Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey all. In Sydney it is $100 for a quart for me. Been a long time since i bought one though. 7grams. I just updated my thread with some pics if you want to drop in and say hi?


Well-Known Member
bris on a good day $60 Q, not many good days lately though. Happy with 80 but have had to pay up to 100 for a good Q. Most here are 7ish grams so we don't get too ripped off there at least. Today was one of those 100 days but i'm smiling now.


Well-Known Member
Asians have ruined the Sydney dope market.. IF ur lucky enough 2 get 7g in a Q, then it is almost certainly Wet Immature Bud anyway.
A mate recently payed $110 for 6.2g that was wet & leafy.. Trimmed & Dry it proli wud've been a $50.

Fuck Buying Weed.. I love being self sufficient :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm working on it... lucky bugger
You'll get there, another month.. But then the urge comes to smoke more simply because u can.. A good way to do it is have a jar and everytime u smoke a $50, then put $50 in there.. U'l always have money in there when u need to buy equipment, & u can actually see exactly how much u save over paying retail..


Well-Known Member
You'll get there, another month.. But then the urge comes to smoke more simply because u can.. A good way to do it is have a jar and everytime u smoke a $50, then put $50 in there.. U'l always have money in there when u need to buy equipment, & u can actually see exactly how much u save over paying retail..
That is a great idea ninja. I did a similar thing when i quit smoking, i put 10 bucks a day for the first month just to remind myself how much it actually cost to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Haha more like everytime I smoke a 50 the mrs takes a fifty from my wallet. She's having an ebay week, it's devasating to my credit card


Well-Known Member
I've been ebaying like crazy this week too... Shoes and juicy couture tracksuits, and DVD's and lingerie, I've had a great week... Hydro stuff,


Well-Known Member
For her it was beads (for jewellery i guess) and a whole bunch of what i assume to be rip off makeup kits


Well-Known Member
ebay is awesome. i spent most of my day searching for shoes. what a fucking nightmare. i rang every part of oz except n.t. and tas. found them in melbourne, but need someone to pick them up. i think i need to state that the shoes are 3 pairs of DC shoes pure ex. skate shoes that my friend wants all of us in his grooms party to wear. cant get them for the groom, because he has a huge size 14 foot.

i am just about to update my SLH journal. i have pics. and i also need to mention that i am germinating 2 x TOP44 seeds that i have been lucky enough to stumble upon. hopefully there is a couple sisters about to be born.

back soon after i have done the journal thing.


Well-Known Member
my SLH journal has been updated with pics. its now the start of week 3 flower.

here a really bad pic of the 2 x TOP44 seeds that are germinating at the moment.

i am so tired what a bullshit day.
good night all.


Well-Known Member
YAY. i just check on the seeds and 1 one the TOP44 has cracked. i will check them again this arvo, hopefully the other one will have cracked by then.

i am off to get fitted for a suit. catch ya all later.


Well-Known Member
hey lacey , i remember u saying something like u needed a digital timer for your aeroponic cloner, but didnt wanna pay 250 for it ...well i just bought a digital timer at bunnings for $15 and u can set it down to the minute + u can have 40 on off options.


Well-Known Member
hey lacey , i remember u saying something like u needed a digital timer for your aeroponic cloner, but didnt wanna pay 250 for it ...well i just bought a digital timer at bunnings for $15 and u can set it down to the minute + u can have 40 on off options.
she needs one that has some ridiculous amount of/on of settings. like 400 or ssomething. but i am interested in the timer. what brand is it? i will go look for it today.


Well-Known Member
For her it was beads (for jewellery i guess) and a whole bunch of what i assume to be rip off makeup kits
Miyagi bro, I don't know how 2 tell u this except I think we may be dating the same woman.. Lol.
My missus has a Pandora Bracelet, & spends all day on Ebay 4 it, Shoes, Make-up, Clothes etcetc..
I will take a screen shot later & put up my Ebay total.. You may quite literally shit yourself..


Well-Known Member
I just bought, three pairs of lonsdale tracksuit pants, 1 pair of Nike Air Pegasus, 3 Juicy couture tracksuits..... My husband dreads my paypal receipts on his credit card...