Shit seeds


Well-Known Member
I got 12 Feminised himalayan gold seeds, and i planted 6 of them an 5 so far have ball's!!! and there is no sign on the last one yet, and its been on 12/12 for 12 day's
I have allwas had no prob's with fem seeds? but im just hoping the last one is a girl, so i can take sum cutings.
Dont you think i shoud of seen the sex buy now?:cuss:
you should see the sex by now... Who did you buy the seeds from... what vendor? the only problem i've ever had with fem seeds was an occasional hermie, but a majority of the plants being male... that's fucked up!
5/6 are already male? Sounds like you got the wrong seeds and got horrible female ratios. Seems strange for sure maybe you could contact the company IDK.
Its pissd me off big time i got my seeds from hear
is there anythink i can do to hury the last 1 up?, as iv never had 1 take so long?

you most likely got jacked dude... I've never seen that site before and obviously you didn't get feminized seeds, if anything.. they sen 't you some straight up male seeds. Use or ... speedy is great and attitude has it's problems sometimes but has always pulled through for me. Hearing some complaints about attitude lately so i would try speedy first!
Your first big sign should have been "recieve 20 feminized white widow seeds free!" - if it's too good to be true, it is. There is no way a legit operation is giving everyone 20 free white widow seeds, that they could charge hundreds of dollars for

on further examination they can't even post decent pictures of their supposed dank nuggets - half of them look like they have spider mite damage, have been overwatered or have nutrient burn. LOL
Your first big sign should have been "recieve 20 feminized white widow seeds free!" - if it's too good to be true, it is. There is no way a legit operation is giving everyone 20 free white widow seeds, that they could charge hundreds of dollars for

on further examination they can't even post decent pictures of their supposed dank nuggets - half of them look like they have spider mite damage, have been overwatered or have nutrient burn. LOL

Yeah and it just has a pricelist on the homepage, all of their info talks about cannabis in general and not them as a business or order policy/return policy or how they even deal with customers, they have no kind of contact information other than an email link(not an adress, a link), they say they have 60 varieties of seed and they try to breed all of them for a finishing time of 8 weeks, and they sell supposed 500 packs of fem seeds with 200 widow, 200 himilaya gold, and 100 silver haze for 295.00 dollars. I'm honestly surprised they even sent you seeds and didn't just take your money......
When i orderd them thay had no deels on, so i did not get the free seeds (im glad) i would have been beter off if thay never sent me the seeds, as all i have don is wast my time growing shit!!

Thanks all, looking for sum seeds then.
Thanks all, the last plant has ternd out to be a girl. after 15 days of flowering!! and the last 3 have been on 10hr light 14hr dark. so im taking lots of clons, i hope thay live? as iv never taken them from a flowering plant before.
It's almost impossible to get that many males...even if they WANTED to screw with you. I mean think about a blanket rule of thumb 60% of all regular seeds are female. No amount of guessing will allow them to pick out the males just by looking at the seeds. They MIGHT not have sent you feminized seeds...but you will get roughly 60% females no matter what.
I was thinking maby thay wer fem seeds that went rong?... and why is the last 1 takin 15 days the start flowering? But i have one girl so atlest im stil growing.
I was thinking maby thay wer fem seeds that went rong?... and why is the last 1 takin 15 days the start flowering? But i have one girl so atlest im stil growing.

they are plants...not machines. They flower when THEY are ready...not when YOU are ready. switching to 12/12 light or 10/14 (like you are using) merely encourages them to hurry up.
Thanks all, the last plant has ternd out to be a girl. after 15 days of flowering!! and the last 3 have been on 10hr light 14hr dark. so im taking lots of clons, i hope thay live? as iv never taken them from a flowering plant before.

they'll live, they may take a little more time to come back than a clone off a vegging plant but they will make it. I've taken quite a few clone off of flowering plants and had the same success rates. If you can, just use the shoots off of the lower 1/3 of the plant because you can trim those branches off anyways since they don't get as much light.

Edit: also, when you take clones from a flowering plant.. they will come back quickest by giving them 24/0 light. This is done to help reverse the change in hormones that happens when you begin flowering. Whenever a plant is reverted back to veg, it's best to give it 24/0 for the first couple weeks.
Its pissd me off big time i got my seeds from hear
is there anythink i can do to hury the last 1 up?, as iv never had 1 take so long?

I got 12 feminised white widow seeds from the same place m8 and only 3 germinated and are now doing well(due to great care after some problems) at a week old. Sellers like this who sell blaetant SHIT!!, should be exposed for all our benifit.
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Try one of the renowned seedbanks. I really like Nirvana, not only cuz their great prizes and good selection of strains, they have probably the best "ticket system" (help desk) and never any fuzz. Alice in help desk is an angel who gets back on ya ticket within 48hours. Super fast shipping, 4 days last time! I DON'T WORK FOR NIRVANA, I just think they deserve some rep for how they been handling my business w them :blsmoke: I would really recomend their Northern Light wich is pretty much odour less, grows like crazy in 12/12 w a good leaf to calyx ratio and fat crystally buds, and the prize is super ;) Not my alltime fav strain, just saying that Nirvanas NL is a really good choice from their strains. Their Bubblelicious (Bubblegum) is also awesome. Some of the most trich covered buds I've seen w a great potency and when grown from seed they grow very uniform creating a "crown" like appearance. Pretty short, don't stretch too much in 12/12, tight between the buds and w a super leaf to calyx ratio on the pheno I saved and cloned offa. They respond very well to different types of topping and the NL I supercropped, wich was np for her, bounced right back ;) For more info check out my journals in the sig.

Thanks bud, i have used nivana meny times over the last 5 years, but this time i wanted to grow sum nice Himalayan gold, as its the best smoke i have had in a relly long time,
And Nivana doss not sell them, Thats why i went to that crappy site, But i now no that Greenhouse seeds sell them, Any one tryed there himalayan gold?...
PANGcake i having a read of your journals now, thanks for the nice post rep+