Help!! Clones Won't Grow Roots


Well-Known Member
Not a newb to growing, but I have only cloned once, many years ago.

Ok so I have a Bubblelicious mother which I like because her pheno IS bubblegum scent! So I took some cuttings from the side branches, made sure I had 3 nodes, sliced them at 45* angle, and stuck them in water. Another cutting I dabbed in root powder, and stuck it in neutral moist soil. After 1 full month, there were no roots in the water, an the cuttings in the soil were not rooting either.

This shit is supposed to be easy.....and I did it before by sticking it in tap water. But I don't remember waiting over 1 month to see any roots :o. What did I do wrong?Clones 001.jpg Should I throw them away, or will they make it?!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this might help


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmmm they should definitely be showing roots after 1 month from cutting them. I'd say you should dip them ALL in that root powder, and maybe get a trey and some rockwool, do just like you did, 2-3 nodes, cut @ 45 degree angle, I like to put a little cut in the stem, not deep, just into the flesh, it seems to help the roots grow out of there faster. Dip into water, dip into rooting hormone (I use Rootone, it's a powder) Put into a rockwool cube or cylinder (I use rockwool cylinders that fit into shot glasses perfectly) Get the rockwool nice and wet, drain any excess water, try to keep the temps up and make sure to use some sort of humidity dome. I use makeshift humidity domes out of like a 2lt bottle or something like that...

This is what I do, and so far, out of the last batch of 13 clones, 13 rooted and I actually had to throw some in the trash because I just didn't have enough room.

As for the cettings you have right, now..... I dunno dog, they've been in there for a month I'd think if they don't have any roots they'd be about dead by now, but they're still green..... Maybe try to cut the stem again and put more rooting powder on them?... lol, Good luck and keep us updated on the situation.

P.S. I've also had really good success with those juffy pellet things, I've tried to clone in straight soil and it just doesn't work for me..... But the jiffy pelets and rockwool work really REALLY well!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if they are stillgreen they are not dead. i have taken clones that did not root after 3 weeks and just re cut them dipped them in the rooting compound and wala most of the time they will root.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of your guys---reps all around :)

I'll try recutting and dipping them into the root powder. It's been frustrating for me since Bubblelicious is supposed to be an easy cloner, and the phenotype is true to the strain. I have never worked with rockwool....can I find that easily? Also, if I use rockwool, can I strill plant the cutting into soil? I always thought rockwool was a precursor to hydro growing.

I'll do more research....thanks again fellas :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Oh yea no problem dog! And you can most DEFINITELY plant rockwool in soil! I have 4 plants right now that started off in rockwool, as cuttings, and 2 of them are about a week or so away from harvest. ALL planted in soil. It's perfectly fine to do, and I will guarentee you will have a MUCH higher success rate with rockwool than just plain soil. I've never rooted a cutting is just soil. OH, and if you can, make sure to heep the temps up and the HUMIDITY up! Get a humidity dome for SURE! Or make one for less than 5 bucks.


Active Member
let us know how it turns out. I had one that would not root as well. Around the 3 week mark I tossed that little fucker.
Maybe I should have re-cut it, but the others were well on their way to growing and taller by then.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again guys. I'm going to try and find rockwool.....I hope I can find it at other stores besides the Hydroponics store. The Hydro store is an all day task, and they have cameras in there too, so I am going to try and avoid that place. I am also wondering if my cutting is too short; in all the videos and pics, they look much taller than mine was. But this plant grows very low and compact.

I just made a ghetto humidity dome for the two cuttings....put them in tall clear plastic tupperware containers and just misted the shit out of them. They must be sucking up decent water through the stem, because they are healthy green. In fact, one of them has a crown of white hairs at the top :lol:

Thanks for the love y'all :leaf: :)


Active Member
Thanks to both of your guys---reps all around :)

I'll try recutting and dipping them into the root powder. It's been frustrating for me since Bubblelicious is supposed to be an easy cloner, and the phenotype is true to the strain. I have never worked with rockwool....can I find that easily? Also, if I use rockwool, can I strill plant the cutting into soil? I always thought rockwool was a precursor to hydro growing.

I'll do more research....thanks again fellas :leaf:
I see your using jiffy pots. I would stay away from juffy pots. alot of people have had problums where the roots couldn't grow through them that and you need to do a humidity dome


Active Member
depends on the area they have their clones in and some strains cuz some will clone easly with out a humid dome and some need it


Well-Known Member
In fact, one of them has a crown of white hairs at the top :lol:
If you took the clones off a budding plant it can take significantly longer for them to root BTW.

And I take REALLY short and small cuttings that are about 1/4 the size of yours, so I don't think that's a problem.


Active Member
Yea try to keep the cuttings small when you take them and trim or cut off the fan leafs depending on how much of the new growing is there


Well-Known Member
if youre having trouble with the powder it could be that its not distributed evenly, im currently trying my first mj clone, but ive cloned other plants such as bonsai trees, tomatoes, different types of cactus etc. i use olivias rooting gel, you should split the stem about 1/2-1 cm and dip in the gel for a couple of secconds, after that set up a small ebb and flow, nothing fancy or long term, just untill you start to see roots then plant them in soil or what ever you choose, rockwool is pretty universal...oh and by the way there are different sizes and although im sure its common sense, you never know with some people, so get 1 inch cubes, happy cloning =]


Active Member
strip the outter skin cut the bottom so that you have 2 parts or cut it again the other way so that you have 4 parts


Well-Known Member
I see your using jiffy pots. I would stay away from juffy pots. alot of people have had problums where the roots couldn't grow through them that and you need to do a humidity dome
Ok thanks. I'm too scared to uproot them from the jiffy pots now, but I have them in a humidity dome that is as muggy as a sauna :lol:

I've used jiffy pots before, and once the roots start, it penetrates the jiffy shell with no problem. By then, the shell is so mushy that it just crumbles apart, and the roots break out. 'Not saying you don't have a good suggestion though, and from now I'll stay away from the jiffy pots altogether.

Thank you. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
if youre having trouble with the powder it could be that its not distributed evenly, im currently trying my first mj clone, but ive cloned other plants such as bonsai trees, tomatoes, different types of cactus etc. i use olivias rooting gel, you should split the stem about 1/2-1 cm and dip in the gel for a couple of secconds, after that set up a small ebb and flow, nothing fancy or long term, just untill you start to see roots then plant them in soil or what ever you choose, rockwool is pretty universal...oh and by the way there are different sizes and although im sure its common sense, you never know with some people, so get 1 inch cubes, happy cloning =]
Thank you. +rep :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yea try to keep the cuttings small when you take them and trim or cut off the fan leafs depending on how much of the new growing is there
Yeah thanks, I just clipped the big fan leaves at the bottom that were turning yellow ayway. I'll post pics tomorrow; they seem to be hanging in there despite taking forever to root.

Thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
If you took the clones off a budding plant it can take significantly longer for them to root BTW.

And I take REALLY short and small cuttings that are about 1/4 the size of yours, so I don't think that's a problem.
Funny thing.....I clipped this cutting 1 week before going to 12/ I am kinda stunned. We'll see if it:

1) roots
2) continues to flower
3) re-vegges

Thank you :leaf: