Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Well-Known Member
Hey Pc, forgot to answer your Q on my thread about what you can grow on your balcony. Well if it's south facing perhaps if you are quick enough, get some strawberry's planted. Good for planting in pots!! Also a couple of tomatoe plants wouldn't go a miss. This is the month to get most of the fruiting plants down. You could also opt for some root veggies if you are concerned about the cold. Get a big 5 gallon pot and grow some potatoes, or some summer carrots or something like that. I have a doc that details what month you can plant what in so when I find that I'll try and remember to post it up.

Peace, DST


Active Member
Hey Pc, forgot to answer your Q on my thread about what you can grow on your balcony. Well if it's south facing perhaps if you are quick enough, get some strawberry's planted. Good for planting in pots!! Also a couple of tomatoe plants wouldn't go a miss. This is the month to get most of the fruiting plants down. You could also opt for some root veggies if you are concerned about the cold. Get a big 5 gallon pot and grow some potatoes, or some summer carrots or something like that. I have a doc that details what month you can plant what in so when I find that I'll try and remember to post it up.

Peace, DST
I went to the plant school today and I got, tomato plant, 3 kinds of strawbellies and 1 kind of "small strawbellies" (we have a another word for these here), 3 potatoes, oregano, parsley and basil ;) Ima go plant them now...pics later!

My goodie tray ;)



Well-Known Member
I went to the plant school today and I got, tomato plant, 3 kinds of strawbellies and 1 kind of "small strawbellies" (we have a another word for these here), 3 potatoes, oregano, parsley and basil ;) Ima go plant them now...pics later!

My goodie tray ;)

They are all going to love a South facing balcony that gets a lot of fresh air (plants don't always need intense direct sunshine all day!) But for toms it sure will help, hehe, cool. look forward to the pics (did you get seeds or clones haha?)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hi mate got some HB on the go, also gifted from a friend ;) will come back and check u out properly when i'm a little less tired lol.


Active Member
hi mate got some HB on the go, also gifted from a friend ;) will come back and check u out properly when i'm a little less tired lol.
Aren't friends the best! :mrgreen: You're welcome back anytime ;)

(did you get seeds or clones haha?)
I cheated...I got clones! :-P 1:30 am...time to go up to the attic and see if I have more pots, the 3 strawbellies haven't been planted yet. If I don't have any more pots, I'm sure my neighbours have some :fire:


Active Member
The weather isn't warm enough to put plants out on the balcony yet. I found 3 more pots in my attic storage for the strawberries, but gonna have to buy some buckets for the potatoes.

The HB's now have roots all the way down the 3 gallon pots and I started feeding them from the bottom too. They have taken off now that I introduced them to more light and heavier watering. The soil still is a bit too hot, but this is the recipe I will use for bloom fer sure + nutes. Make no misstake, they are thriving, but my "trained eye" tells me it's a tad too hot. Now I also reveal what was under the humidity dome ;) It's a flowering clone taken at 28 days of 12/12 from one of my bubblegums, kept it under 19/5 light as the HB's and it has a great root structure and has started to reveg now, 10 days have passed since I cut it. It's gonna be my first outdoor plant and I plan to put it on my balcony, keep it short and scrog it :-P For days w bad weather I can take it inside and under HPS.

Sec ima load up some pics!



Well-Known Member
What sort of temps you get up there at this time of year?

Now I can see the pics, yah!


Active Member
Well were I live we have pretty much the same climate as you have. Its around 7-15C and the nights are too cold. Soon as its sunny, ima start "hardening" the plants off by putting them outside and them take them in for the night. Around 15-16 May is time to put them out fer the summer. You know I could be in Amsterdam in 2-3 hours from door to door. The flight would take less than 1 hour to Schiphol, I'll pop by late summer?


Morning pic of the HB's

NL + the remaining 5 Bubblegums, cut one down 24h ago. The group of four Bubblegums to the right are at day 39 of 12/12, the small Bubblegum in front of the NL is at day 59 and will go another 3-7 days, the NL been in 12/12 since March 2, 68 days and by the looks yet another 14 days wich will make it a total of 82 days of flower...holy!



