whats wrong with my seedling!? HELP ASAP!

Hello roll it up! This is my first grow and i have a Quick Question for you guys. I Started growing 2 diesel ryders and planted them 11 days ago today. i'm really concerned about their health. their first set of leaves are looking extremely droopy and a little curly and dont seem to look very healthy. i need some help determining the problem. Is it heat stress or overwatering? They're in a grow box with good air circulation and reflected walls, in small pots a little bigger than disposable plastic cups, using Fox Farm ocean forrest soil under 4 20Watt daylight CFL's,
24/7 light schedule. Ive been misting them when I feel the soil is running dry. and the temp is 75-80 degrees. Please help. Noone answered my questions on grass city so i thaught i'd try here. Im extremely worried. I've already taken the foil out and replaced it with white paper.

The yellow pot is where my deisel is (pictured above) i just moved it down off the shelf farther from the lights to hopefully reduce heatstress. also checked Ph of all containers and soil was 6.8-7.0.

I just wanna see some growth, ive already started three more On the shelf. its been a week since i planted the germinated seeds, and they began to sprout 2 days ago and now im seeing slow growth still, (leaves open a little-halfway)

please help me as im confused as to what im doing wrong with my first grow, im stressed!

i've already had 3 seedlings die this week and i dont want this one to aswell, i spent lots of money on this grow and on seeds..


Well-Known Member
Also i personally use 18/6 as plants release their toxins etc during the dark cycle and roots grow. How would you feel being awake 24/7??? Like shit i guess lol.

get them on 18/6 and check RH.

I checked my Ph and its 7.0 on for all pots
just started their 18/6 light schedule as we speak, although i hear 24 hours is good for autoflowering strains?


New Member
I can see all the nutes laying there on top of the soil...looks like you didnt fully germinate the seed and you introduced it to nutrient rich soil that it couldn't handle....hopefully it will survive...just keep the humidity up


Well-Known Member
What do you have them potted in? Have you given them any nutes?

Seedlings don't need to be fed for the first few weeks of life. You could be killing them by overfeeding.


Well-Known Member
yeah i added some soaked paper towels in cups aswell to conroll humidity.

So do you guys think its heatstress or could it be something else?
Listen to Jondamon and give them some sleep, at least 4 hours, I use 6. Your ph seems fine, temps good. I personally think they are too close to the lights at such a young age. Back them off the light somehow for awhile and make sure your soil is dry as a bone before re-watering. They look stressed and too much heat directly on them. Tiny lil seedlings need time to plunge their tap root down and grow a root system, they will do what yours is doing if things are too intense, light, heat, water, etc... Take it down a notch whether it's moving them entirely or just putting them outside the box so they get less light, heat, blah blah blah... good luck they should live and recover ~ BCbuddy


Active Member
I havnt given them any nutes and they're in fox farm ocean forrest soil.

will she be able to survive?
She could. Keep her under a clear dome of some kind to keep the humidity up... Yes, the humidity is relative. :roll: She also doesn't need to be in direct lighting. If she's an autoflower strain, then yes, 24hrs is fine. But 18/6 wouldn't hurt. You'd save a little on your electric bill and I doubt those extra six hours a day give you a whole bunch more yield... even in autoflowering strains.

Hope this helps.
Good luck.


Active Member
hell i dont know? something isnt right there but its young... give it a chance and pray to the weed gods is all i can say.. and dont over water..