
Well-Known Member
man cg. i wish you'd post a picture every now and then. lol i've run out of ways to tell you how good they look man. if mine looked like that i'd have shitloads of pics up too


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks, Appreciate the words as always.

Trying to keep em alive.

Been pouring alot of water/nutes in these buckets lately.

Especially later in the day 90-93 degree room temps.

But, thats when the Co2 kicks in the hardest.

Mixing away, Its an everyday thing around here.

Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
if only everybody mixed nutes for their weed plants everyday ... no more war. you cant shoot people when you got a crop comin up, thats stupid.


Well-Known Member
Good point.... All we need is Love.. and a few lbs. :hump:
Love is here! Ha just kidding.

CG are you mixing nutes per bucket everyday or do you have a larger res you top off from? I got a big tote that I fill with water, pH balance, and nutrient. Then as my bucket levels drop I use a milk jug cut in half and top em off. I started off treating each bucket but it dawned on me that they're all getting the same amount of nutrients, why not just mix it in one huge batch? Does that make sense? Is that even helpful? I had one of those MediPhyzz THC "sodas" and I'm not really sure if anything I'm saying makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Love is here! Ha just kidding.

CG are you mixing nutes per bucket everyday or do you have a larger res you top off from? I got a big tote that I fill with water, pH balance, and nutrient. Then as my bucket levels drop I use a milk jug cut in half and top em off. I started off treating each bucket but it dawned on me that they're all getting the same amount of nutrients, why not just mix it in one huge batch? Does that make sense? Is that even helpful? I had one of those MediPhyzz THC "sodas" and I'm not really sure if anything I'm saying makes sense.
Im doing it the hard way... per bucket.

If I add water I also mix 8ml of GH Micro and 16ml of Bloom per gallon.

Its a pain, but I like to keep the ppm's up there around 1300-2000ppm.

The Co2 and the high heat makes these girls sweat and they get real hungry from the increased metabolism.

Iam still thinking of doing the seperate controller bucket, but have not done anything about it lately.

Im still trying to decide If I wanna keep growing in buckets or not.

Its alot of work when your trying to maintain up to 15 buckets at one time..

So far, Im handling the job.. But, its not a whole lotta fun to tell you the truth.

Lifting tree's outta 5 gallon buckets nearly everyday can be a headache.

But, its been paying off.. So Ill keep up the daily maintenance.

This is not a lazy mans hobby..thats fer sure..

Have a good one Mang :)


Well-Known Member
What your doing in these buckets is considered deep water culture right? its gonna sound crazy but i had this weird idea in my head that you didnt have to water the things as often because they were in WATER. Lol. Ive been giving a lotta growing options serious thought for my next grow , but its looking like i might just stick with what im using now which is coco and air pots. I wanna start doing SOG so an ebb an flow may be comin round the mountain. Lookin good closet!


Well-Known Member
Hey Thanks Dro,

Yea.. when you have a massive root mass like these girls, they suck it up!!

Especially when their mid way into the flowering cycle..

They have drank as much as 2 gallons a day(per bucket)..

But, they also grow much faster, and yield about 50% more than a soil grow.. thats the benefit.

And when your throwing Co2 in there, there maxed out.

I can honestly see growth in one day, which Ive never been able to see in dirt.

Makes it alot more fun to see unbelievable growth kick in within hours, instead of days.

Pro's and con's ya know.. :)

Ive never grown the way your going about it, but heard alot good things.

For now, Im happy the way things are.. And Im diggin' the air pots!

Ill take a few pics of the veg room after my coffee..

Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
dont you have to have a res and all that stuff with dwc?
The res is actually the bucket.. so in my case no.

I have never seen anyone take care of this many buckets individually.. Must be a rare breed, either Im stupid, or dedicated.

When the water level in the buckets drops about 8" below the netpot, its time to fill em up again.

I have found out that if you let the water get down a bit, they grow better, since the roots are air bathed in pure oxygen and co2.

I used to fill the buckets all the way to the net pot, bad idea.. Thats when the plants health suffers.

This is my second dwc bucket grow, and i have learned ALOT :)


Well-Known Member
you n me both cg. i've got 7 buckets 2 aero's and 6 dirt all going right now. so much work buddy.

and 56 outdoor plants lol