Ghetto Micro Grow, 1st CFL try, official noob journal


Active Member
Since i cant change my title of my old thread to make it into a journal that will catch people's attention and get more advice in my thread, i'm making an actual journal, instead of salvaging an old thread that was for something else.

Im using bag seed

So here goes


growing space:
of 18" deep, 24" wide, 30" tall

4x 18w 1200 lumen 6500K
1x 42w 2700 lumen 2700K

18/6 for approximately 4-6 weeks, then 12/12
Potted in 11"w x 8"t azalea pot.
Soil is Sta-Green potting mix. with trace amounts of nutes, all less <1%

Pictures do not show it, but there is a fan in the grow space with the plant. About a 8-10 inch fan. it pulls air thorugh the crack on the right and pushes it out the hole in the top (see attached pics)

Water every other day right now. about 1/2 a red plastic cup.

Here are all the pics i have so far, any pics after this will be in subsequent posts...

The pictures are from finding the sprout growing in a planter outside, up-rooting it, transplanting into grow area, and pics up to 12 days from seed. Today marks 2 weeks from seed.

Im calling this 420 bud cause it was either on 420 or the day after when the plant first showed up. I found it on the 21st but looked like it was a day or so old.:leaf:

I AM NOT switching to any other form of light than CFL, thats why im in the CFL section, please dont tell me to switch to MH or HPS cause im not. I cant.


looking good dude
got the same amount of space and started the same time...well see how both of ours compare!!
should have a thread started soon
keep it up!!


Active Member
i posted a thread about this issue earlier but with no real explanation

why does my plant point up like this at night? it starts to do it towards lights off (5 min from now) and then flattens out during the day, then points up again later....why?

compare the pic in my last post with this one. they are just hours apart



Active Member
i had thought about going 24/0 but i read somewhere that a night cycle helps with growth? that the plants do some type of production at night even though the lights arent some sort of fiber production? i dont recall exactly what it was... but ive seen pictures of 24/0 plants on here that looked just fine too


Well-Known Member
i think what u were asking about is your plant stretching and growing..... as far as pointing up and then flattening.....


Active Member
thats what i thought, but someone in another thread said it may have to do with temp and humidity? cause it only folds up at itcurls up at night and opens during the day?


Active Member
about 2 1/2 weeks from seed

lots of new undergrowth

i gave double its normal water yesterday, and it is responding very well. i think i may have been under watering a bit before cause there is still nice growth and no drooping at all...infact i had to raise the lights today, it had about 1/4 inch until it would have been touching the nearest bulb, i dont wanna burn it.

also, i planted it in the middle of the pot, but its moved itself a bit? im afraid to try to move it back though, i dont wanna mess the roots up. thats why i planted it in the size pot its in, so i wouldn't have to transplant



Active Member
i think i have a little bit of light burn...i raised the lights yesterday cause the plant was close, but i didnt think it had touched. i went to water the plant and i noticed some burn on the leaves?

does this look like light burn? or something else?

not nutes have been givin. just water and all purpose potting soil



Well-Known Member
is that the first set of fan leaves? for the record, my first 5 sets of fan leaves eventually died and fell off or were clipped so dont be too worried