Well-Known Member
I will be staring my grow later this week if at all possible and would like a little more information before I get started. I have chosen the room I will be growing in. The dimension are 24'x24'. 8.5ft in height. Here are some pictures attached. The room is new and the floor was concrete. I layered the floor with 1 inch white insulfoam. Now the floor is at room temp. I will be using 60 3 gallon pots. I will not be using any kind of hydro and will be growing in soil. So far I have purchased 4 1000 watt euro systems lights kits. They will run off of 240 Volt. The hoods are reflective and 6' aircooled. The ballast are switchable. I will be using all metal halide lightd for the veg then HPS for the flower. I know I have the space but the big question is what is the best grow method for me? staright up big plants, Sea of green, or screen of green?? I really dont want to buy more than the 4 1000s I allready have which means each 1000 watt light will have to cover 15 plants. I am really wanting the highest yields. 2 ounces per plant.. I will be growing sour diesel.. Here are some pics of the room, buckets, lights. Please give imput.