seeds seeds seeds and the screaming females

the seedman

Active Member
i may have been trippin but last grow when i wanted some seed and left a male growing happilly next to my girls for months, i think i heard the girls scream as i cut him down a month or so befor the chop.

can the females tell when the male is not around anymore and grow sadder

the seedman

Active Member
what do you mean by "sadder"???

what i mean is as i was cutting him down the female trees were budding and producing seed and growing fast at the start of budding as well, the follow week with no male and same sunshine water etc... they had pulled back growth and i haddnt touched them only removed their lover boy. its like they were a happy familly and then a murder killed the male

now i got lots of seed ill only be growin virgins. but im sure they got pissed off at me for killing there man plant
Interesting thought. It's like trees, If there is a group of trees and a few of them have a disease they will communicate with the others, and the others will develop an immunization from said disease.

the seedman

Active Member
yes, i think thats what im asking..... can groups of trees talk to each other and if so on what level??? how do they communicate, because i know they were'nt really screaming at me, aloud, but i felt there pain, and watched as they grew but they grew very sad

anyway i must have been off my head, just wondering about the world of trees


Well-Known Member
maybe the male plant just got done laying down the pipe before you chopped them down?

the seedman

Active Member
maybe the male plant just got done laying down the pipe before you chopped them down?
so it must be beneficial to growth to leave the male alive??? and seed the whole bush

which is what they do on the afganistan hash making you tube videos

the seedman

Active Member
but you'd have the means to make more, I grow my own seed its rewarding trust me on that one
yeh i've allways killed my males as every one says to, but last grow i was down to my last seeds and left one male alive for a couple of months, to do his job, now i got seeds everywhere, but missed out on heaps of bud, i thouht by removing the male i would get half seed half bud, but the group of girls all slowed down growth as soon as he was gone, and i was carefull not to interfer with the girls at that time. i presume if it had been an indoor grow they would have given me what i want, but as it was outside they gave up the ghost

the seedman

Active Member
Wait wouldnt the growth rate stop because the plant starts making seeds not budz any more?
i think it happened the other way round, they were happy making seed and then were told to bud, and didnt respond the way i wanted or had seen previously.

almost as if id halted them mid grow, with out touching them

i knew it was a bad idea, as they were so happy before i removed the male,, well i spose plants love sex as much as poeople do.
Wait wouldnt the growth rate stop because the plant starts making seeds not budz any more?
It's my theory that if left unpollinated the female cannabis flowers will produce more trichomes as a last ditch effort to attract pollinators to the pistils, such as bees, moths and butterflies. These creatures donot have advanced central nervous systems as we humans do. So they lack the receptors that is needed for cannabinoids. Thus, they don't get high, but they enjoy the sweet fruity essence of the blooms. If the female cannabis plant does get pollinated cannabinoid production slows or stops, in order to provide vital nutrients for healthy viable seeds. And your garden is fucked!

the seedman

Active Member
I donno the min distance my ranch was a km away from the ladys. cant grow this season though stupid fucking pigs
i thought you guys had it easy over there, can't you just grow em small at home first and just put a few girls out late in the season