(JOURNAL) FIRST TIME GROWING. First stage of vegging. (PICS)


:leaf:Hi guys. Just thought id show you my first little baby. Would just like to know if she looks healthy and how close i need to keep my cfl's to the top. im worried about stretching!

:leaf:I planted my Germinated seed on 07/05/10 it is now 10/05/10 and the plant has its first green roundlets.

:leaf:How long roughly am i looking at feeding it only water? and any suggestions for what nutes i should buy

:leaf:At the moment i am currently vegging under 2 20 watt cfl's i already have my grow room setup with a 600 watt hps light and need to know when to switch form the cfl's to the hps?

:weed: Any Help Or Suggestions Would be Very Helpful As All I Know About Growing Is From What I Have Seen In Books And Videos:weed:




:leaf:Hi guys. Just thought id show you my first little baby. Would just like to know if she looks healthy and how close i need to keep my cfl's to the top. im worried about stretching!

:leaf:I planted my Germinated seed on 07/05/10 it is now 10/05/10 and the plant has its first green roundlets.

:leaf:How long roughly am i looking at feeding it only water? and any suggestions for what nutes i should buy

:leaf:At the moment i am currently vegging under 2 20 watt cfl's i already have my grow room setup with a 600 watt hps light and need to know when to switch form the cfl's to the hps?

:weed: Any Help Or Suggestions Would be Very Helpful As All I Know About Growing Is From What I Have Seen In Books And Videos:weed:

So far, things look okay to me. I mean, pictures are always hard to read from thousands of miles away.

At the start, you don't need to give the plants any nutes until about 4 weeks into the grow. That seems to be when plants are starting to get thirsty for the nutrients.

Personally, I really like Advanced Nutrients for nutes.

Some of my faves are:

Sensi A&B
Voodoo Juice
Big Bud
Bud Candy

Sometimes Overdrive and Sensizym

But you might hear from other folks about their favorite nutes. When you're a beginner, I think a 3 part system is actually easier: Grow-Micro-Bloom from AN. This way, you can tweak things as needed for each stage of growth.

You need to keep the plants in as much light as possible at this point for the vegging portion of the growth. Once you start to have more dark time than light time, that's when the flowering will begin.

You can veg for a long time if you want, but that's not really the fun part, is it? LOL

As for lighting, so far things sound good, but you don't need to worry so much about lighting, in my opinion. Right now, see how the plants do and then change up your lighting if they seem to need more or less.

And, yeah, I learned most of my growing skills from books and videos, so there's nothing wrong with it. You just need to try some things out and realize that you're going to mess up from time to time. NO ONE has a perfect grow - no matter what they tell you.



Thanks for the reply mate. Ihave heard nothing but good things about advanced nutrients. Can you get it in a 3 part? And do you jst follow instructions on bottle of nutes as I have heard you need only quater strength at first. I'm really excited about this grow just wish I had more than 1 plant. :(


Also how are you supposed to tell if you have given the plant too much or not enough nutes? And if a 3 part how u knw how much to add of each? I think the nutes is going to be the tricky one to get my head around....


Well-Known Member
Also how are you supposed to tell if you have given the plant too much or not enough nutes? And if a 3 part how u knw how much to add of each? I think the nutes is going to be the tricky one to get my head around....
Hey paulio,

You would be best off getting a nute range that is all inclusive ie vegetative nutrients and flowering nutrients. Its best to under nute plants as too much is a VERY quick way of killing your little girl :)

Start out with 1/8th of the reccomended dosage until you reach your optimum. nobody can advise you of how much and when . every strain and every environment is different so unfortunately you will have to watch your girl (assuming it is a girl) very carefully and slowly slowly but surely increase the amount of food she gets. If you're using pre-fertilised soil it might take a long time until your plants need food, again, only you will know when .

18 hours of light 6 hours of dark is the generally used light period for pot. although yet again , try for yourself, some people say 20/4 works, others use 24/0 and swear by it. its what works best for you mate.

for flowering 12/12 usually throws the plant into flowering as it thinks the days are getting shorter and fall is coming.

leave the cfl on ur plant until it gets a little bigger then veg it under the hps, it will work, i know most ppl say blue spectrum but iv seen MJ vegged under hps with great success. she will grow much faster under the hps. if u can, use both lights in there it will only accelerate growth.

Hope iv helped
Fox farms grow big and superthrive is what i use during veg and fox farms tiger bloom for flower. My plants love the grow big great growth when mixed with the superthrive which aides in root development for a larger canopy. The tiger bloom is fairly potent I have learned and a little goes a long way my nugs all grow very dense and strong.


Guys i have a big problem!!! i just checked my little baby and realised that there is a root poking out the side of my little dirt pod ( one of them ones that you submerge in water and they expand. do i need to get it into a pot asap???



Well-Known Member
i wold say get her in a bigger pot (something she cant escape :D) not too big tho u dont want her to drown in a huge pot when u water her. if roots are exposed to light they "dont feel very well" and start to turn brown they like it in the warm dark soil. not the end of the world but i would do it sooner rather than later m8

also feminised seeds are either garunteed female or hermaphrodites, if u dont stress them out they usually stay female though