Whats the problem with them


Well-Known Member
On April the 4 i started my outdoor grow of 36 sour d plants. This past weekend i went out to check them and they are already flowering is this what im supposed to be going through or not even with any strain i thought that would have at least 3 months before any sings of flowering would take place so is this how they are supposed to be acting or not :leaf:


Active Member
cannabis flowers when it gets a 12 hour dark cycle, so depending where ya live depends when they will flower.


Well-Known Member
NO!!!! pre flowers im talking< bud ill post pictures friday morning i have video footage but i don think i can post that up here


Active Member
Smaller yield if its already flowering. Mother nature should solve this issue her self, meaning the plants should go back to the veg state shortly.


Well-Known Member
Well it wouldn't be so bad if there already in flower because sour d has a pretty long flowering period. Also using grow and bloom nutrients in conjunction could help.