thats where you are wrong
how am i going to lose control over how good my weed is when its sitting 15 feet from me and im raising it
wow.... a black market... thats what we have right now![]()
the bill just says you can grow however much you want as long as its in a 5x5 area
the restriction is on the carry amount
they dont want you walking around with pounds
you can buy up to an ounce from a store or you can get it from a friend
but if they pull you over you cant have more then an ounce per person over 21 in the car
i personly like this and see nothing wrong with it
i can work with this and around it
or growing moreor you can disregard the carry limit..
people seem to think there will be some magic elf keeping you from carrying more
Homeowners insurance covers that, not to mention it could be the mailman, your friend or the deliver guy who hurts themselves on your property.
Theft is theft until the thief breaks HIS leg during the robbery due to uneven pavement in your backyard. Then you have a lawsuit not a theft. Love the justice system.
Again, you seem to be so well versed with law and it's applications please refer back to the trespassing and theft chapters..... C'mon guy you are arguing a point clearly from a point of view that implies you deal to or are a minor. Why else would you keep bringing up the law for minors otherwise?Lol. Your foolish. It is stated that even if it is stolen it is still contributing because they wouldn't have it if you hadn't grown it.So yes,it IS YOUR OPINION. And yes. It's there that they can give you 5 fuckin years for it. And it might be less of a problem gettin weed,but gettin home with it may be different.Why vote yes? What are you really gaining? The loss of a possible $25 or $60 fine? I can tell you for sure that everyone under 21 is gonna be doin crazy shit to get it. Just hope it's not your home they go into. I live in the ghetto,and this place is gonna be poppin off for sure. Just remember there is not that much to gain here but more crime that they are claiming will slow down. Which they will create,WITH your vote if you vote yes. It will be exactly like the Crack you described before,more motherfuckers will die because of it.
The law is the law, what is the difference between someone robbing you at an ATM or breaking into or encroaching upon your dwelling (Where people should feel the safest).... Should the ATM robber go to jail and not the pesron stealing your other personal property?
The value itself of MJ will not increase due to the rules of risk, supply and demand.... In fact the price will drop, taxation of a currently untaxed product will increase because there will be tax instead of it remaining untaxed. I would rather be legal and be taxed than go to jail for a harmless crime.
I kinda thought everyone would share at least that perspective. Apparently I am wrong.
I have already stated, to you, that I will not be able to grow enough to keep a steady supply. And if I can, I will be constantly rotating plants. I dont feel as though I should have to do this. I like my 24 site in my 6x8 room. I dont feel as though I should have to reconstruct my room and buy a new system to appease you Keenly2. You have stated several times that your issue right now is that everyone should be able to use for recreational use because you dont want to spend 200 bucks.
man i have to tell you that im not from a med state, but i still do not understand why not vote yes. let get our foot in the door and then fight to change what we dont like. you can still grow what you want with out changing anything. just vote yes and do it anyways. most of you med state grower where growing waaaaaay before it became a legal med state and now you guys are holding us back. i hear a lot of old head thats BEEN growing talking that lets vote no b.s.- you guys really confuse me, but then again i dont know the pleasure of a legal med grow. but then again i would prolly not go med legal if i could (i like to stay off the book, because of who i am related too)For me I dont have anything to work around right now. I am perfectly happy with my limits and my grow area.
It seems as though I, and a butt load of other growers and heavy smokers, will be working around the new guidelines and rules for the general population. The very same general population that can have more privileges by abiding to the laws already in place - without loosing additional privileges.
I'm one of the few who would go slow on straight up legalization. My reasoning is that a sudden change like that is getting ahead of the views of the majority of Americans, and invites a backlash. If CA says it wants to legalize now, then they will end up with the wrath of the mainstream media, and eventually the feds. I can just imagine the media field day when some fool 14 y.o. gets a hold of 'legal' pot and paralyses himself crashing a car or some shit.
The path of least resistance seems to be that states are choosing medical mj, localities are decriminalizing, and the feds are becoming more tolerant. Over time, growing will become acceptable to Joe Blow America.
Baby steps for social change.
but a 14 yo cant get ahold to "legal" pot because that woud be illegal he can only abtain legal pot threw illegal means- and even then, in the said law it is illegal for him to do soI'm one of the few who would go slow on straight up legalization. My reasoning is that a sudden change like that is getting ahead of the views of the majority of Americans, and invites a backlash. If CA says it wants to legalize now, then they will end up with the wrath of the mainstream media, and eventually the feds. I can just imagine the media field day when some fool 14 y.o. gets a hold of 'legal' pot and paralyses himself crashing a car or some shit.
The path of least resistance seems to be that states are choosing medical mj, localities are decriminalizing, and the feds are becoming more tolerant. Over time, growing will become acceptable to Joe Blow America.
Baby steps for social change.
and so does mineActually it does make sense. You know how the media can throw things into frenzy. Punishment for the kid would no longer be relevent. All the media would have to do is throw out a story of"Would this kid have been able to get it if it wasn't legal?" And of course he would,but that won't matter. And a new set of soccer moms would be out picketing. You have to understand the mob. I'm not saying it would happen,just sayin his point makes sense.