would never imply that...The first time was fine, but it gets annoying.
Put the link in your signature so wherever you post it is availabe...Just
a thought.


Well-Known Member
dude, 2500 for a metal office cabinet with 300 dollars of products. wow!!!! but great grow, your doing good, i recommend anyone looking at this thread and interested in a supercloset that you get a hydrohut, 4x4x4 youll love it. look at all the grows, and how many customization options. and duct taping some ducting to a filter and light isnt that big a deal, everyone can do it.


Well-Known Member
I payed $2300 before they raised the price, and obviously you
didn't do your research about the prices of the components
that came with it.

I bought it for stealth, and the hydro hut is not discreet at all.

No duct tape on this thing...


Well-Known Member
dude, badass grow and and even more badass detailed and very informational grow journal. i will be staying tuned as well.


New Member
Jonny boy DUDE!!! Many! Where You been hiding.
Nice set up and your selection is to die for.
When I have some more time over the Christmas holidays I will certainly look through more of your thread because you really are 'in the know' about your grow.

Good job Jonny. People like you make learning much more fun and simplier.:blsmoke::peace: