11 1/2 weeks in flower, what do ya think

smok'n j

I have three girls at 11 and 1/2 weeks in flower. one of them looks like it could be ready, but there are no amber trichs yet. the other two have pistils turning color on the lower buds, the top ones are still white.
do you think I should harvest the one labeled #3 that looks like it could be ready even though the trichs are not amber.



Well-Known Member
my 2 cent: Im just guessing that the "one labeled #3" is the last 2 pics. That looks like it 'can' be chopped down now depending on your liking. test a popcorn bud and see how she pleases/displeases you. the plant from pic #3 doesnt look at all as if its ready. That one may have another 2-3 weeks..maybe even 4. What i do is besides checkin the 'trichs' I wait until the hairs on the buds start to recede back into the bud. By this time they will be around 75-80% red.

Brick Top

New Member
All I can say is if your preference in pot is reduced levels of THC and increased levels of CBN, then by all means hang on and wait for those precious pretty amber colored trichomes so many people are foolish enough to think they want to end up with.

smok'n j

yea, I think I'm going to harvest the one that is saying she is ready, despite the color of the trichs. the other two I'll wait until they tell me they are ready

Brick Top

New Member
https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/210501-zeuss-take-harvesting.html This will help. Since it's easier for me to post the link rather than explain, there you go. It's what I learned some time ago when I first started growing, probably before this forum was around. GO for it.

When I first began to grow, close to 4 decades ago, all we really had to go by to judge if a plant was mature and ready to harvest was hints that plants gave that were clearly visible to the human eye, and also testing sample buds. Other than sample smoke-testing buds, decades ago all we had to rely on to make such judgments was what Zeus preaches.

Later when scientific research was performed and actual facts replaced beliefs formed on observations and physical senses trichomes and their color and how it related to how progressed plants were and at what stage of developmental advancement THC, and other cannibinoids would be the era of dancing around the fires naked while sacrificing goats and chickens to the gods of marijuana begging for their countenance to be bestowed upon someone’s crop ended. We emerged from the dark ages and it's ignorance and moved up into the age of high technology with all its advanced scientific expertise.

Growing results benefited greatly from the technological advancements.


Active Member
from what everyone tells me, the best way to harvest is WAIT till you cant see 90% of white hairs. no white hairs = harvest time!