Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review - White Widow


I ordered from back in November 09.
My White Widow Seeds arrived fast and discrete, they get points there...
Price was a bit steep but I thought I was getting the best.
Out of 10 seeds 7 sprouted and 6 were female.
Btw, they send 20 free seeds with every order, of those only two sprouted, both male.
Now, after they've bloomed I can say that they look nothing like their picture or description.
First off, flowering took 11-13+ weeks, not 8 weeks.
If hadn't known they were all the same, I'd say by looks there are three different breeds there, four of one, and one ea of other types.
They claim; "The buds have so much THC on them that it is hard to see the bud at all." In fact it was the other way around, from a distance of 4 feet you couldn't see any white at all.
They also claim; "The strongest weed in the world." It's not. I was disappointed in the strength... It was good, but certainly not the "best".
I was also disappointed in the net quantity of buds produced. The plants were about a meter tall, wide and dense, but buds were small and loose. One plant produced an acceptable amount, the others were all below par and one was was pathetic. The pathetic one is actually still under the light, it's been there for 13 weeks now and judging by looks it'll need another 2.
All the leaves were yellow by the time the buds were ready, I had hoped to give the leaves away or make cannabutter or something, but yellow leaves turn dirt brown when dry and don't look good or even smell good. There is also very little THC in them, I tried some of the smaller leaves at the base of the buds and barely felt anything.

Smell is another odd thing, they hardly had any aroma at all during growth or flowering. I never needed a filter on the grow room and it vents into my house, people visit and never notice. And everyone who smells the cured bud in a bag comments that it smells good, just not very strong.
I now have many clones I took from the originals, they too have almost no smell.

After one month veg growth, both the original and clones of the four that look alike show sex. Well not just showed it, but actually started making buds! Some clones were only 8" tall and making buds. One of the original batch actually produced a nice fully developed large seed before I put them into flower! Another plant produced another seed a week later. I had no idea that was possible...
Right now there are some small clones only 12" tall and very thin/sparse, but all up the main trunk is covered with so many small buds that I can hardly see the trunk at all. All the original and clones are under 24/0 while in veg. How can a normal plant like White Widow be covered in bud while early in veg under 24/0? Either they mixed up the seeds, or the breeder tried to make their own WW and it didn't work out.

Obviously I will not order from them again. :finger:


True, I'll bet the pix was the best of the best, but their worded description is so far off that if you read descriptions of all the plants, then tried to guess which one mine was, you'd NEVER say WW. Nothing matches, that's my problem. If I had known how the plants really turned out I would've never bought them, let alone pay top dollar.

I'm about to put the first batch of clones into flower, at least this time I'll have four times as many plants to I might get the volume I was looking for out of the original six.

I'll buy some WW from another place and post the difference. If anybody has ordered WW and it really came out top notch and really is "The strongest weed in the world", please let me know where you got them.

Thanks people....


Active Member
Ya my buddy got some afghan (i believe) for them out of the 10 6 sprouted and were all male :wall: lol
I never actually ever thought about buying from them though I came across their site nor have I have ever actually looked at a review or any journals (that i noticed) for that matter.

Btw Original White Widow you get from MrNice, Called Black Widow, Shantibaba actually hold the original cup winning genetics. Though other breeders have won with "White Widow"


I wish I'd found this discussion before I ordered. Here is an email I sent them recently:

AMS Ganja Dwarf / lowrider / lowryder seeds

I am an experienced grower who purchased 10 of these seeds three months ago. Growing them has been a total waste of time. They DID NOT auto flower. I had to change the light schedule to 12/12 to induce flowering after waiting over 60 days for the plants to show sex! I am extremely disappointed with the results. I will never purchase seeds from your company ever again. Further, any time I encounter a discussion about seeds banks on the internet, I will post comments that discourage doing business with Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds.


of the 20 free seeds i recieved, 8 germinated, 2 failed to pop open the cotyledons once they sprouted out of soil and one never sprouted after germinating. these are my first attempts at growing and wanted to use the freebies to gain experience. hopefully i'll have better luck with the feminized ones i paid a pretty penny for.
I ordered from back in November 09.
My White Widow Seeds arrived fast and discrete, they get points there...
Price was a bit steep but I thought I was getting the best.
Out of 10 seeds 7 sprouted and 6 were female.
Btw, they send 20 free seeds with every order, of those only two sprouted, both male.
Now, after they've bloomed I can say that they look nothing like their picture or description.
First off, flowering took 11-13+ weeks, not 8 weeks.
If hadn't known they were all the same, I'd say by looks there are three different breeds there, four of one, and one ea of other types.
They claim; "The buds have so much THC on them that it is hard to see the bud at all." In fact it was the other way around, from a distance of 4 feet you couldn't see any white at all.
They also claim; "The strongest weed in the world." It's not. I was disappointed in the strength... It was good, but certainly not the "best".
I was also disappointed in the net quantity of buds produced. The plants were about a meter tall, wide and dense, but buds were small and loose. One plant produced an acceptable amount, the others were all below par and one was was pathetic. The pathetic one is actually still under the light, it's been there for 13 weeks now and judging by looks it'll need another 2.
All the leaves were yellow by the time the buds were ready, I had hoped to give the leaves away or make cannabutter or something, but yellow leaves turn dirt brown when dry and don't look good or even smell good. There is also very little THC in them, I tried some of the smaller leaves at the base of the buds and barely felt anything.

Smell is another odd thing, they hardly had any aroma at all during growth or flowering. I never needed a filter on the grow room and it vents into my house, people visit and never notice. And everyone who smells the cured bud in a bag comments that it smells good, just not very strong.
I now have many clones I took from the originals, they too have almost no smell.

After one month veg growth, both the original and clones of the four that look alike show sex. Well not just showed it, but actually started making buds! Some clones were only 8" tall and making buds. One of the original batch actually produced a nice fully developed large seed before I put them into flower! Another plant produced another seed a week later. I had no idea that was possible...
Right now there are some small clones only 12" tall and very thin/sparse, but all up the main trunk is covered with so many small buds that I can hardly see the trunk at all. All the original and clones are under 24/0 while in veg. How can a normal plant like White Widow be covered in bud while early in veg under 24/0? Either they mixed up the seeds, or the breeder tried to make their own WW and it didn't work out.

Obviously I will not order from them again. :finger:
We too ordered from them and when we waited for like forever we emailed saying we hadn't received them and their reply was ; If you send us another 15 eros we can send some more, the friggin cheek of it. Not only are they expensive but they really do not give a shit wether you receive them or not so we did some research and found a much better place to get seeds from and you have the option of guaranteed delivery, they are ATTITUDE...the best place and service is top notch. But DO NOT go to amsterdam seeds and please let people know so they dont' gt ripped off like us and many other people, they need to be stopped!!!