Attention Atheist

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That got old.

I'd rather try to figure out how someone thinks it's more rational that a super smart complex being came from nothing at all, no matter, no energy, no universe, no sun, no water, no food, no light, no heat, no parents, no creator for the creator, and it didn't evolve and wasn't born.

That makes more sense to you than the creation of life at random in the most basic bacteria type form due to having a suitable environment with sun, and heat, and food, and light and a suitable planet to evolve on over millions of years with evidence to back it up.

Your whole argument hinges on the idea that life can't just come from matter and energy and the right circumstances, but it can come from nothing at all.

Unless you don't consider god to be alive or a form of life at all. How would it not be a form of life if it's self aware?
why are you still doing this? it was so much more fun when i was god.

U R right UTI....

Besides this ahem "person" is simply a troll.

I am officially unsubscribed... no need to post to me... i will not return.

1000 posts....and 420 hasn't made any headway at all.... I was expecting more of a challenge.

:peace: all.
You keep saying that I lack basic knowledge, really?
You really should finish high school before you go trying to question the knowlege of a college grad.

I think that people may have gotten the impression that you're a bit ignorant when it comes to science because (among other things) you kept claiming that big bang and ice asteroid were competing theories... separate issues.

You've also made claims about your great language skills, and how you didn't want to read a translation of the bible, so you read it in old/classical hebrew. Yet, you seem pretty challenged just trying to write in english properly.

From where I'm standing, you come off as someone who is full of shit on many levels.

I'll ask you again... there have been countless sets of myths/religions throughout history with different ways to explain the world. Many now seem ridiculously fanciful to all of us (sun= guy riding chariot, the earth is the body of a dead giant, on and on...). Do you seriously find the ones that happen to be popular at this point in human history to be more believable?? Currently in vogue myths are equally silly, but somehow people are able to tune out all of the aspects that seem incredibly detached from reality, as long as enough other people are doing it... and as long as they get a decent dose of of bullshit at a young enough age.
Shit I was only arguing with the trolls for fun because you guys were around, I guess I'll be leaving too if nobody intelligent stays around.
ill still argue that i dont need religion as a crutch to live a good life

i think haze finally gave up; thank god (haha)

the point is that trying to sway someones opinion that they already believe for good reason is futile. you think we atheists havent heard about god and the bible and all of that? of course we have and we realized its all just a story book or a way to make death less frightening
ill still argue that i dont need religion as a crutch to live a good life

i think haze finally gave up; thank god (haha)

the point is that trying to sway someones opinion that they already believe for good reason is futile. you think we atheists havent heard about god and the bible and all of that? of course we have and we realized its all just a story book or a way to make death less frightening

Of course it's futile but it's entertaining sometimes to see peoples answers to some things. But we aren't getting any answers from anyone they just keep shifting the focus and sidestepping rationality.

Even that is fun to watch sometimes though, it's like a slow dance.
Still waiting for you to provide ANY evidence, either links, names, books, anything, that says scientists believe that an ice asteroid brought primordial water to Earth. If you're going to run your mouth, be prepared to back up what you say. If you're incapable, then you will have to admit you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Same with the big bang. It deals exclusively with the evolution of the early universe but says nothing of where that initial, hot dense state came from or how long it was around before inflating. No legitimate scientist claims that we came from an improbable, singular event. Many might believe that personally, but that doesn't make it a scientific theory. There are many that think the universe is infinitely old, which is not incompatible with the big bang, and others that suspect that new universes are created all of the time, as a normal part of nature, and caused by branes colliding. These ideas are all speculation. We have no evidence for what came before the big bang inflation. We run into a blind area at about 10–36 seconds due to the power of current accelerators.

Admitting you are wrong and don't know everything is okay. People would respect you much more, but trolls don't care about that so how you reply to me tells all.
That got old.

I'd rather try to figure out how someone thinks it's more rational that a super smart complex being came from nothing at all, no matter, no energy, no universe, no sun, no water, no food, no light, no heat, no parents, no creator for the creator, and it didn't evolve and wasn't born.
I have never heard a religious person give a satisfying answer to the infinite regress paradox.
Dr. Sagan gets to the point.
"If the general picture of an expanding universe and a Big Bang is correct, we must then confront still more difficult questions. What were conditions like at the time of the Big Bang? What happened before that? Was there a tiny universe, devoid of all matter, and then the matter suddenly created from nothing? How does that happen? In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from. And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and decide the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or, if we say that God has always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?"​
but phuk, we demand answers. our limited minds don't comprehend absolute nothing any better than they can grasp the infinite. we try to cram such massive concepts into our sphere of understanding and the best that most of us can come up with is an anthropomorphized super-being. that's why religions will always exist. we demand answers, but are unable to understand them.
Deal with it. God just IS......and deal with it sooner than later. :joint:
She speaks but as usual, says nothing.

Agnosticism is the only logically defensible position. Most modern atheists are agnostic, many theists are also agnostic. Claiming absolute knowledge of the existence of a deity is as faulty and untenable as the position many believers like to claim about atheists, that they hold a positive belief that there is no god. Now you are making a positive assertion about the nature of his existence. You fail in explaining your position (does just IS, mean he is infinite and required no beginning, or does just IS mean that the answer is beyond our grasp, or what?), and you fail by holding this illogical belief and calling it reality.
Ummm, everyone knows that I am an Atheist, but this woman is NOT a good example of a Christian...GOD is just her coping mechanism required to deal with her psychosis...
well i smoke on the bibles pages every day when i dont have a phillie..the bibles pages work well! gives u a spiritual high! lol
Ummm, everyone knows that I am an Atheist, but this woman is NOT a good example of a Christian...GOD is just her coping mechanism required to deal with her psychosis...

God is every believers coping mechanism.

What's the difference really, aside from appearing a little less crazy than her?
God is every believers coping mechanism.

What's the difference really, aside from appearing a little less crazy than her?

Yes. However, the mechanism is proportional to the issue being coped with. All Christians aren't this far down the rabbit hole is all I'm saying...