The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Here's my two newest seedlings the deep psychosis purple or wot ever i call it lol:shock::weed::weed::weed::shock:
ok, I rephrase, lets hope one turns out to be a pimp, and the other is a big breasted bud brasser (BBBB)....



Checked the trichs on these two and both have clear but amber balls very strange


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a good sign imo. The bulbous heads is where you want the amber colour...sounds like it's nearly done.
Well done westy! ya gona use them sugar leaves for hash? aint seen trichs all over whole leafs like that, looks mad strong!
i smoked for 8 years every day all day untill i started having panic attacks im not sure what caused it i did have mushrooms in dam which fucked me up so it could of been that but since then i havent been the same so i gave it up although i miss it but i know wat will happen if i even take 1 pull so i wont do it i still love the bitchies though lol also my business partner tests it, i know wat im looking for visual wise touch wise, and he tells me wat the smokes like. but hay if you want to discriminate essex although i would of said the same in my day of smoking thats fine mate i wont hold that agaist you lol i did put some pics up but took them off after westy see them anyway trust will come in time probably when im holding the cup lmao later
I dont trust any1 who dont smoke, lol

how can you breed if you dont smoke?

Ya girls are lookin lovely as aways westy! ;-)

im gonna be strait up this is why people love or hate me i guesss lmfao, though i think i haave a few more haters lmfao. and dont worry bro i do smoke i just made some more oil, (as far as your concerned mr exodus it was olive oil) nice amber olive oil, very flammable stuff i think don would be envious lol.

anyhoo what i have to say
exodus you may be a great bloke but from what ive seen i just dont trust you, im thinking that light purchase would come with a nice little recorded addy and a servailance system thats not mine?? something like that lol perhaps a strait up pair of cuffs (false addy wouuld fuck ya up though wouldnt it)

fuck its like if i started offering every tom dick harry and jill some beans id expect them to be suss on me... btw i think you just dont have the knowledge to compete in a cup and create a strain.

yes it is hard work to create a proper strain and smoking is a nessesity (one of my mates grows better medicine than most people on this forum and hasnt smoked in years) though he is trustworthy and knows his shit so thats not meant as an insult to people just food for thought hes was in it for years, even more than me so ;).

another thing you come on here with the exodus mission as a name, this is the main thread you post on, dont seem to know shit but have the solution to everyones needs. damn i heard the uk had new laws but i didnt think it would be this fucked up westy lol.

IF I AM WRONG SORRY BUT IF YOU ARE LEGIT U WOULD UNDERSTAND WHERE THE FUCK IM COMMING FROM these things are my dreams and i have had to go through a lot of shit to get where i am knowledgwise (i break no laws either exodus etc.). someone of your calibre just couldnt pull it off not now at least and i doubt youd pull it off at all. like i said these are my dreams and i can guarantee its a lot harder than ur making it out to be.... helll ya can tell the world jesters an asshole and id understand but at the moment your word doesnt mean shit to me bro. you seem like a cool bloke but i just cant bring myself to trust you for reasons already stated by me and others. man ths is already much longer than i intended lol good amber yummy.

oh btw what cd you wouldntsay and i couldnt reffer what you came back with to anything previously said, sorry just that lies arent a good way to gain trust...

hmmm i should probably use this excuse to say i lost my otega haze too ppl :(.

jester out :eyesmoke:
just seen the new post.

that wasnt a personal attack i just like being up front bro.
btw id love to see u holding the cup one day bro.... hehe put a big fuck u jester next to the name lmfao. if it ever happens if youfd be keen id be keen for a chat to lol. i like talking advanced shit with people its fun, i aim to be a breeder amongst others one day but yeah not to fazed about cups more just people understanding i only like good genetics if ya know what i mean... a cup would just be something that put u on cloud nine ya know.

for convo sake how long u been breeding the ?? strain? sorry i couldnt make much sense of your last post lol.

peace out
Ya aint subtle are ya jester, lol

But I doupt a UK cop would bother trying to entrap ya online, shorely there are murder's and rapeist's who need locking up?
Ya would go to court and get a slaped hand and a fine for personal/genetic research coz no room left in our prisons for bird! lol, hardy going to get ya a promotion if ya a cop.

As for gettin any grow equipment from someone who clames 3 different spec's and will do it £100 off retail, hmmm. like my mum said if it sounds to good to be true................

hehe stealings bad there borrowed from other sites bro lol.

but nah i aint subttle, like me, hate me, love me its all the same to me i just hate liers (though there has to be secrets on sites like this) and bullshit artists lol. like i said i prolly have more haters but hey im a paranoid fuck, and as said anyone shouldd be able to understand that

umm havent you done any research bro it seems that popo are targeting forums likew these these ddays :(. its a sad day i know but as long as ya dont give out personals and shit or say buy soething of someone and be stupid about it you should be right.. afterall we all borrow our internet connections to dont we ;).

but yeah like i said for all we know he may be a cool bloke but my gut says to becareful. hehe fuck it im always in trouble i cant be fucked with it anymore lol. its actually just a piush to go harder ya know (in dreamworld that is).

hey bro wanna buy a ???? doesnt matter what it is i got it, cheap 2. come to me. umm just give me your adress, phone number, bank details and a thourough description of yourself lmfao. truth be told i do have handcuffs got em from the sex shop :D.

alright ima stop being an ass now he seems ok i just wantee to have som fun and was pretty medicated still am actually, bout to jump in the tub lol
I dont trust any1 who dont smoke, lol

how can you breed if you dont smoke?

Ya girls are lookin lovely as aways westy! ;-)

I haven't trusted or responded to any of his posts. Hey we were all the new guy at one time. But this guy seems to be full of well,,,himself...
no sure if hes a cops or a kid with to much times on his hands.

Can't name the stains? (BS)
going to the cup? fuckin pipe dream
I'm kinda like Jester,,,,,up front.
Ya'll be careful with this dude/cop/crimnal informant
Random DST comment.:
To enter a HT Cannabis cup you need to be a coffeeshop as far as I am aware. Judges pay to be judges and then go round the different shops checking out and picking up their judges pack. Which has that specific coffeeshops entrant(s) in them. Other people can also buy the judges pack. To eneter I think you need to put up about a half kilo, which again would need to be represented through a coffeeshop.

Here's where the sting in the tail comes. Most coffeeshops already got growers who grow for them. When the cup is presented, it is the owners of the coffeeshops up there holding up the cups...may be I am wrong. I think there is a breeder cup, not sure though. Anyhoo's, it's not just like turning up with a bag of weed and getting them to smoke it. This is the bare bones of it. If you know people in a shop who have enough cash to enter the cup, and they then take your weed and enter it, then maybe, just maybe, if that coffeeshop picks judges up in limnos at the airport, provide them with free weed to constantly smoke, probably brassers as well as other tings...then maybe, just may be you could win a HTCC. Personally, I think the whole cup thing has past it's day.......

DST out "for a joint of Casey Jones. slurp, and a Cider and some Cheesey crackers."
Few tips to avoid the pigs tracking ya on forums. (I hope we all do this!)

1, Use a "proxy server" or 2 not based in England, so its a pain to track ya IP (a physical address assigned to your home internet provider)
2, Use a 4 mile Wi-Fi link, so ya at LEAST 1 mile away from "someones" IP address. (more hoops 4 em to run around)
Link to build one,

3, Dont ever use any trackable stuff on this connection e.g. address, name or credit card!
4, Dont "abuse" the open connection with downloading, else ya "neighbour" might twig.

If the pigs can be arsed/manage to get ya ID from this its a fair cop and they earn my respect!
