good luck man, fingers crossed 4 ya!
I cant beleve usa is nearly legal and uk is so strict, grrrr! lol where is the war on drugs gone?
im ozzie, im also overthe goverments bullshit lol. im sick of paying a new fine strait after i finish another one and watching my babies taken... its right out thevery but legal cos they have a nice uniform and badge, sometimes its like all thats missing is the im a cock head tatood to there forehead.
though to an extent the police are just doing there job but why cant they bust someone that deserves it im a medical cannabis smoker, i rarely drink and havent touched anything else except my presscription meds for two and a half years now. i have had me a many run in with the law but i must admit they are just doing there job most of the time and the world would be ffucked without em but there are just some right out pricks that dont deserve any kind of respect let alone a badge.
like the prick that tried to stand over me and then when it didnt work he tried to bribe me, told him to shove it its not even mine or his money to be fucking with

andshove his broibe ill see him in court. miraculously hes changed to another station now (made it hard to get my evidence, hehe and got the money back) fancy the nerve of him trying to tahows thke my girlfriends money.
ive already admitted guilty to my impliment and the half gram i had left in my tin they found. hell they were even nicce enough put in the sharge that i use it as a medicine. well they had to its all i refered to it as lol
but yeah thanks man
ya can take a look at my work m8, might give ya an idea.
It was inspired by this thread
hehe ill be looking at that thread again soon more than likely, hows it working so far its been a few days now are they looking healtheir. you said they were showing signs of nitrogen deficiency i think it was. this is normal in flower but not as is happening in your case, i think one more nice nitrogen fix coulda been ok.
hormones work to bro, theres a good product i know of but yeah dont advise because theres been little prolonged test into human consumption but heaps of people use it none the less. its always being sold out lol
thank you, very detailed stuff. so basically just add that to the soil as a like liquid nute but more hands on and organic?
also look at my girls thread to understand it. just type jesters missus and you will find it under her threads.
youll be able to answer your own question. and understand why some ferts that say low numbers are still good. i beleve that relates to your question in a way too.

.. wel in a roundabout way lol