Bout to harvest. Is this right?


Active Member
wow you really think a half bag? that just made my day, im sittin here thinking ill only get maybe a 1/4 if im lucky, but ive never harvested or witnessed one before, so i dont know how much the buds shrink when dried. im going right now to update the pics.


Well-Known Member
Id say 3 8ths.. but that shit aint even close to done.. id actually say3 weeks!!! Buds really swell up at the end ur only hurting ur yield and potency by harvesting early.. check out The Fab 5 below.. its about at the same point you are.. I know theres a TON of posts just skip to the last page I updated pics yesterday.


Well-Known Member
furthermore when ur bud is done ALL ur pistils will receed into the bud and 90% will be red.. like i said u got some time..


Active Member
This is the tall plant. I can now tell its not ready from Zues tut. the top is looking good, but the lower nodes have many white hairs

--This is the 2nd big plant, just showing trichs. its a shame i dont think itll do much more than this, because i planted them in February.

And this is showing the progress of the little one that doesnt want to branch off. i think im going to pull it, because its beginning to go limp, and i guess die off. the one thats branching just fine seems perky.

Sorry for poor quality, the camera was fucking up.


Well-Known Member
they all look good. I planted mine in feb. Key to growing good bud is patients. theyhave 3 weeks mark my words. what kinda lighting are you using? or are they outside?


Active Member
outside since day 1, thats why im worried they aint gonna grow much more. im not too sure what the plants to when their trying to veg and it aint even the right lighting. they just stop producing buds?


Well-Known Member
wow you really think a half bag? that just made my day, im sittin here thinking ill only get maybe a 1/4 if im lucky, but ive never harvested or witnessed one before, so i dont know how much the buds shrink when dried. im going right now to update the pics.
your buds will lose 70% of their weight


Active Member
so once they dry they will be much smaller... i didnt think it would be 70, i was hoping 45-50, because it doesnt appear to be much bud on that big one.
everything up to the mason jars is dead on. i just hang them in either a large cardboard box or another large, paper-based container. the material helps absorb moisture to help avoid mold


Active Member
i heard with the cardboard or paper base containers absorb THC? And if mason jars are incorrect why have i heard of them in so many forums? ive seen the cardboard box, with paper shreds, but i have mason jars laying around, plenty of them, so i was going to use that. should i really use paper-products to dry/cure? just curious. im new to the harvesting lol. i think i got the rest down though.


Active Member
just checked my plants today. the 2nd oldest one is doing great, doesnt look like its growing much, but it has masss trichs on it. i would like to try and save this plant. but my big one, the top half of the plant has most red hairs, but the bottom 2-3 buds has some white hairs, but still alot of red. i dont think this plant can do much, its starting to die. two leaves turned yellow over night, and when i touched them, they fell off. so i have maybe one more fan leaf on the plant, and its yellowing too. its no longer the right light cycle to veg here in florida, so i think i need to do something. *This plant was planted in February.. i mean since its no longer in the veg light, will the buds still fill out, or just stop and die?? just worried because theres only one fan leaf. it doesnt have much longer anyway i didnt think, but i read somewhere when the leaves start dying and falling off, you need to havest. update pics here in a minute.

*I planted another bagseed in topsoil on the 19th, and it sprang up and grew pretty big for overnight/yesterday... i was really about to give up on it. topsoil really aint the thing to go with i know that, haha.

W3B H34D

Very interesting thread xBluntman. I have five plants that I planted in feb. as well and they are coming along very similar to yours. This thread has been great for my reference as I'm a new grower and was wondering about the harvest time too. It sure does take patience as I started to get giddy a few weeks ago when I first started to see the trichs come out.

Mine are outdoors as well, but I keep them inside on the windowsill so they are extremely limited. Since these have matured I've already planted my next batch and are springing up much quicker due to the time of year.

I will keep my eye on this thread, will be interesting to see how it turns out.


Active Member
Ya know how those sparkly trichs look? Wait till they look like they're made outta skim milk. Nice and shiny to shiny milk. Leaves falling off is normal. Humidity is yer biggest enemy.


Active Member
and we got alot of that down here. (humidity) lol.
thanks web, good luck to you on your grow. mine really aint been doin that bad, its just slow as hell. the undeveloped white pistils are protesting lol.