LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the first grow you had the yeild was not that bad for 1 plant under a 250w cfl

do you know your yeild for the current setup


Well-Known Member
ahsux u had to trash some plants but hey just try to stay legal, i know its hard with the laws though, they are all stupid and shit. i always try to stay at the legal limit though, i walk around with my indoor plants outside somtimes and live right in the city, i dont mind if some one sees because 1 im legal and 2 i have a pitbull and really good locks on my doors. and i dont mind takin out someone myself from time to time. and it sounds like you have been gettin alot of purps lately, now u just need to get a purple strain. and yes a female that isnt a plant is always nice to spend some time and money on. cant put plants before life. and thats a pretty funny lil story about the party guys, everyone make sit out to be really hard for some reason i even did to when i first started growing cuz i thought everything needed to be perfect
Yea man, it sucked! But it's worth it to stay legal! lol, that's funny I have a Boxer/Pitbull mix so I'm not worried about THOSE kind of unexpected visitors! lol, More the kind with guns and badges..... lol, And I have been getting alot of purps! I REALLY like it alot! But what I REALLY REALLY want is a purp strain like you were saying!.. lol, I use to think just like those guys, that it's hard as fuck to grow. But really as long as you do a little research it's not that hard at all!...

the first grow you had the yeild was not that bad for 1 plant under a 250w cfl

do you know your yeild for the current setup
Yea my first grow I got about 40g's total dry off that 1 plant. And I'm using the exact same set-up for this grow, I just have more plants now.

I have not weighed the first plants I cut down because they were Schwagseed, and I harvested early because I was out of smoke. I'd guess I got around an O. I dunno, I'll weigh whatever's left of it tomorrow night.

I'm still not sure what my TOTAL weight is going to end up being. I just harvested and am now drying the Strawberry Cough. I'm guessing I'm going to get a bit more than 40g's off that plant. It's got some HUGE nugs! But won't know untill it's dry and I weigh it.

I've got another plant that's the same strain as my first grow. It's flowering right now in that room aswell, it's still got another 2 weeks lift though, I just started the flush yesterday.

So I won't know total dry weight for another 3 weeks. But I will most definitely post it when I know.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i ask this because
you yeilds sound very compareable to hps of the same watts
if your getting a oz per plant
4 plants
250 watts of cfls
100 g possible yeild not bad
thats a little less then .5g per watt
if you tweek the system maybe get more
do you add co2 and any bud fatting nutes


Active Member
No doubt on the party. That's good shit.
Sorry you had to scrap some plants. I kinda did the same with one. I'm allowed to have six but was runnin with seven cause I told my homey I'd grow one for em if he lent me the money to buy the ac. I wanted to still get my six,but I ended up gettin a little parenoid and took one outdoors. Bummed a little,cause I'll only end up with 5 but fuck it. It was worth the unit,it has saved my girls. Without it I wouldn't have even ended up with 5 at all. You gotta at least get some bud pics of the Strawberry. You know I wanna see it. I think I might get some seeds and try to do some breeding in the third grow from now. Was gonna do it next but I gotta tend to the outdoor,and won't have time. Tell me what you think. Gonna cross Pure Kush and Strawberry Caugh. Call it Pure Caugh. We'll see. For now enjoy the smokin.
Oh,and your new girl.


Well-Known Member
hey hooked, if the pigs ever do come by for any reason about marijauna and try to question you dont let them, just tell them u want a lawayer cuz all they will try to do since you legal is jam u up


Active Member
My plants started out a lil' droopy too, but I found that once they started to eat more, then were drooping I wondered if it was an over watering thing, and the plant just couldn't use all the food it was getting so it was fat....kinda like some people.

Just my thoughts, I'm far from pro and have no solid proof, just an analysis. Plants are looking great thou.


EDIT: Also, I was wondering if you might know of a good place to learn about LST.
Your results are incredible, and I was wondering where you might have gotten your start?


Well-Known Member
i ask this because
you yeilds sound very compareable to hps of the same watts
if your getting a oz per plant
4 plants
250 watts of cfls
100 g possible yeild not bad
thats a little less then .5g per watt
if you tweek the system maybe get more
do you add co2 and any bud fatting nutes
Hey thanks the shit!
I was actually wrong, I forgot that I added 2 more lights for this grow since there were 4 plants instead of one. So I'm actually using 300 watts instead of 250. Still ALL cfl though.
Yes, the nutes I use are MG All Purpose Plant food for veg, and MG Bloom Booster for flower. And for fattening up buds I use molasses quite a bit in flower.
Yes, I also do use co2, but just those little DIY sugar and yeast make shift co2 bottles. I'd love a real co2 system!

