TGA Vortex 400W Stealth Grow in Supersoil


Well-Known Member
how goes it jdubs?
Oh n i agree that pheno choice problem will take care of itself too, something will scream out at u 'keep me!!'


Well-Known Member
Going great, thanks! They're looking really thick and bushy, and nice and green. I'm going out of town for a couple days, and I'll update with pics when I get back. Peace,



Well-Known Member
The young ones are doing great, not much new to report. The growth is really starting to kick in high gear, and they'll all be ready for me to top once they put on a couple more internodes. I must add that I'm pretty impressed with the build of these seedlings; the growth is lush and strong and very compact -- no spindliness at all!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks alexonfire, I appreciate that. And streetlegal -- I hear ya. I came back after being gone for the weekend, and they looked like different plants. I took those pics last night, and watered them first thing this morning, and they've grown a lot just since those pics were taken last night! They're vigorous little f'ers, for sure. At this rate, I'll have to update with pics almost every frickin' day!


Well-Known Member
Today was a critical day; the plants all looked healthy and the roots seemed to be firmly established, and each plant had quite a few sets of internodes, so I decided to top them. As I said at the beginning of the thread, I am only keeping one and my plan is to grow her big. I knew I wanted to top as early as possible, and I'm going to train the keeper to fill the space. The clones are just an added benefit, which I will probably hold onto until they get rooted and then trade them for some bud from a fellow grower.:bigjoint:
Here's a complete set of pics, detailing the process.
There's the four of them before topping, and then a good look at the inside of one of the plants before making a cut. The next pics show a plant up close after a cut, followed by a clone. I am obsessive about being clean throughout the process, and have made sure to dip each clone in root gel before putting them in the plugs. The last two pics show the four seedlings "post-op", and a look at the four clones in the fresh humi-dome.
Hopefully the four seedlings weren't too stressed from the cut and will recover quickly, as they seem pretty vigorous and bushy. I'll update soon, when things start to get rolling again. Peace out!:peace::leaf:



Well-Known Member
It's been almost a week since the four have been topped, but it's been productive. A few days ago, V1(lower left hand corner in pics) and V4(upper right hand corner in pics) started to show the slightest of yellowing on the lower fan leaves, telling me that they want some more Nitrogen. This was not a completely unwelcome sign, as it just means my base soil I mixed up is a little on the light side, but balanced. This is a much easier fix and much less stressful on them than too hot of a mix or an unbalanced one. I simply used a little bit of supersoil to topsoil each plant before I watered a couple days ago, and V1 and V4 already look slightly happier. It'll take another few days for the yellowing to clear up even though the deficiency is gone, so no panicking! They'll be almost ready to transplant by then anyway, so no biggie.
Now for the good news. . . .:eyesmoke:
We have females! V1 shows pronounced female preflowers in several internodes, as you can see in the pic. I'm fairly certain I can make out the whispiest of pistils on V2, and same story for V3 as well, but it's still too close to call. V4 doesn't seem to be showing yet; however, let me tell you about V4: it has a smell that's very different from the other 3. It's less herby(if that's a word???), and more like rotten fruit -- but sweet fruit, so it's not stinging to the nostrils. V4 also seems to me to have better vigor and stem size than V2 or V3, so I hope it's a female. . . If V4 is a female as well, then as of right now, I'd say V1 and V4 seem like a toss-up for the keeper. Hopefully I'll have them all sexed for sure and have my decision made before it's time to transplant to the 7 gallon pots in 1-3 weeks. If not, I'll transplant just a couple and narrow it down before flowering. Enjoy the pics!:joint:


J Dub



Well-Known Member
Gee they look really good jdubs, very vigorous..
It's gonna be sad to cull so many females, could be better then 50/50 atm..
Fingers crossed for the fruit rot, but it wouldve been good to see wot both phenos have to offer


Well-Known Member
Takes clones of all of em or you might be sorry you can always kill em off later :)

I can't count the times I wish I had



Well-Known Member
Takes clones of all of em or you might be sorry you can always kill em off later :)

I can't count the times I wish I had

Will do bro. I thought about that after reading your book, that cloning is going to be the only way I'm going to keep a proper garden going, especially if I'm going to focus on one strain for a while. I'm setting up a seperate space, which will have my humi-dome, some cfl's, and my old 150W Hydrofarm for clones and early vegging. Thanks for the soil, the info, and the genetics man, it changed my life, haha :bigjoint:

And yo MaidenMonkey, thanks for the kind words. I know you'll keep an eye out on these :leaf:


Well-Known Member
We have female number two! I checked the other three plants for preflowers when I watered today, and I made out a few female preflowers on V3. I'm still thinking I see female preflowers on V2 with a magnifying glass, but I'm going to wait until I'm certain to call it. The one I'm kind of hoping for, V4, still has no signs of preflowers, but soon I'm sure. They all look great, and are putting on some green growth. I'll update with pics soon.

Happy toking,

J Dubs


Well-Known Member
Looking good dude! Nice thing about topping them when you did is you already have a clone of each!
Funny thing about that friend. . . those clones are no longer around. I knew these seedlings were pretty young to take clones off of, and the tips I kept were quite large, so I knew that they would take forever to root. Long story short, I gave up on them a few days ago and tossed them, because even though they were healthy, they weren't rooted and I want to take some really good clones when all of the plants are larger and have better cuttings to take. I only tried to keep the tops because I hated to throw them away right off. Thanks for the kind words -- the plants are doing great, and I've decided to transplant all of them to seven gallon pots in a couple of days. I will update with pics then.




Well-Known Member
I found numerous female preflowers on V2 and V4 with a magnifying glass today, and I could see a few without the glass! :grin: The seedlings are a month old today, and I have four females, so here's the plan:
I'm going to go ahead and transplant all of them into 7 gallon smart pots in a couple days. I'm going to veg them as long as I can with the space I have. I'm hoping to veg them all for another month, and then take healthy young clones from all four, make my decision on which one gets the go ahead for a full flowering this go-round, and clean the lady up and put her to 12/12. I'm thinking I'll just grow each phenotype one after another, starting with which I think I'll like most. :weed: I'm pretty excited that V4 turned out female though. We'll see who tops the list once they get plenty of supersoil to grow big and strong and smelly in :eyesmoke::leaf: