If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

No I don't want to speed dry, I want it too take the usual 5-7 days
I just wanted a 2nd opinion on if having all the fans on would dry them out too quickly or not
and if having intake fans would be enough or if that wouldn't be enough
No I don't want to speed dry, I want it too take the usual 5-7 days
I just wanted a 2nd opinion on if having all the fans on would dry them out too quickly or not
and if having intake fans would be enough or if that wouldn't be enough

Just hang them on a washing line and dry them away from direct sunlight with just a basic oscillating fan to recirculate the air.
You dont want to have the fan directly blowing on them all you want to do is keep the air moving with a fan at room temp 18-20*
I have a 2.58 x 2.58 x 7 foot Growlab grow tent
the light reflector/hood is half way up the tent
do you think that there would be too much light in the upper part of the tent to hang and dry bud from it while other plants are growing?
humidity and temp (at least in the upper half of the tent) are between 75 and 80, with humidity between 40 and 50

the only other place I can hang and dry is in a pc Growbox, and either it goes in the tent and gets too heated up from the light, or it blows air into the tent, possibly leaking a bunch of smell outside of the tent

PS: 400w hps with its own fan and air supply. I'm hoping maybe if i even throw up some kind of black material around the top half that it would be good enough then for them to dry up there.
The O.P is trying to do something with his time and you cant knock him for that even if you think the thread is of no use to you it may be helpful to many of the viewers thats read it.
Yea I would say don't hang them where there is a big of light, you will risk messing up your THC. I would just hang them in your grow box with the lights off and a fan in there to keep the air "fresh" because if you don't have air flow you chance but rot or mold. You may be able to do the black plastic but remember heat rises. If you have good air flow through your hood you don't have to worry about that and yea it should work. Hope this helps.
The O.P is trying to do something with his time and you cant knock him for that even if you think the thread is of no use to you it may be helpful to many of the viewers thats read it.
You know you have a point there man and to be honest with you I felt when you first posted this thread was gonna be flooded with drama and BS I agree with what you just said haha. As far as the rep thing like I said I could care less. I came here to help. I know a thing or 2 about growing as I stated in the first post of this thread and just wanted to give a helping hand. If someone else did this (Al B. Fuct for instance) you guys would be all for it. If I wrote a book like Jorge or Ed or any of those more well known people you yourself would be here asking questions. Instead of dumping on someone who's trying to help embrace it or better yet recommend people to this thread. I could care less about rep, as long as I'm helping and getting a thanks I'm happy lol Your choice to trust what you read here. Enjoy for those of you who I can and am helping.
I appreciate that man here is how much rep I have really received on this thread lol
ZkCbb.png(I may have gotten 1 or 2 more not showing)
I didn't do this for rep people I could care less :D
Joker I just \put my plants in soil and was wondering how much light and water should i give them, how long will it take for them to sprout?
Well if you put plants in soil they have already sprouted... How big is your room you will be growing in? How are the walls, roof, and floor? (are they painted? regular wood...etc) What size pot are you using? Usually during watering you want to give the same volume as your pot. If the pot is a 1 gallon then give 1 gallon of water when watering or until it runs out the bottom. When watering make sure not to over water by allowing the soil to pull away from the sides of the pot so to give the roots proper O2(oxygen) saturation before introducing more water. When I get the answers the the questions above I will be able to help more.
Also when u say dont plant in soil that is compressed down, does that mean if i spreaded the soil with my hand with a little of pressure would that be too compresed?
Ok guys well I caved and decided to dry most of my marijuana (that which didn't go into a water cure) in the top of my grow tent which is finishing off the last 2 plants. Today the weather is pretty nice and it isn't cold outside (it must be between 65 and 70), and even with my window open and a fan sucking air into the room and blowing it around everywhere, the remote sensor and old style temp gauge hanging from the top of the temp read 85 (and only goes down for a few minutes if I open the tent up and hold a fan and blow air around in it). I added some of those large black garbage bags and hung them around the tent, along with some black t-shirts, to try and reduce the reflective properties of the walls to reduce as much of the light up there as I could.

