generally just takes a week or so, and despite ten thousand other users pannicking their faces off, if you give it that week or two, you'll notice how black and white males and females are

i know what you mean about sitting donw with your won smoke. had a friend aroudn for a few days, and hen bought some weed with him, to balance out what i'd be supplying. i was just churning out joint after joint, and it then occured to me wow, he's just smoked through £60 in 2 days (i used to be exactly the same) and i am sat here blazing away for freeeeeeee, i suddenly felt real bad for him. i jsut turned around and said i'm rolling myself a joint, help yourself, he felt really uncomfortable jsut taking whatever to make a joint, to me it was just like a big bag of grapes, i didn't care two damns how big he rolled it, plenty more