I didn't say he was in flowering by any stretch of the imagination. I merely offered some knowledge that most gardeners (of any variety of flowering/fruiting plants) knows: fruiting time is not the time to prune anything that isn't completely dead (exceptions exist). You're very correct in saying that OP did not state that he is in flowering, and I by no means said he was. I simply offered valid advice.
You're the one that suggested cutting off any damaged leaf without a mention of the photoschedule of the plants in question. This is absolutely awful advice. In fact, right before harvest many fan leaves curl and dry as nutrients are pulled out of them. This is a natural occurrence in many cannabis strains as the plants approach the end of their lives. Per your advice, OP should cut off every browning leaf right before harvest because "damaged leaves will eventually die."
Have you ever dripped a bit of nutrient solution on a leaf? It will likely cause a small brown spot on the leaf when it dries. This leaf may live until harvest just fine despite the damage, and as it lives it will continue to fuel plant growth and development. Removal of this leaf would have hurt yield unless it was completely blocking a more viable leaf (unlikely).
In short, use discretion OP! You may attack your plants in veg, but be very conservative on pruning in flower. Furthermore, completely removing a partially damaged leaf will result in an overall loss of energy for the plant. Fan leaves fuel cannabis. Unless a leaf is easily removable, the plant probably still wants it and CAN PULL NUTES FROM IT.
Hope this advice helps.