Well-Known Member
hmm I wasent aware seeing as how I dont assosiate with christains.
looks like a duck... quacks like a duck...
hmm I wasent aware seeing as how I dont assosiate with christains.
the odds of there being a god that created everything are far more astronomical than the things science can prove
logic fail, no evidence provided, just a douche bag on a forum
Going off your something can't come from nothing theory you are saying it's impossible for simple energy or matter to come from nothing, that the whole idea is rediculous, yet you claim a more advanced being than us came from nowhere or just always existed right?
And you say that line of thinking is more logical right? Lets make sure we are straight on this.
It's more logical that a complex intelligent life form came from nothing than simple inanimate energy or matter? And it didn't evolve and wasn't created and doesn't have parents somewhere right?
What are we missing?
With the idea of big bang, it would seem more logical that a magical pink unicorn created all life on earth than to believe everything was accidental.
You think the entire universe was an accident?
Do you seriously believe that in your heart?
Well if you do you are terribly wrong, its all part of a bigger picture, not just some accidental life. If our life was an accident, like I said we would have no problem finding other life out there.
Do you think that the same reaction that created the universe just suddenly stopped working?
i find it odd that you tell me i should finish high school, when my diploma is sitting on the shelf about 7 feet from me
its ok, you can say you dont know
instead of sitting on top of your all knowing cloud and acting like you know everything
so, according to your story, there was nothing, then there was god, who came from left field, made everything
then made 2 people, who were some how born adults, and who did not need to learn how to walk, or basic language because some how they already knew how to talk
then a talking snake appeared and made them eat apples, then god got pissed
how does this make any fucking sense
God does not operate under the laws science sets fourth. In the reality of an almighty creator everything is possible.