First ever grow in soil, 1 week into flower - no nutes used

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
yeah i realised a few days ago that i need nitrogen after researching yellow leaves, its my own fault that i've still not sorted it really im goin to go down to the store tomorrow.... or maybe not its bank holiday fuuurck'uh, tuesday then ;)

thanks fellah's!

hammerhead is 0-4-8

is the first 0 for nitrogen? then i no the other 2 are the P's.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe nobody has hammered you for using your piss as a nutrient..

Yes, there is a good amount of nitrogen in urine but there are FAR more detrimental chemicals in it. Would you pour ammonia all over your plants? I wouldnt..

Do research before you put ANYTHING into your soil


Well-Known Member
Also dont buy that "hammerhead" if you are looking for nitrogen-rich nutes then pick up something with a higher first number (N-P-K) like 2-1-0 or 2-1-1.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
the piss thing was actually a joke lmao but i did read that it has nitrogen in and can be used but i didnt fancy my buds stinkin of piss, i have done loads n loads of research the past 2 monthes iv learnt alot and my grow would be growing alot better if it wasnt on budget i no what i need n such and next time for my second grow i can get it all together.

i got hammerhead because i read alot of good reviews i didnt buy it for the nitrogen im going to look mon or tues for some N food for them


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some bloom ferts.

That poor plant needs to eat, how would you feel if you didnt eat for a long time?

Dude, cmon now.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
Get yourself some bloom ferts.

That poor plant needs to eat, how would you feel if you didnt eat for a long time?

Dude, cmon now.
again i was kicked out my dads place by the police and him and had literally no money for nutes it was a serious budget to grow these i started with the worst lamps and then got a 600W hps for cheap off a mate, got a lil more money just lately so i got the HH nutes asap

i no what i need i just didnt have the money for it or i would of got them e.g. veg nutes from the start, a ph tester and a thermometer so i new how hot is is in the wardroab cause i have no idea but its nice and toasty when the lights on and the leaves havnt curled at the sides so im guessing i got lucky and its a nice even temp

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
thanks for the link guy :) think its abit late for this crop im just going to get some general nitrogen food and stick with the HH to the end seeing as its just 5-6 weeks and i will be able to srt out a set of nutes and everything else ready in time for the nexxt :) looking forward to my next grow now

gl with any grows you've got on, KayV!


Active Member
Dont go giving the high nitrogen feed on every other watering , just give your plants 1 feed of high nitrogen and then just carry on with your bloom and then maybe in another 2 weeks give your plants another nitrogen boost and then caal it a day and then only give bloom as by then your plants wiil be roughly 5-6 weeks in flower so let your plants use all that nitrogen you have just gave your plants , but carry on with the bloom .

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback, got my plant feed with nitrogen today and just given them to the plants, bet they wil be alot happier now so i will wait 2 weeks from now and then give them another small helping, will take pics in 2-3 days when thre hopefully looking healthier or tohugh it looks like most the fan leaves are fucked now but oh well next time round will be better so im not to bothered ;)


Active Member
Dude urine is 12N- 1P and 3K. Very little toxins in urine expecially if you dillute it down to 300-400 ppm total dissolved soilds. In other words you put so little in that you can just barely see the yellow of the urine in the water. You don't have to buy shit to grow MJ perfectly. Well you need light, seeds and soil. But you're the best grower if you're spending very little money and still getting a great return on your plant. I commend you for working with a budget it will make you a better grower in the long run. I spent hundreds of dollars on my first grows and now I don't spend any thing but for soil, lightbulbs and seeds.

You can make your own compost in about 4-6 months also. Research red wiggler worms for more info.

By the way ammonia is not high in urine, it get converted to urea by the liver. There are a few ammonia salts in the urine. But the soil bacteria convert this ammonia to nitrate pretty quickly. It's the dose that makes the poison. Keep your water below 400 with the urine and test the pH and keep it around 6-7 and any toxins in the urine will actually stand to be beneficial for your plant once the soil microbes take care of them.


Active Member
Piss is fine if you follow the manufacture recommended application procedure. It's the dose that makes the poison. Toxic piss is really a myth. Nothing in piss is toxic for a plant at 400ppm. Piss gives you iron, calcium, magnesium N,P,K, trace sugar, trace protein, trace aerobic gram negative bacteria(good for soil), organic compounds, and most any trace metal you get from your daily vitamins. So stop knocking the piss for crying out loud.

Piss is ok as long as your not chewing on lead or cadmium or drinking mercury.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
thanks for that, not joking but that was some good intresting information about piss, from today i have no need for piss i went and got some high in nitrogen plant feed from the local wilkinsons

it reads 24-8-16, was the lowest i could get of the last 2 digits with highest for the first part (which i understand is nitrogen)

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
wow dude. I commend you on not spending money, but get some nutes...even if its cheapo Miracle grow nutes. You're growing with a 600 watt HPS!!! If you just had good nutrients those plants would ield so much more. Its truly an investment. A BIG investment that will pay for itself 5X over

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
wow dude. I commend you on not spending money, but get some nutes...even if its cheapo Miracle grow nutes. You're growing with a 600 watt HPS!!! If you just had good nutrients those plants would ield so much more. Its truly an investment. A BIG investment that will pay for itself 5X over
:), sorted alot more now i have advanced nutes hammerhead and some miracle grow plant feed with 24-x-x nitrogen,

exactly 3 weeks in flower today will take n post pictures tomorrow, buds are looking alot bigger now


Well-Known Member
top of the plants like nice but the lower fan leaves are all turning yellow :(
the buds are devolping aswell just the yellow fan leaves that is an issue
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bro, during flowering... its pretty much normal for the fan leafs to turn yellow. It happens to most plants during the flowering phase. In fact, the further your plant(s) get into flowering.. the more yellow the leafs will get.. and you'll have more of them as well the further into flowering the plant(s) get. No big problem.. more than likely man. Keep feeding those babies... and you'll be much happier with your yield.. than you would be if you weren't to feed them at all. ;)

Good luck dude.. that white shark strain is looking better and better.

Enjoy, and don't forget to air dry your buds.. and let them cure before smoking them.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
thanks guy, yeah i cant wait to complete the cycle n cut'um down i looked into everypart alot so i will get them dried nicely and ready'tah'smoke