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i asked my local post office what it would cost to send something express to the UK. she told me $28. it was a small package. cost 2 dollars to ship it within the US.
Priority is $15 and only a day or so slower. We lost a lot of international shipping options when flat rate went global.
Im just impressed speedy can charge as low as he does. I pay more then that for some vegetable seeds shipped within US. And it takes almost 2 weeks too.
this is the third time ive posted this, maybe you missed it with all the traffic lately.

yo speedy, what is your cut off time for reships? it looks like seeds are starting to show but would just like to know.

my order... 100000618 08/04/2010

And what is the time you want to wait until you reship, every day the postman comes and yet another sad day today :cry:

no seeds
Started 3fem of 5 Blz and my freebie Ac gold 16 hours ago and they already poped I will defintly be a returning coustumer, keep on keepin on speedy.:bigjoint:
In a week or so, I'll be making the daily, hopeful trips to the post office, I hate waiting for seeds, but it's kind of like Christmas when they come.
Order # 661
Order Placed 4/13
Shipping Date on Postage 4/23
Arrival 4/30 (Shipped to regular po box & had to sign for package)
Placed all in water for a float test and every one floats, they were only in the water for a minute but ???
Anyone have instructions for a float test,,,more time?

UPDATE, All seeds sank after a couple hours & are in the ground!
Fuck. I didn't use the code. I switched some of my order around because I was 7 dollars over my limit! I reckon that would have corrected my problem.

Ohwell,,,nothing I can do to change it now....
I tried the float test, they all floated left them in the water for 8 hours never sank,took em out put them in ziplock with moist pt 8 hours later they were poped. What's the float test supposed to mean?
good seeds are supposed to sink, as opposed to bad seeds which float. but this is really only useful for discarding seeds in large batches, as only the most mature seeds will sink. It's by no means 100% and pretty much useless for ten seeds. Even an immature seed can germinate.
good seeds are supposed to sink, as opposed to bad seeds which float. but this is really only useful for discarding seeds in large batches, as only the most mature seeds will sink. It's by no means 100% and pretty much useless for ten seeds. Even an immature seed can germinate.

Where did you hear that? I heard just the opposite, good seeds float because their shells are intact, bad seeds sink because their shells are not intact and water gets into the cracks and sinks them. The whole purpose of skuffing your beans or soaking them in water for twenty four hours is to allow the beans to absorb moisture and germ sooner.

Edit, thanks dirtnap.
Its in some old book from the 70's. If you throw 100 seeds in water those that sink instantly are going to be the densest, and most mature. Discard the floaters and you have the best of the best it's like Grade A vs Grade AA eggs. It doesn't mean they are "bad", nor really have anything to do with germinating the seed.
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