what's everyone's favourite roach style?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
seconded? i take a bit of firm magazine cover, roll it into a tube and pop it in my joint. what on earth is a roach style?

by double barrelled do you not just mean a roach with an M in the middle, used with larger roaches to stop everything being sucked through? that's still just "a roach"


Well-Known Member
i don't quite know what you mean, but put it this way, when i don't have much $ or green i rip off the paper and load a bowl, or if $ is good and the green is flowing good, i make generation joints, and for those of you who can't figure that out its where you roll a joint of just roaches, then you take those kind of roaches and roll another joint from those...after that i usually just bowl it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
people have issues with the word roach. i think americans class a roach as the last dregs of a spliff, as opposed to roach simply being the cardboard "mouthpiece"

and i've never been able to comprehend people who will rip apart residue caked shite and roll it into a new joint, utterly revolting.


Active Member
people have issues with the word roach. i think americans class a roach as the last dregs of a spliff, as opposed to roach simply being the cardboard "mouthpiece"

and i've never been able to comprehend people who will rip apart residue caked shite and roll it into a new joint, utterly revolting.
ya most americans think a roach is the ass end of a joint prolly cause of movies not sure though, and agreed rez is nasty keep it away from me lol

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I quit rolling joints a long time a go once i learned how to role perfect spliffs one handed:joint:. i figured at that point i have probly smoked my body weight in joints:roll:. so i just stick with sliders, bongs and bowls nowbongsmilie. i like a vaporizer every so often. i just moved to Europe to so i dont have many people to burn with so no need for J's. But for roach style i liked roaches with wings so i can smoke it to the face:weed:. i never saved them any ways. just another way for the man to catch you up. My joints were always like ciggs same thickness all the way through, unless i was roling Bob Marley style:joint:. then i would pull a pinch of weed out the end so by the time it was a roach it was flat with wings so i could hold it to smoke it all the way down.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i call the double roach a shotgun, its just 2 roaches in 1 rizla, looks quite sick

i even rolled one with 4 roaches once we called it a zonda ;) took alot of weed in there was hiiiiiiiiiigh

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the thread is talking about roaches as in the piece of card. not what is left after it starts getting hot and harsh (in the UK we'll call that a roach as well, it's generally clear from the tone and context which meaning is being talked about

this thread is about cardboard :) (althouhg as i say, it seems silly, why not a thread about whether you roll leftie or rightie or what ratio of tobacco or just how do you roll your joint)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what is wrong with a roach... if you're wary of the amterial (and when i state cardboard that is purely so people will understand the context, the roach can be paper card, birthday card, magazine whatever)

for poeople getting wierd over health issue or something, there are 1001 chemical free, hemp, blah, roach tips available to buy for pennies such as RAW tips etc.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I know what your saying just thick paper for the tip. i have seen tons of people do it. just not my thing Ya know. KISS. keep it simple stupid. thats mee. LOL.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, do i dare ask how simple you are for a roach not to be simple? :lol: just joking, i couldn't refrain myself after it popped into my head haha :lol: s'all good, i know that americans don't often use roaches and filters and such with cigarettes either (all i can say is after a cigarette and looking at the filter, i'm glad it's there, it's stopping a litlte bit of death at least :))

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I deff smoke filtered ciggs, i dont know whats in the tobacco i dont grow that. i know every little thing thats in my erb. been growing that for years. Im living in Eastern Eruope now so im seeing a lot more of the mixing and tipping. I just got tired of joints. I love my slider.


Well-Known Member
ok i wasn't at first...but now im a bit confused, my definition of a roach (here me and my friends call it a clip) is the end of a joint or blunt, no extra paper or anything like that, just solid weed and a regular rolling paper/cigarillo end to end

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Differant parts of the world do it diff ways my friend. i like my shit to be solid to. but my man tip top likes tips in his. its just a personal pref. a roach is a roach last 1/2 inch (or 1 cm in tip tops case), of a joint / blunt.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
as has been stated, there appear to be cultural differences.

I am only speaking for the UK i guess, but over here, a roach is both. it is either used in reference to the small plug at the end, typically rolled up magazine cover etc, and it is also referred to in the context of an old horrible joint end, the leftovers of a smoke. "just let me roll a roach" being the former, and "i've a roach if you're desperate" being an example of the latter. we are used to it so can easily differentiate between uses.

in the states a roach is simply the left over joint from last night, but i guess roach smoking is vaguely more acceptable based on the fact that Americans don't roll with tobacco. in the UK we do so you can immagine it's a little bit nastier than purely leftover green. you got all the tar and everryyyyyything in there, yum! :S