How bad will things turn out if I am drying at 85 during the majority of daylight?
RH is 40 (never goes over 50 during the day, when I check it just when the lights come on in the morning it is often 65-80
Also when u say dont plant in soil that is compressed down, does that mean if i spreaded the soil with my hand with a little of pressure would that be too compresed? How long do you keep on the lights?
If you rough up the top of the soil a little with a pen or pencil tip it will work out fine. If you are vegging your plants you will want to veg them under 18 hours of light. Sorry I was afk for a minute wife called me to do something for her :D

fimming on 1 nod / have you done this / it works really well keeps em super short
I don't think I would do that if they only have the 1 node. I like leaving my plants to grow til they are 3-5 true nodes high before doing anything. Most of the time I let them go until 7-9 so I can clone the top (no waste)

Ok guys well I caved and decided to dry most of my marijuana (that which didn't go into a water cure) in the top of my grow tent which is finishing off the last 2 plants. Today the weather is pretty nice and it isn't cold outside (it must be between 65 and 70), and even with my window open and a fan sucking air into the room and blowing it around everywhere, the remote sensor and old style temp gauge hanging from the top of the temp read 85 (and only goes down for a few minutes if I open the tent up and hold a fan and blow air around in it). I added some of those large black garbage bags and hung them around the tent, along with some black t-shirts, to try and reduce the reflective properties of the walls to reduce as much of the light up there as I could.

How bad will things turn out if I am drying at 85 during the majority of daylight?
RH is 40 (never goes over 50 during the day, when I check it just when the lights come on in the morning it is often 65-80

If you are drying in 85 you might be able to get away with that during the day. Some people do dry in 85 to make drying faster but personally I don't like getting my temps over 85. I dry mine directly in my grow room also but outside of the veg and flower room where I have my cabinets and countertop. (I redesigned a 25' trailer into a grow room :D
Originally Posted by Silky Shagsalot
i've seen threads like this before. although i can't begin to say that i know what the op is all about. these threads usually mean that this person is looking for feedback and attention. there isn't single question that anyone could ever ask that couldn't be answered by doing a little searching. the equivalent of this thread can be viewed at grass city under the title, "your questions answered here," or something like that. if the op really wanted to help others w/o "getting something in return," he'd simply browse through the new threads, and respond to questions. i do believe though, that this thread will take off, due to the inherent laziness of a lot of people wanting answers, but lacking the impetus to search on their own, LOL!!!

Threads like this can actually help with those searches once they take off they are full of info (as long as the answers are correct) not to mention a lurker can simply read the one long thread instead of searching 100's of em

Also when u say dont plant in soil that is compressed down, does that mean if i spreaded the soil with my hand with a little of pressure would that be too compresed? How long do you keep on the lights?
If you rough up the top of the soil a little with a pen or pencil tip it will work out fine. If you are vegging your plants you will want to veg them under 18 hours of light. Sorry I was afk for a minute wife called me to do something for her :D

fimming on 1 nod / have you done this / it works really well keeps em super short
I don't think I would do that if they only have the 1 node. I like leaving my plants to grow til they are 3-5 true nodes high before doing anything. Most of the time I let them go until 7-9 so I can clone the top (no waste)

Ok guys well I caved and decided to dry most of my marijuana (that which didn't go into a water cure) in the top of my grow tent which is finishing off the last 2 plants. Today the weather is pretty nice and it isn't cold outside (it must be between 65 and 70), and even with my window open and a fan sucking air into the room and blowing it around everywhere, the remote sensor and old style temp gauge hanging from the top of the temp read 85 (and only goes down for a few minutes if I open the tent up and hold a fan and blow air around in it). I added some of those large black garbage bags and hung them around the tent, along with some black t-shirts, to try and reduce the reflective properties of the walls to reduce as much of the light up there as I could.

How bad will things turn out if I am drying at 85 during the majority of daylight?
RH is 40 (never goes over 50 during the day, when I check it just when the lights come on in the morning it is often 65-80

If you are drying in 85 you might be able to get away with that during the day. Some people do dry in 85 to make drying faster but personally I don't like getting my temps over 85. I dry mine directly in my grow room also but outside of the veg and flower room where I have my cabinets and countertop. (I redesigned a 25' trailer into a grow room :D

That rep is not up to date.

Ok now that we are up to date :D

Does anyone have any more questions while I'm still here? Going out to hit my bubbler soon :D

Contributed by glass joe:


Commercial growers take the colas from the plant and manicure them before drying. They usually dry them on a line, upside-down, which is fine.

