Ya I don't know what the deal is.. To the Haters .. Dumb asses I am a new grower - this is my first grow... What because they don't look like shit I can't post in here. Sorry I studied everything I could on growing BEFORE anything ever touched dirt .If you don't want to participate in this forum then don't.... And for those of you wishing mean things on me and my girls.. all I can say is kharma is a bitch and it will come back around.
For Stoners I would think you would be a little more Oh I don't know mellow. So sorry If I offended any of you this tread started out as a joke but there are ALOT of pricks out there ( or a couple any way, right crystalman, and stanislblah blah blah... )
And the title to this thread is -- 35 days in flower not enough crystals why? I think is a valid question. I can honestly say there are not enough crystals on my plant I WANT MORE,
Oh Plus I am proud - it does a person good to hear that all your hardwork is working , plus none of us can go around showing off our ladies.
and if you guys seen anything wrong I trust you would tell me (being a newb)