Well-Known Member
Good post, I do the same thing.I'm pretty disgusted with all mainstream media.MSNBC is the liberal version of fox and is just as bad IMO. I try to get my news from a variety of sources, both liberal and conservative as well as more traditionally unbiased sources. It helps get a better, more rounded view of events and I can make up my own mind instead of having my opinion fed to me by some hot blonde.
There's nobodies opinion to follow/get pissed at/cry about on NatGeo...they take half the facts and twist them into twice the truths. why would anyone watch any of those news shows i have no clue. might as well put on some "Rock of Love" or something. it is just another type of drama.
what's wrong with the NatGeo channel?
I tune in every once in a while just to see the bullshit they're passing next...
The other day I turned it to Fox and they had Tucker Carlson doing some "reporting" about a Liberal professor who wrote the books the college kids were studying from, basically trying to make the entire thing look as if all they were getting is some insanely left wing liberal education (reinforcing the CRAZY CONSERVATIVE IDEA perpetuated by Fox -talk about fuckin' conspiracy theories! - that the liberal universities are indoctrinating all the youth with ideas like evolution and the teachings of Thomas Jefferson, like separation of church and state, OH NO!). So the whole time I'm interested in the supposed lies the guy wrote in the books, then they finally show one page and Carlson gives a little description "see he says right here that only one person was convicted for the 2001 terrorist attacks..." then a little more "reporting", they show some other "reporter" street mobbing the guy for an interview on his way to work, he doesn't talk to Fox, then everyone assumes he's guilty, switch back to Carlson reading the rest of the description... "...but we know that over 100 people have been convicted of terrorist attacks on the United States..." .... .......... .......... Did you catch that?? In the first segment he said "the 2001 terrorist attacks"... then after they show the guy getting mobbed and switch back 30 seconds later after the audience forgets the line it's just "terrorist attacks"...
They pull this shit ALL THE TIME. Every single time I watch something on Fox they do it.
Straight up deceit right there in full view. The retarded audience who buys the shit anyway doesn't bother to pay attention and never catches it, then when someone points it out, he's a LIBERAL SOCIALIST!!! AHHFGHG!!