Well-Known Member
LMFAO at first you would have been like oh shit then like thank fuck for that.... be careful though bro ya never know they may come ask u questions if so either reply i dont talk to the police or pretend you aint home or something.. just dont give them any excuse to smell it, be out the front before they get out of the car with the door shut if possible. i dunno.hey jester man ive seen me scrape the edges off a load of stems the works recycling gravity bongs man hahahah fuck im glad i dont have to do that shit no more.
easy bender broseph! shits been a bit rough lately, id like to say its turnign a corner but it more likely isnt lol
i had the gypsy kiss last night, left my dehumidifier on while i went out till about 10 got home the tent was at 29C room like a sauna thought FUUUCK. looked at me girls, first time in 2 days and their day off done ish. thought fuck it the heat wont matter for another day.
the mrs hears a bang at about midnight asks me to get up n check the plants, make sure nowts fallen over or on fire etc, grumpily i got up n went in nowt wrong temp at 30C thought fuck it n knocked the light off thought id try this 48 hrs dark before chop for a change.
3AM all hells breaking loose theres fucking rozzers everywhere out me back door down the street the pork chopper over the house like literally i thought it was landing on the roof. search light on in rozzers climbing fences the lot. chasing some unlucky sod.
my lass was in bits, tears shakin the lot thinking were fucked the heat camera will have clocked a 30C room etc etc
thank fuck id knocked the lights off
but shit bro thats a crack up... your defo lucky thenlol. wish i had that luck.. actually i wish i was lucky enough to never see one again.... in my whole life or any other hehe.
too true bro, though the time before last we seen em arrive and shitThat's the thing about being generally don't know until they kick in the door. But yeh, nothing like getting the old heart palpatating...ffs, reminds me of Parkhead....something very similar happened...
looks like luck is on your side though bru, turning that light off. the little Ganja fairy was looking over you pal. Go and get a bet on the g-g's!!!