Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Active Member
I haven't been around for a while. Shame to hear only 2 made it through... but wow do those two look good. Just textbook all of it my friend. The roots look great, the plants look happy. Beautiful green and nice leaves. I like the bone meal action. And it's amazing that the sun shines so brightly way up there, haha. Hope the dog walking went well. Oh... and we are just finishing page 3 for me, haha.

Sups Jiggy! Thx for the kind words ;) Yeah shame only two made it, but these two look great! Home made bone meal made from cow bones are high in N and P, and the finer you "pulverize" it the faster it starts "working" in the soil and it works over long time. Transplanted the plants into 3 gallon pots, same hot soil + added 3/4 teaspoon bone meal/gallon soil. Closing in on 3 week mark since sprouting and this is how they look now.





Active Member
MAN, they are some healthy looking girs
Fer sure so! ;) They are so far at 100% overall health, not a sign of them having too much or too little of anything at this point...they both made a growth spurt since I watered them yesterday. If that's cuz I added Super Vit (amino acids and vitamins) or cuz they just at a stage (3 weeks) where the HB really starts to grow, or simply cuz they got watered?!

Hey PANGcake, you should check our Mr West's thread, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/125765-cheese-whole-cheese-nothing-but-147.html he has got some fine examples of the HB on the go. You and him can have a contest. Who has the greenest healthiest looking plant that can put DST's headbands to shame...hahaha.

Peace, DST
I took a fast look, that thread has too many posts to look it all through, saw few pics of some healthy HB ;)

//pce CaL


Active Member
Busy watering...here's a pictorial update! At last pic they are basking under the HPS whilst four ladies in the tub getting fed ;) Wait...wait...what's that in pic 2...a humidity dome...can't be there just for fun???



Active Member
They are looking beautiful!!!
Thx bra! What I have noticed now though, guessing the bone meal kicking in after bout a week, is that for the left smaller lady it was just a tad to "heavy duty" soil, but for the bigger lady is no problem at all, or it's that Super Vit, my money is on the soil ;) Just watered them (noting but water) and they are again basking under the HPS as some ladies are getting fed in the tub. Something one must take in consideration is when using "lesser" light (fluoros or cfl) compared to HID during veg, is that the plants don't grow as fast thus not using up nutrients at the same rate...so people vegging under fluoros or cfl, like I do, go easy on the nutes in veg, can't stress that enough :hug:

Here are some pics of the girls at day 24. Also I added some pics of my flowering Northern Light to spice things up a bit ;) It has been topped, "caged", LST'd, lollipopped and supercropped...hehe! She's from the floor 49 inches tall, not topped supercropped jada jada, and she'd be another 10-15 inches. It has 13 colas and I estimate those 13 branches are gonna yield dry half oz/branch, least! 6-7oz but I'm shooting for 7,5 :shock: She's at day 62 of 12/12 and has another 14 days to go, maybe more... (any1 know how I get my pics "in the post" so you guys don't need to click them?)




Well-Known Member
Looking good. I hope you make your target, that's a lot of 'erb for one plant at 49inches bru!!

Peace, DST


Active Member
Looking good. I hope you make your target, that's a lot of 'erb for one plant at 49inches bru!!

Peace, DST
It sure is! It was getting outta controll and had I not done what I did to it, it wouldn't fit in the flower area.

As for the HB's, I was thinking to myself last night it was strange they hadn't really grown much last 24h. So I went through my notes and found hat I was 1 day behind on watering them...I watered them and BOOM! They look different today! ;) Sadly I can't find my cable to use for transfering pics from my cell...soz!



Well-Known Member
I'll be back for the next pic update then Cal....Hope you are getting slightly better weather than us down in NL (I have collected around 100l of water in 2 days from my greenhouse roof!!! - running out of water storage space now!!)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
(any1 know how I get my pics "in the post" so you guys don't need to click them?)
I know one way is to load the pics in an album in your profile. Then once loaded, you click on the pic so you are on the pic page (i hope that makes sense). Then you select the big picture by right clicking and select 'copy'.... now you can paste that into the body of your post.

Basically you need the pics anywhere up on RIU so it's on their server. Then just copy and paste the bigger pic. I just took this from your attachments. I clicked on it to make it big then copy and pasted. That would probably be the easiest. Just attach them to a post, blow them up and paste them in the body.

