First CFL Grow.


Growing one plant under one 23 watt CFL bulb to give it a try, just sprouted 2 day's ago. Will a 23 watt CFL bulb work for one plant? I keep finding mixed answer's and need clarification. Thank's! :-P


Well-Known Member
it would work for maybe the 1st week and a half, but after that you would really need to up the wattage a little bit!



Well-Known Member
more watts= more lumens= more bud

also for vegging you need to daylight spectrum cfl's. and for flowering you need the cool or soft white spectrum cfl's.


Well-Known Member
more watts= more lumens= more bud

also for vegging you need to daylight spectrum cfl's. and for flowering you need the cool or soft white spectrum cfl's.
actually, for veg you should use daylight or "cool" white, and for flower, you should use "warm" white or soft white, or if you go by color temperature(K), 6700K for veg, 2700K for flower...



After the first week and a half what would be the ideal wattage to bump it up to for just the one plant?


Well-Known Member
i usually go by lumens, cfl's produce 75-90 lumens per watt, and the ideal amount of lumens for 1 plant in veg would be 3000-5000 lumens, do the math...



Well-Known Member
ok i will, (don't gotta get pushy! lol) i'll go with the minimum they produce, 75Lu./3000= 40 watts min., 75Lu./5000= Approx. 67 watts...while I'm at it...the ideal amount of lumens for flowering is 10,000(but the more, the better)...which means, 75Lu./10,000= Approx. 133 watts...



Well-Known Member
I'm running 1-100w 1-85w and a 40w tube set. For four plants. Does ok in veg. Sorry never pushy just hate doing the math. lol


Well-Known Member
i have 3 plants under 3x26w, my cabinet has 2 parts so i have 1 in the top and 2 in the bottom, basically one light per plant, but they all get cycled through the bottom where theres 2, i try to make it like a sun rise sun set thing, hard to explain, anyways, this set up is doing fine for me, although when i have a bit more money im going to invest in the supplies to have 2 lights per plant, i know that will work nicely, and for a 2nd opinion, warm white for flower, cool white for veg (i just have mine mixed)


Well-Known Member
Color Temperature (CT) - Color temperature, which is measured in Kelvin, indicates whether a lamp has a warm, midrange or cool color appearance. "Warm" light sources have a low color temperature (2000-3000K) and feature more light in the red/orange/yellow range. Light with a higher color temperature (>5000K) features more blue light and is referred to as "cool."


Well-Known Member
Color Temperature (CT) - Color temperature, which is measured in Kelvin, indicates whether a lamp has a warm, midrange or cool color appearance. "Warm" light sources have a low color temperature (2000-3000K) and feature more light in the red/orange/yellow range. Light with a higher color temperature (>5000K) features more blue light and is referred to as "cool."
ive never seen it explained so simply +rep for you