Aussie Growers Thread

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I'm in week 8 of flowering, two days into flushing with pure water. I one of the plants has gone hermie in the last week or so and there are a few open pollen sacks on them. Should I pull the crop now or wait another 4 days until the end of the week?


Well-Known Member
I'm in week 8 of flowering, two days into flushing with pure water. I one of the plants has gone hermie in the last week or so and there are a few open pollen sacks on them. Should I pull the crop now or wait another 4 days until the end of the week?
Just pull the Hermie now, if it has got pollen on the others it won't produce seeds as there isn't long enough left in ur crop for it to go thru the whole cycle.. 4 days would be long enough to start the process tho, this would mean it's possible that you could degrade the THC content.. Best bet is get urself a Flush Solution from the Hydro store, Flush em thru with that straight away & then pull them tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here is my ebay totals just for the stuff I bought yesterday and today... I clear my totals for obvious :-)

Greating fellow Aussies rollitupfans .. Long time stalker 1st time poster.. I thought what better thread then the AUSSIE GROWERS thread to make my 1st post in.. I have a question that i hope someone could help me with.. I know that Nirvana seed bank doesnt post to Australia but if 1 was to order Nirvana seeds threw kind seed co would this work??

Also i will be starting a grow journal in the no to distant future

Happy Mardigrass :)


Well-Known Member
Greating fellow Aussies rollitupfans .. Long time stalker 1st time poster.. I thought what better thread then the AUSSIE GROWERS thread to make my 1st post in.. I have a question that i hope someone could help me with.. I know that Nirvana seed bank doesnt post to Australia but if 1 was to order Nirvana seeds threw kind seed co would this work??

Also i will be starting a grow journal in the no to distant future

Happy Mardigrass :)
Go with or Herbies Head Shop... Don't order anything from Amsterdam, Holland or the Netherlands... They will be flagged by customs... Use any UK seed company...
Hey ya'll. Anyone know the best way to get fox farm nutes in Aus? I can't find em anywhere... Maybe someone could suggest something else even? I've just heard really good things about FF.. It's for my aerogarden :)


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll. Anyone know the best way to get fox farm nutes in Aus? I can't find em anywhere... Maybe someone could suggest something else even? I've just heard really good things about FF.. It's for my aerogarden :)
Canna or Cyco are the best brands in Australia at the moment... I use Canna... All their products are great...And readily available.. Fox Farm isn't available in OZ....


Well-Known Member
I've pulled half of my crop just to make sure. This is going to take me forever to trim. I'm in the bad books now because I've stunk out the house. :sad: :bigjoint:

Thanks for the advice Lacy and Ninja.
No Worries. Here's a bit more advice 4u - Let her loose on Ebay.. That oughta get u back in the Good Books :) (Maybe she could even buy the Lingerie Lacey was talking about ;))


Well-Known Member
ninj - my "aura" would be off coz i'm quitting smoking and want to kill things, smoking i mean cigarettes. bad bad naughty stupid fucking cigarettes.

need a few days, will be under a rock. mwa


Well-Known Member
I just quit smoking 4 months ago Kmoo and the Nicabate inhalers worked great. It keeps your hands busy and the first couple of puffs almost feels like you are smoking so helps take the edge off. Good luck i smoked for 14 years and i smoked like a champ.


Well-Known Member
You should try the patches Kmoo, they really do take the edge off.. When my new vape arrives I am going to use patches... Its not the marijuana I'm addicted to.... Its the nicotine... I know this cause when I got my first vape, I was stoned off my tree all day and I still was craving something...
Keep up the good work mate, its one of the hardest things you can do...