No doubt on the party. That's good shit.
Sorry you had to scrap some plants. I kinda did the same with one. I'm allowed to have six but was runnin with seven cause I told my homey I'd grow one for em if he lent me the money to buy the ac. I wanted to still get my six,but I ended up gettin a little parenoid and took one outdoors. Bummed a little,cause I'll only end up with 5 but fuck it. It was worth the unit,it has saved my girls. Without it I wouldn't have even ended up with 5 at all. You gotta at least get some bud pics of the Strawberry. You know I wanna see it. I think I might get some seeds and try to do some breeding in the third grow from now. Was gonna do it next but I gotta tend to the outdoor,and won't have time. Tell me what you think. Gonna cross Pure Kush and Strawberry Caugh. Call it Pure Caugh. We'll see. For now enjoy the smokin.
Oh,and your new girl.
Haha yea don't worry man I'll DEF get some bud pix of the Strawberry Cough! SO delish looking! just COVERED in trich's!

My plants started out a lil' droopy too, but I found that once they started to eat more, then were drooping I wondered if it was an over watering thing, and the plant just couldn't use all the food it was getting so it was fat....kinda like some people.

Just my thoughts, I'm far from pro and have no solid proof, just an analysis. Plants are looking great thou.


EDIT: Also, I was wondering if you might know of a good place to learn about LST.
Your results are incredible, and I was wondering where you might have gotten your start?
Well when I first started I read about all the different techniques. Then I decided to go with LST. And I read about every single bit of information on LST that I could find around 6 different cannabis forums! That is how I learne the great way of LST! I'll post a couple links here for you to check out that I bet will help grately!

This first one was started by my buddie on here that you've probably seen in this journal, McPurple:
Lost of good LST pix and shit like that!

This one was one of my favorites. Now you don't have to fallow the guide exactly, you can really tie down whichever branch wherever you want. It's just a superb example!
The trick is tieing the MAIN growth tip lower than the rest of the growing tips, causing them to grow faster, thus making for more mail colas and an even canopy. I would never grow a plant with CFL's WITHOUT LST!

And this one was by FAR my favorite one strictly for the pictures!!!!! Click on this link and scroll down untill you see the post by "McBudz" and check out his LST

And if you have any specific questions you can ask them in the first link. Or PM me or something and I'll help you the best I can!

Het thanks MC and DT for the legal advice! It's grately apperciated! I'll keep that in mind most definitely!

Alright gusy so I took some bud pix of the Schwagseed. I was pissed off cuz I had just enough time to get a pic of all the buds next to a Bic lighter for size comparison. And then my camera DIED! So I couldn't get any close-up, it was agrivated! haha, but had no more batteries. So I'll have to get the close-ups another time.
~Anyways here's a pic of what's left of the 2 Swagseed plants that were harvested about 2 weeks early. It's all good though because I haven't been spending any money on weed which fucking ROCKS! I've been smoking on it for the past 2 weeks so this is what I have left, and it get's me pretty fuckin baked, so I can't complain!
Oh and I haven't even weighed it yet so I wouldn't even have a guess! lol


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
100g is still not bad for 300w
get some real co2
seal that room up tight as frog's pussy (thats waterproof)
you should be able to get 200 eazy


Well-Known Member
dont say a word boy not one WORD!!

watch and learn watch it all
very good vedoe i watched it a few times awhile ago along with a few others.

and nice harvest hooked, man with the results your getting with these cfls is great, it make sme wanna see u get a hps in there or a bigger room for a bigger light then u would have more pot then u could handle, im still smokin on my shishkaberry got about 6 ozs left of it, but i have also been havin weed from my grower and ive been smokin on that so the shishka cures long. oh and hey great lst links i really like the show me what u got lst thread, haha j/k its mine, but really i like the other 2 lst links always good to sea some new stuff i seen the second one but the last link is new to me thanks for sharin that the more info the reading i figure the more ill learn even if i think i know it all already even thoug i dont


Well-Known Member
100g is still not bad for 300w
get some real co2
seal that room up tight as frog's pussy (thats waterproof)
you should be able to get 200 eazy
Hahahahahahaha, Thanks man, I'll see what I can do!

very good vedoe i watched it a few times awhile ago along with a few others.

and nice harvest hooked, man with the results your getting with these cfls is great, it make sme wanna see u get a hps in there or a bigger room for a bigger light then u would have more pot then u could handle, im still smokin on my shishkaberry got about 6 ozs left of it, but i have also been havin weed from my grower and ive been smokin on that so the shishka cures long. oh and hey great lst links i really like the show me what u got lst thread, haha j/k its mine, but really i like the other 2 lst links always good to sea some new stuff i seen the second one but the last link is new to me thanks for sharin that the more info the reading i figure the more ill learn even if i think i know it all already even thoug i dont
Man I'd REALLY love to upgrade to an HPS aswell!!!!! I can't even imagine how much fun that would be! I'm moving into a house within a yea, and you bet your ASS i'll be getting me an HPS then if not sooner!
lol, and I feel you on just reading to learn more and more, even if you think you've seen it all, your usually gonna find something new somewhere! lol, the more you know the better! That's how I see it anyways.


