fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

hope i didn't come off as a dick.

check this out, .... View attachment 916565

my bulb did burn out while they were under the 250mh. it could have been the bulb doing it. the new one looks like it's putting out a different color. :joint::clap:

no you didnt at all. i have some locally developed strains that stretch really weird like sometimes when they go under MH, and sometimes different phenos of the same strain dont stretch at all... like i said, its weird. nowi have some good genetics from speedy that didnt stretch at all besides what you would normally expect, besides one plant of a dif pheno.
just makes me wonder if its a trait that can be bred out is all....
well if you cross two of the phonotype that don't stretch you would be decreasing the probability of seeing that trait come out but it really depends on what trait is dominant or recessive withing the genetic set you have. look at the ratios of stretch to no stretch that you have in the ofspriing of the cross you made if you have a lot more that stretch its fair to say that the genetics your playing with have a tendency to carry that trait over the other. working with larg numbers of plants is usually the best way to be able to tell. But that's just from my limited experience with it.

I'm sure fdd will be able to tell you more about it, he has more experience with it than I do.

seems like if you do stabilize a strain without stretching it might still carry the recessive trait for it and you could see it again here and there.
It is a beautiful plant for sure though, I love sativas. I wish I had the facilities to breed strains, Or was legal and could do it outside. I've been trying but with the numbers I'm able to work with its unlikely I will be able to come up with anything for a very long time.
you have not said what nutes you are using this year and after mixing all that pig/horse and cow poop is there a reason why you wait a week before planting? thanks jeff
it was in that cup a month. it's in a big pot now and looks much better.

sorry i missed your question. did you just try to insult me for it?

sorry i thought you were snubbing me. you just cruising by my ? like that. that's what i thought.. i thought the big man on campus was being a butt,LOL SOPRRY
Hey FDD What do you use to fight off insects and little animals from eating up your girls. I just put two clones outside a cpl of days ago and they were doing real well until either my dog or a rabbit had em a little snack but they're still alive and kicking. I know there is a lot of products out there on the market to take care of that kind of stuff but what are your methods?
you have not said what nutes you are using this year and after mixing all that pig/horse and cow poop is there a reason why you wait a week before planting? thanks jeff

not sure what i'm going with yet.

i wait a week to plant because i'm still tilling. once the tilling is done i will plant. i have spent the last 5 days tilling at least twice a day. i will get plants into "the secret garden" today. i may get some in the "big garden" as well.
Hey FDD What do you use to fight off insects and little animals from eating up your girls. I just put two clones outside a cpl of days ago and they were doing real well until either my dog or a rabbit had em a little snack but they're still alive and kicking. I know there is a lot of stuff out there on the market to take care of that kind of stuff but what are your methods?

the insects all balance each other out. i do have to spray for caterpillars in the fall though. i don't have dogs or rabbits, and my kitties have never bothered any of my plants.

i try to make sure they are nice and healthy before i put them outside. i used to try to start plants outside and couldn't make it past the cutworms. now i veg inside for a month or so first.
the sun finally came out and i got the tiller running, figured it was time to start my thread as well.


Hijack F2, A and B pheno
Cracker Jack
Hash plant Haze
Ice Cream
Biddy Early

Grapefruit Diesel

seeds have been started in groups since Jan. they were started under 250 watts of HPS then moved to a room with 600 watt HPS's.


natural clay.

this year i have added old potting soil, new top soil and bat guano. last years composted leaves and branches. i found some manures on craigslist and have added horse, cow, pig and chicken manure. the cow/chciken/pig was aged a year and the horse is mixed with fir shavings. i have been tilling it in the past 2 days with more tilling to come.

i should start getting plants in the ground within the next week.

current pics, ...

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its about time you got off your lazy old ass to get things done. i see that you even cleaned up the junk in your outside grow area. i will miss seeing that old crapper in your pictures. may you be cursed with many trees. i wish i lived in th emarald triangel.
its about time you got off your lazy old ass to get things done. i see that you even cleaned up the junk in your outside grow area. i will miss seeing that old crapper in your pictures. may you be cursed with many trees. i wish i lived in th emarald triangel.

there's still a few wild dingos back there, but at least i got all the buzzards to leave. :)

i do have to do something with that storage shed, eventually.
FDD- no more age old nutes? or just looking for a change? seems like that stuff really works well with out having any additives and shit.
FDD- no more age old nutes? or just looking for a change? seems like that stuff really works well with out having any additives and shit.

i still have jugs of it and did feed them once while under the 250 with age old. i just haven't looked around at the nute store lately so i don't know what's out there this year. there may be something new i want to try. :wink:

sure wish i could get metanaturals veg formula again. for some reason they didn't make any last year. :neutral:
Sub'ed dude. Hope you do great this year even with the late start. My light dep made it thru the rain (with some supplemental lighting of course lol) and i'll be putting full summer plants in the ground soon too. Can't wait to see how the summer goes for us in beautiful sunny Northern California!

PS. I wonder if my Tangerine Diesel is the same strain as Grapefruit Diesel just renamed? Can't find info on the TD for shit.