However, usually airflow is forced, and temps too high, humidity too low. As soon as the buds are considered dry (usually a few days), it is sold. The reason for this behavior is the fact they are, as I said, commercial growers and in a constant hurry to exchange their buds for cash. Every minute counts and they don't want to 'waste' the space or the time needed for drying and curing. This results in harsh, grassy tasting weed that lacks the full-bodied flavor and smooth stone of properly dried and cured bud. To do it right:

At harvest-time all you have to do is cut the plant as low as possible and hang the whole thing upside down to dry on a line. The room you use to dry should be the about the same size you grew in (if not the same room). The humidity should remain a constant 50-60%. Too high and buds will mold, too low and they dry too fast and taste bad. Temperature should be around 65-68 degrees, wherever possible. Make sure the room is dark, as light degrades THC.

All kinds of processes, like the transport of sugars inside the plant still take place, even when you cut it down. These processes will slowly come to an end while the drying progresses, but are the main factor for the end-taste of your smoke. That is the first reason why you don't want to quick-dry your weed. The second reason is the way that a plant dries. Plants are made up of cells and, as we all know, cells contain mainly water. Exposed to air, the (dying) plant's outer cells will dry out first but the above-mentioned processes will still transfer water from the inner cells to the dryer outer cells, thus causing the plant to dry equally all over. By removing the stalk and cutting off the individual colas, you prevent this natural process by taking away the extra moisture that would be drawn from the stem to the leaves and bud. Got it? Good! Moving on...

Make sure you hang the plants so that they do not touch each other (invites mold). With constant temp and humidity, the plants should be ready for manicuring in 3-4 weeks. At this time trim colas from the main stalk, and trim large and medium fan leaves (save them for making hash), leaving most of the smaller leaves sticking out of the bud in tact. Hang them up again and for a day or two, until 'popcorn' dry. The stems should snap when you bend them, and the bud should be dry, but not brittle. Now for the curing...

Trim all remaining leaf (save for hashmaking) tight to the buds, and trim smaller buds from larger stems. Store them airtight; air at this point degrades THC. Note- ziplock bags are not airtight! You could use buckets with an airtight lid like used for food and sauces and such, but the best containers are those glass jars with the rubber seal and latch. Just put as much bud in it as possible using light pressure. The point is to fill it as much as possible, so not too much air remains in the container. The less air, the better. To be safe, check them the next day to make sure it's still dry (did not 'sweat'). Any excess moisture at this point will invite mold. If it did sweat and is moist (soft) again, lay the bud out on something other than newspaper and put in a dry place to get the last water out.

Repack and place the container in a cool, dark place, like a refrigerator. Note- fridges have high humidity so they must be absolutely airtight.
The longer it sits (up to around a month, maybe longer in the fridge) the better it gets, both in taste and potency. At around the month mark, you can move it to the freezer to almost stop the aging and curing process. Once you've got some buds stored in the freezer, you have a private stash that will last a long time. If you've got the patience to wait, the smoke will be sweet and smooth. The high will be mellow, and longer lasting. If you grew enough to last you a while, then after a few harvests you will be able to have properly cured buds at your disposal, with no downtime waiting for the next batch to cure!

If you're not in a hurry to sell your crop you owe it to your head to wait the extra time and have great tasting, very potent bud! Curing is the only way to make harvested bud more potent, so try it, you won't be disappointed!
Use a medicine dropper (you can get them from the pharmacy most of the time) and keep the soil moist around the seedlings until they are sprouted and are somewhat established. Once the seedling has sprouted and established you should give them 5 gallons of water per watering. You may be able to get away with only 3-4 gallons per water but I would stick to the 5 gallons per water.

Yea Young Buck. I have read that before and agree with some-most of it but disagree with a few different things mentioned there. I do manicure (cut the leafy material off) my buds before drying and I do hang them upside down but if the temps are 65-80*F the buds will dry just fine. I dry mine a slight bit quicker but still get bud that will knock your dick in the dirt. I have had many growers (growers of many more years than myself) ask for help in their grow rooms over the past few years. I have taken these past few years to somewhat perfect my processes to get the best buds I can. I will admit I am no expert but I am definitely no novice :D Granted there are many different ways and I do mean MANY! there are always ways that work better for some growers. The methods I mention are tested with success or I wouldn't even mention them here. If I answer a question I personally don't know I do the research on it so therefore I get to learn stuff while helping others. That is my bonus of this thread haha. I get to learn while helping others learn :D