Well-Known Member
Alright my peeps some pix of the Strawberry Cough curing.

And then a group shot of all the bud I have ATM. The Srawberry cough labeled as SC and the bagseed labeled as BS. I haven't done any weighing yet. I just don't feel like taking ALL of that out of the jars to weigh it, and then have to put it ALL back in the jars..... It's just not something I feel like doing. I probably will end up doing it, am just putting it off because I really don't want to! haha, anyways enjoy fellas!

Lacy is coming down next weekend I'm thinking. I started giving her ONLY water and molasses about a week and a half ago. I figure I'll feed just water and molasses untill a few days before I harvest then I'll give her a BIG flush. I'm actually starting to get some purple leaves and a bit of purple on the nugs! Just noticed it the other day, it's freaking B-E-A-Utiful looking! I can ONLY hope that these buds turn more purple somehow! lol, I wanna grow purple NUGS DAMNIT!

Man so I just realized that I fucking SUCK at getting bud shots! I can only get a decent pic if I tape my scope onto my camera! How the fuck to people get these dank looking bud shots! All I want is a picture to show what my EYES are seeing, and nothing is coming remotely close to that.....

lol, Enjoy all!



Well-Known Member
to get better bud shots turn the flash off and have good lighting in the room. also on alot of cameras if you slowly push the pic button down it will focus and then beep when it has the best view then you push the rest the way down... hope this helps everythings looking good lol hope one day i got enough smoke laying around that im to lazy to even weigh what i got +rep if i can


Active Member
Oh yeah,true that. Hold the pic button down halfway for a second or 2. A little light should pop on or cahange color. Than take the pic.


Well-Known Member
hey hooked man looks like u got your self a nice stash now for your self. and i cant take pics worth a dam either and i have tried alot im gettin better now though. and if you plant has started to purp then she will most likely continue to do so alot of purps or color full strains dont show colors till the flush and then they come out kinda like in october when fall is here all the trees leaves change right before they fall. u can also lower the temps to help it out but i think she will get more purple if she continues to grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody thanks for the words, I'll see if I can get some legit bud shots tonight, I'll listen to what you guys said and see if that'll work. Here's hoping!

And yea MC, she's really starting to purp up now! She's been flushed for about 2 weeks, and there is actually quite a bit of purple coming out! I planned on chopping her down either last night or sat night but I just couldn't man! I have to see how much purp she can develope, because I'm freaking LOVING how this plant looks! Just GORGEOUS!

So Here's a few pix of Lacy, turning purp and shit. Flushed for 2 weeks so far. Was gonna chop, but just couldn't, I want MORE purple! So maybe next weekend..... We'll see... lol

Oh yea, so I decided to break down and do a little bit of weighing over the weekend during my spare time. So:
~Strawberry Cough yeilded me 43G's dry
~Schwagseed yeilded me 25G's dry (After being smoked on for 3 weeks)
~Haven't harvested Lacy yet, but will weigh once dry and give a final, TOTAL weight.

Ok, so usually I smoke about an 8th a week. So let's just say that I've smoked about 1/4 ounce of me swagseed thus far. Which is 7G's. I will GUARENTEE YOU that I've smoked mroe than that, but I don't want to feel like I'm cheating when I try to calculate my gram/watt ratio. So let's just say I got a total of 30G's off that swagseed plant. Do you guys think that would be a fare estimate?..

That would leave me with 73G's off 300W of CFL's THUS far. Still have my biggest plant (I think) to harvest yet, so we'll see what my final weigh in is. Either way I'm a happy camper! :)



Well-Known Member
hey man she is lookin great, whats the trichs like on her. i thin ki would chop here ina few days. u could put her in the cold to purple her up some over night. and i dont think your grams per watt matter to much cuz you have done some of the best cfl growing i have seen so great work bro and keep it up and smoke it up. i would be very happy to. would plus rep again but cant

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i'm loving it, your math is 100%
75g form 300w is good
and you say you have 1 more big one (which look like 30+ ez)
if you had to guess what would you say