Well-Known Member
Well were I live we have pretty much the same climate as you have. Its around 7-15C and the nights are too cold. Soon as its sunny, ima start "hardening" the plants off by putting them outside and them take them in for the night. Around 15-16 May is time to put them out fer the summer. You know I could be in Amsterdam in 2-3 hours from door to door. The flight would take less than 1 hour to Schiphol, I'll pop by late summer?


Morning pic of the HB's

Amsterdam welcomes all visitors Cal!!!


Active Member
Amsterdam welcomes all visitors Cal!!!
Hehe sounds nice! Was a few years since I had the pleasure of visiting dutch country. ;) 9 am and the bakery just opened. Gonna grab my newspaper and go get some breakfast...mmmm fresh baked bread and some fresh juice, don't you just love weekends?


Well-Known Member
Waking and baking, muesli, dates (daddels), strawbs/banana, and a cup of Earl Grey to finish off!! With a joint of course > Casey Jones, energised high, tingly body buzz, mix of highly intense sweet/sour flavour to it (kinda reminded me of sour cream). A very smooth smoke indeed. The best time of the day to catch a buzz. I am an early riser in case you wondered.
Shame I had to have breakfast inside, overcast and raining a little here. Not doing my greenhouse girls much good. I got a whole bunch of guerrila seedlings that are going out into the wild. They are getting aclimatised for a couple of weeks before they get set free.


Active Member
Waking and baking, muesli, dates (daddels), strawbs/banana, and a cup of Earl Grey to finish off!! With a joint of course > Casey Jones, energised high, tingly body buzz, mix of highly intense sweet/sour flavour to it (kinda reminded me of sour cream). A very smooth smoke indeed. The best time of the day to catch a buzz. I am an early riser in case you wondered.
Shame I had to have breakfast inside, overcast and raining a little here. Not doing my greenhouse girls much good. I got a whole bunch of guerrila seedlings that are going out into the wild. They are getting aclimatised for a couple of weeks before they get set free.
Nice start on a Saturday ;) First smoke of the day is the best...often it sends me back to bed for another 2-3 hours if it's a heavy Indica like my Bubblegum, so nice to crawl back into bed on a day off. But I like that :mrgreen: on weekends...

Yeah soon as balcony season starts Ima spend a lot of time there. Bakery was open but I decided it was cosier having breakfast at home. 2 slices of bread, one w my fav cheese and one w smoked ham and tomatoes and some salt, a glass of milk, a glas of high end vanilla yoghurt (real vanilla, not crap artificial) and to finnish off a cup of Darjeeling and a spliff Bubblegum...wish my NL was finnished, dried and cured cuz that high is really nice on the first half of your awaken hours :leaf:


Active Member
As I just woke up I thought to myself to look at the trichs of the NL, hadn't done that yet! Day 70 and all trichs are "milky" and probably around 25-30% of the hairs are browning and the calyxes are super swollen. Not at all like my bubblegum, they brown off most of their hairs before it's fully swollen and trichs are milky. Time to flush! Just carried her to the tub and now its time to flush that 7,5 gallon pot...can't wait till I have Headbands on the go :-P Time to get to work, a lot of water to pH...sigh.



Active Member
Sups people? Mid week 5 and the girls are doing super! Busy day gardening, but here's a pictorial update.




New Member
Nice looking plants man,
There's quite some diff in the shoot growth, 1 has nice big strong 1's and the other barely any.
I hope the 1 with all the nice shoots isn't male


Active Member
Nice looking plants man,
There's quite some diff in the shoot growth, 1 has nice big strong 1's and the other barely any.
I hope the 1 with all the nice shoots isn't male
Thank you. I think these are femmed seeds I fergot?! But in case it's a male I have that reverting bubblegum clone ;) What doesn't make me think it's a male is that it has gone soon 5 weeks and it's not stretching vertical, both of them are more "widening" out, haven't raised the lights in like 3 days. *crossing fingers*