Let me know if you have questions.

That's a bad ass looking plant for sure. 7,5 would be AWESOME!!!! You can do it! peace my good friend.



Active Member
I know one way is to load the pics in an album in your profile. Then once loaded, you click on the pic so you are on the pic page (i hope that makes sense). Then you select the big picture by right clicking and select 'copy'.... now you can paste that into the body of your post.

Basically you need the pics anywhere up on RIU so it's on their server. Then just copy and paste the bigger pic. I just took this from your attachments. I clicked on it to make it big then copy and pasted. That would probably be the easiest. Just attach them to a post, blow them up and paste them in the body.

Let me know if you have questions.
Spank you! Ha ha...I did something similar on old RIU but just hadnt figured it out yet! This is how I did it now, LOL, I opened up a second browser then rollitup and same thread, then edit, and I jumped between the windows ROFLMAO. I feel like a lil hakker...hahaha...I sooo suck at comps :sad: There must be a "legit" way to do it?! ;)

That's a bad ass looking plant for sure. 7,5 would be AWESOME!!!! You can do it! peace my good friend.
I sure hope so, *crossing fingers* I remember telling you when you saw it, maybe 4-4,5 tops......never had I tot it would develop like this! :-P and the HB's are looking soo good...thx brow! Looking like Malibu late August....mb first week(s) of September?!

//pce, CaL


Active Member
those beauties deserve a bump!!!
If I were a male plant I'd wanna hump them ;) They are the healthiest plants in my career so far...this "new" soil, only used it for 1 grow (current Bubblegum) has proven super and the genetics likewise! Few more days and I will put in 4 x 23W warmwhite cfl to complement the coolwhite fluoros. Soon 4 weeks and only fluoros ;) However I will need some sidelight as the fluoros light don't penetrate too much, hence the 4 x 23W cfl. I'll put up a pic of it in few days.


Active Member
Today is 4 week mark and the plants are thriving! I also made a little invention, I'm sure some1 else growing in soil have done likewise before, but I got the idea from watching my freinds hydro grows. Hydro growers don't want any light to penetrate to the roots and therefore I seen for example Jigfresh use refelective material around the "stem base". U'll see what I mean in the pics. So I transfered that to soil growing, but the purpose is just to reflect light and give "more" to the plants. I made my reflective "panels" from card board and a piece of a survival blanket. Any thoughts? Oh and fun thing was, I made these panels last night when light was off and when I woke up and went to look at them they looked all "patchy" and I thought for a sec they were very sick...it was the reflecting light from underneath that made them look patchy...hahaha!!! :hug:

Here are the pics!



Well-Known Member
Whats up bro. Sorry i missed this much i didnt realize you started the headband. That Northern Lights is looking good man. And the headband are nice and tight. I am sub'd.


New Member
Looking good man.
I've seen ppl do that, it helps reflect light and also keeps the top of the soil from drying out so quickly.
I've never done it. I was thinking that it could cause mold
It being warm and moist and no light.....
I'd check on them regularly to make sure.
I hope it works out for ya.
Plants are nice and green.
How long you gonna veg for?


Active Member
Whats up bro. Sorry i missed this much i didnt realize you started the headband. That Northern Lights is looking good man. And the headband are nice and tight. I am sub'd.
Haha...no worries there is a lot to come! Another 3-4 weeks then I will start cloning, and another 2 weeks after that the first HBs will be in flower. Welcome on board!

Looking good man.
I've seen ppl do that, it helps reflect light and also keeps the top of the soil from drying out so quickly.
I've never done it. I was thinking that it could cause mold
It being warm and moist and no light.....
I'd check on them regularly to make sure.
I hope it works out for ya.
Plants are nice and green.
How long you gonna veg for?
Yes I think it can cause mold or the medium not to dry up properly. However, my panels aren't "resting" on the soil surface. I staked them up w sticks so they are bout 1,5-2 inches above the medium, and there is enough room for air flow. I'm thinking to not have them there same day as watering though?! I checked on them today and np. As long as you keep them above the medium and make sure there is a good air flow, I think its a good supplement.