Attention Atheist

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Dont post a reply unless you have read the thread. I AM NOT CHRISTIAN.

dude are you a believer or not? stop sitting on the fence, all your posts are pro christian,

you speak of scientists wasting their time to prove you life is acceidental, in one post and your not a christian/believer in the next.

the only person not making sence here is you
Sorry to break it to you all but creation is a fact if you know how to use that brain god gave you, and evolution is fake it is merely adaptation.

look man i didnt set out to put any one down on this site, but you and your little retarded friend, kronic n bars, are unable to express yourselves, in a rational manner, so game on retards.
What the fuck? Are you going to continue with a lame ass joke until someone acknowledges it? Repeating this over and over doesn't do much to our perception of your intelligence especially considering you haven't even commented on what atheists are supposedly stubborn about.

Tell me who is more stubborn. a) The one that alters his worldview when new facts are discovered or b) someone who clings to the veracity of tales from bronze age goat herders IN SPITE of contradictory evidence?

i dont think ezah420 and kronic n bars read this so here it is again
i dont think ezah420 and kronic n bars read this so here it is again


great. if it wasnt for retards like you this site would become boring. so eeeeyyyyyyhhhhoooorrrr as much as you like
alright alright in all honesty though, no one knows for sure if there is a god or not, atheist are more stubborn because there so sure of themselves and cant open there mind to the fact that there might just be some form of a conscious entity out there, whether there is or not i think everyone should enjoy themselves, lay back and spark a fatty for the time being and not give a fuck what everyone else thinks....... is that good enough for you seedman?
alright alright in all honesty though, no one knows for sure if there is a god or not, atheist are more stubborn because there so sure of themselves and cant open there mind to the fact that there might just be some form of a conscious entity out there, whether there is or not i think everyone should enjoy themselves, lay back and spark a fatty for the time being and not give a fuck what everyone else thinks....... is that good enough for you seedman?

yep if you take my quote off the bottom line

but your still a fuck up because you think atheists are more stubborn,

more stubborn than what a radicall quake on the floor christian, i doubt it.

ps how do you know what another person thinks can you read peoples minds... wow ..

but nice to hear you speak lol
So your answer to not knowing the answers is to make up an invisible man in the sky who treats women like property, orders genocide and the rape of children, punishes people for not believing in him AFTER he has already stated that he has hidden himself from them, can't seem to make up his mind about things, yet says "I am the Lord, I change not", but he fucked things up so bad in the PR department he required a do-over.

Not only is it a ridiculous explanation, it's one of the shittiest hack-jobs of fiction to come around in thousands of years. The pornographic scribbles on Roman architecture have more redeeming social value, then that plagiarized and self-aggrandizing shit.

If you're so desperate to have the world believe in your cranky all-powerful hate machine, then put him to work:

i think this sums up how i feel about christianity.... thanks Morgentaler
I'm sorry if I sound offensive, it is not my intent. I'm sure i'll sound like an elitist asshole but you asked so I will answer. I Do believe in the big bang and the scientific fact that the universe is spreading out expodentially fast (because we see them in red meaning they are moving away as opposed to blue meaning they are coming towards us). Ice Astroid theory i'm on the fence about, I dont believe it nor do I not believe it, the cat is both dead AND alive until I have more evidence. If you don't get that reference don't worry about it, google anything you question about what I say and you should find answers. But here is what we can tell so far as to what brought everything about. The big bang was more then just a bang of a dot that sat there, even though religious leaders pressure you to believe this is what scientists are saying. The big bang is actually the moment that both time and space came into existence into this reality together, before that we don't know what it was, we do know what it was made out of or rather what its byproducts were but we don't know how the pieces work together until the big bang. its all theory before that and nobody knows but we do know enough to know it is some sort of natural phenomena way outside our capability to understand yet at this time (but it should be possible in the distant future if technology doesn't get destroyed by religious fundamentalists). That byproduct threw uncountable numbers of tiny particals (forgive me for not knowing which elements they were but helium and hydrogen I believe were a lot of the stuff and a byproduct of the big bang) came together thanks to gravity being a law in our plane of existance, and formed bigger pieces and bigger until you got stars. then stars increase in heat and build up and in their lifecycle explode (thats when all the gold that will ever exist is made, cool fact) and that explosions byproducts gravitate together in the rebirth of the new sun which is smaller as particals orbit around and then gather together forming planets then finally moons. Now these elements with water for some unknown reason when in the right conditions seem to produce life. Life also seems to be happening in places we don't expect (didnt' we just see organisms on an astroid that flew by us this year? I'll look that up later) (also google extremophiles for more info on life that lives without need of sunlight), but we know what elements are needed for life or what we understand currently to be life (just sunlight isn't one of them anymore for last 5 years), and what forms it, we just don't understand the conditions yet that resulted in life, only that it has happend, and the result is that if the time on earth all took place in a year humanities existence would be the last second of the last minute of the last month of the year. the 10,000 years of humans having society and culture that we can prove is only a fraction of that. humans it seems arn't the purpose of earth by any means, but rather a byproduct. Thats how I explain it, if there is something you don't understand please ask. Please dont' respond angry I am not trying to debate religion just answer the question you asked. I'll be happy to answer any more questions you may have.

Why science is superior to religion in my opinion (and i'm sure you'll disagree but i'm not trying to convert you just explain myself because you seemed curious for an answer first poster) is that science backs up its claims with tests upon tests which can be repeated by anybody, religion can't and in fact in many of its claims fail when actually tested by science. I don't totally renounce, nor do I believe that aliens came down and did lots of stuff to make humans build piramids and stuff, BUT that is a much more plausable theory with more evidence backing it up (including the bible, book of enoch talking of space ships coming down "wheels within wheels" etc) then what religion enforcefully claims. The earth is not 10,000 years old and I can prove it with a geology text book (go study geology if you don't believe me and only trust the facts). I know not all christians are ignorant enough to believe that the earth is just 10,000 years old, but the fact that so many are adiment about that belief with no proof when others have proof is like a blind man telling and trying to convince a park full of people that the sky is always Green and never blue and that stars don't shine. It is just embarrasing, that is why many rude scientists come across as rude snobs because they are reacting to that behavior.

I hope this clears up this long thread i'm only now realizing I have not read and is 128 pages long. Hope I helped answer your question about why atheists believe as they do.