World Wide Marijuana Seeds


Just some idiot
my friend got ripped off by world of seeds
world of seeds is a different bank then Does you friend live in the US? If so he should have known that World of Seeds doesn't deliver to the states.


Well-Known Member
What do you want a minute by minute play? You heard from them yesterday, you expect to hear from them every day?

No, the only thing I have received since paying my invoice is a paypal notice that my echeque was "cashed" by WWMS.I have not even heard if the product I ordered was in stock or not. I ordered on the 11th.


Well-Known Member
i found 4 strains I wanted on wwms....and then I found out that the *** means out of stock.....on everything in my cart.....gaaaayyy


Well-Known Member
i found 4 strains I wanted on wwms....and then I found out that the *** means out of stock.....on everything in my cart.....gaaaayyy

thats just the way it looks. they usually can get anything in just a few days to where ever. seldom they have to do a substitution.


Well-Known Member
i found 4 strains I wanted on wwms....and then I found out that the *** means out of stock.....on everything in my cart.....gaaaayyy
i emailed about that because i ordered th trance and it had the *** next to it this is the admins reply Re: Enquiry from World Wide Marijuana Seeds‏ From: [email protected]
You may not know this sender. Sent: Monday, 17 December 2007 4:32:21 AM Reply-to: [email protected] To: cj
The stars don't really mean anything at all, we started off with a limited
range and have been putting many more strains and banks on, the work has
still not been finished, once it has the stock system will be implemented.

----- Original Message -----
From: "cj
To: "W.W.M.S." <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 3:13 AM
Subject: Enquiry from World Wide Marijuana Seeds

> hey i just ordered the trance but it had the *** and it says that means
use dont have ne left or something so was wondering if i paid how long will
it be before use get more and can send off my order?


Well-Known Member
hey, i don't give a fuck if it sounds like a pitch, WWMS is the greatest shipper I've ever heard of and/or dealt with and I've dealt with ten or so, so I'd use them, And I'll never use anything else. I'm in the USA and they deliver fast, they email quick, and I even fucked up an order big time and they checked it out and contacted me about it to make sure everything was okay, got it all straightened out and my seeds are rockin it.


Well-Known Member
i ordered from wwms and did get my seeds yet but it hasnt been long enough anyways. their selection is pretty god and they seem to be on the ball for responding to emails and shit. so far im a fan.


Well-Known Member
After reading the retards on this forum, I'm certain I could never run a business selling these seeds.


Just some idiot
well he never said he wasn't a retard. But I have been accused of having a mongoloid look about me and I have also been accused of having some extra chromosomes but he doesn't have to call me retarded...most people call us special now a days


Also I didn't notice that he quoted Nietzsche in his sig. he must be superior....dudes with smart looking sigs intimidate me so I will shut up now.


Well-Known Member
We're all retarded here at rollitup, growing your own sends you that way, well from the outside world in it does anyways