Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
God is every believers coping mechanism.

What's the difference really, aside from appearing a little less crazy than her?
I don't need god to be crazy!

What a surprise, another day passes and big bang is still a THEORY.Maybe theyll figure it out tommorrow.
The fundamental problem with thumpers arguing against evolution is that they do not understand what a theory means in the context of science...or language for that matter...quoting from Webster's college dictionary copyright 2001:
Theory n. 1.a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Darwin's theory of evolution.

notice that was definition #1 (I did not just cherry pick)

The definition that the thumpers are misusing on purpose is Def #7!!!!!!!!!!!!7. contemplation or speculation

creationism is a theory
NO! it is NOT!!!! it is an Idea



Well-Known Member
I don't need god to be crazy!

The fundamental problem with thumpers arguing against evolution is that they do not understand what a theory means in the context of science...or language for that matter...quoting from Webster's college dictionary copyright 2001:
Theory n. 1.a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Darwin's theory of evolution.

notice that was definition #1 (I did not just cherry pick)

The definition that the thumpers are misusing on purpose is Def #7!!!!!!!!!!!!7. contemplation or speculation
There is a formal fallacy associated with shifting definitions, it's called equivocation.


Well-Known Member
This debate pretty much seems to be over (not that there was ever any hope of it really getting anywhere)...
I mean, 420 has not come up with anything resembling a serious reason, or even a weak theory, for his beliefs. All he's said is that since science can't definitively prove anything, there must be a magic ghost. It's a weak argument made even flimsier by his obvious lack of understanding of basic science.

And, now his arguments have come down to... "oh yeah, well you're a fag!"

I think I'm done following this one too.


Well-Known Member
I dont need luck buddy boy. Life couldent be better for me right now I have everything going for me.
yeah right thats why your trolling the internet trying your hardest to get people who are firm nonbelievers to realize how " ignorant" they are when you cant even form a solid argument. you dont believe in Christianity, and wont classify your religion, but were ignorant and were going to hell? ok dude; sure

You really should finish high school before you go trying to question the knowlege of a college grad.
dude i have my GED and im an atheist, and i know more about the religion science and the world than you do. how long you attended school has nothing to do with KNOWLEDGE, only how much money daddy paid and how many years you wasted learning mostly useless BS

Check this out:

thats 420haze's mother

This debate pretty much seems to be over (not that there was ever any hope of it really getting anywhere)...
I mean, 420 has not come up with anything resembling a serious reason, or even a weak theory, for his beliefs. All he's said is that since science can't definitively prove anything, there must be a magic ghost. It's a weak argument made even flimsier by his obvious lack of understanding of basic science.

And, now his arguments have come down to... "oh yeah, well you're a fag!"

I think I'm done following this one too.
he may be a fool but there are plenty of intelegent well formed arguments from others that make me follow this thread. i just spent about a half hour reading up on pages i missed

oh and haze
im reporting a few of your posts as well as your picture. try to stay banned this time


Well-Known Member
What kinda troll would seriously spend this much fuckin' time just trollin'?!

If this guy is serious by this point, it's not really funny anymore. It's actually pretty sad there are people in the year 2010 that have these kinds of beliefs.


Well-Known Member
I don't know all the answers, and I am content with that. I guess there could be a god, but I see no evidence of one, so I choose not to believe it.


Well-Known Member
i tell my fellow atheists about the demotivational poster on one of the first pages

"atheists; think this all happened by chance
christians; think a wizard in the sky did it"


Well-Known Member
yeah right thats why your trolling the internet trying your hardest to get people who are firm nonbelievers to realize how " ignorant" they are when you cant even form a solid argument. you dont believe in Christianity, and wont classify your religion, but were ignorant and were going to hell? ok dude; sure

dude i have my GED and im an atheist, and i know more about the religion science and the world than you do. how long you attended school has nothing to do with KNOWLEDGE, only how much money daddy paid and how many years you wasted learning mostly useless BS

thats 420haze's mother

he may be a fool but there are plenty of intelegent well formed arguments from others that make me follow this thread. i just spent about a half hour reading up on pages i missed

oh and haze
im reporting a few of your posts as well as your picture. try to stay banned this time
I agree that University Education has it's place, but the curriculum is filtered. And as with any filtered knowledge, it is flawed and incomplete...


Well-Known Member
Science will forever be a series of sifting through the unknown possible factors.
There is no argument there....can't see how mockery on either side serves any purpose other than to cause division in a negative way.
No logical debate will be had when discussing faith.
You either have it, or you don't.


Well-Known Member
Science will forever be a series of sifting through the unknown possible factors.
There is no argument there....can't see how mockery on either side serves any purpose other than to cause division in a negative way.
No logical debate will be had when discussing faith.
You either have it, or you don't.
Sifting through the unknown possible factors...Such is life.