First Grow, CFLs, what's wrong with my plant?

This is my plant 5 weeks into veg. I started it on a VERY low budget, i now have 2 23w 5500k cfls, a 20w 2700k, and a couple 20w tubes. I water on a consistent basis, but not too much, and i use very low amounts of nutes. I'm not sure why my plant is so much smaller than it should be at 5 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Over watering I would say, try to wait until pot is almost so dry that the dirt pulls away from the edges of the pot.... and you could use two more 5500ks for your veg to get that bigger plant you would expect at 5 weeks.

Also, when did your start giving nutes? what kind, how much, how often?
alright, i thought i was doing ok on the watering, here is another pic taken just moments ago, it doesnt seem to be drooping like the others...maybe because i havent watered in a while? I'll have to watch that more closely.

I started nutes at about 4 weeks, its just an off brand miracle grow type stuff, i don't use a lot.

Yeah, i am definetly going to get more lights, i just wanted to make sure that was a main problem, because it seemed like even people with weaker lights than me were growing faster.


Active Member
looks like it perked up a bit after being watered less... I'd let it go a bit more like you said...

Check out my plant at 1 day before 3 weeks old to see the size compared to yours (This was at 2 weeks and 6 days)..


And I had just given the plant it's first nutrients 2 or 3 days earlier.. at around 2.5 weeks...

I think a LOT of it depends on the strain to be honest...


Active Member
i water about every other day. 1 red plastic cup full.

i normally stick my finger in the soil, and if i have to put my whole finger in to feel moisture i water. if i stick my finger in and feel moisture right away, i wait.

get some more 5500K-6500K bulbs in there, and keep em like 1"-2" away from the plant. you may have to adjust the lights every day or every other day.

3 weeks to the day in these pics. (2 days ago)


looks like it perked up a bit after being watered less... I'd let it go a bit more like you said...

Check out my plant at 1 day before 3 weeks old to see the size compared to yours (This was at 2 weeks and 6 days)..

View attachment 935377

And I had just given the plant it's first nutrients 2 or 3 days earlier.. at around 2.5 weeks...

I think a LOT of it depends on the strain to be honest...
I hope what you said about the strain is true. Mine is just bagseed to be honest, (i just wanted to see of i could grow it first), because i have done a lot of research on this site and others and don't think i was doing a whole lot wrong. I'll just have to see.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Have you ever checked the pH of the water your using?

I mean your plant doesn't look like it has pH issues, but I was unknowingly watering my plant with water with a pH of 8.2 - once I corrected the plant took OFF! I attached a pic of my plant that I had been watering with a pH of 8.2

My friend had a plant like that under 3 or 4 CFL's, and and it looked like your plant after 3 and a half weeks. (no offence I'm just comparing)

Also, I would go get some socket adapters at Lowes (pictured below), and then go to Wal-Mart and look for a 2 pack of 6500k CFL's for $6 each, I'd reccomend at least 4 for a plant in veg (I used 8 for two plants) To identify the correct light bulb, it says on the front of the box 6500k.

Your plants will love you for that, those socket adapters cost like $2 each.


Active Member
you really dont need alot of lights for veg... i used 1 26watt 6500k bulb the 1st 2 weeks then only added a splitter to add another 26 watt... The attached pix are from day 16 and 21 i think... 21 is on top.. my sig has the link to more pix from start every few days
Day 21 (5).jpg

Day 16.jpg


Active Member
do you have a fan on the plant??? the main stem looks to be a little small compared to the rest.. if not put a small fan blowing on it to help strengthen it up..