New CFL grow using Miracle-Gro African Violet Potting Mix in 6" pots

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, its day 62 and i gave my girl a haircut, LoL. i know your not suppose to cut the fan leaves off, but i want more light to get to lower part of the plant to help make the smaller buds bigger. i mean what can it hurt? its not that far from harvest and it should help the buds, now we'll just wait and see, if it dont work, i wont do it again, LoL. heres pics.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
pics of day 63, man i fucked up last night, while trimming some of the leaves, i turned the water on and forgot about it, not paying attention, LoL, she got about a half gallon of juice, so no water for her today. the water filled the pie pan and luckily i had a towel handy and soaked up the extra water before it got to the cardboard box, good thing i have the mica board on the bottom. so the moral is, dont fuck with your grow when you're really stoned, LoL.



Well-Known Member
pics of day 63, man i fucked up last night, while trimming some of the leaves, i turned the water on and forgot about it, not paying attention, LoL, she got about a half gallon of juice, so no water for her today. the water filled the pie pan and luckily i had a towel handy and soaked up the extra water before it got to the cardboard box, good thing i have the mica board on the bottom. so the moral is, dont fuck with your grow when you're really stoned, LoL.
lolz amen to that i tried to transplant when i was high as hell and broke my main stem str8 off hahahaha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
also, got all the stuff i need to make a veg cabinet, but the cabinet. im so pissed, yesterday i went to the thrift store and saw a little wooden night stand, about 2 foot tall with a door and was 18" x 18", thought perfect and only 99 cents!! well, like a dumbass, i didnt get it because i bought a soft cast for my leg and was happy with that. well i went back today and of course it was gone. :wall:i always do that!! LoL. so now i guess i'll just get another smaller cardboard box again and use that. all of this stuff was about $9 and i already have 2 6" pots and the my 99 cent soil so im almost ready to start my next batch.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
here we are at day 64 and its been 7 weeks of 12/12 flowering now, only a couple more weeks i hope. have to keep an eye on the trichs from here on out. still need a box to build my veg cabinet, should get that done over the weekend so i can start some new plants here soon.

and king, dont break any more branches off, LoL.



Active Member
I really like that last pic. youve got a lot of penetration with that LST. good luck on the veg cabinet. I finally finished mine for the most part today.


Active Member
very nice man my nug's on my LR are almost that big if not then that big idk i don't think there quite that big yet but it's a LR so it'll beef up soon peace and keep it going dude


Active Member
yeah well it'll proabley surprise you but i'l like to know if i were you too i'm hope when i go 12/12 that WW is a female oh and i forgot to tell yall that i got 2 female's and i chopped 3 male's from bagseeed outside