Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

Hey guys, mostly looking for input to see if I made the right decision. My plants are about a week into flower when I noticed a few days ago what I believed to be the onset of ph problems. I had previously watered with half strength Schultz bloom plus (10 40 10) and a teaspoon of epsom salt and the runoff gave me a ph of just below 6.0 for both plants. I had planned to get some dolomite lime in the near future to correct the problem but low and behold two days later both plants have large brown spots on the fan leaves with some yellowing and dying.

So today I flushed both plants out with 7 gallons of distilled water and I'm going to let them chill for a few days before giving them some more nutes. What I'm mostly concerned about is if I diagnosed the problem correctly and that there are no deficiencies. I also had a question about why some of the branches look like absolute shit while others look 100% healthy. First three pictures are of plant #1 (mostly indica) and last three pictures are of plant #2 (more sativa i'm guessing). The crispy leaves in plant #2 aren't from nute burn but rather lack of lighting while waiting for my hps bulb (I had like 140 watts of cfls between 3 plants, 3rd and biggest one turned out male).

Sorry for the crappy phone pics and possibly wasting yalls time. I just don't want to completely bomb this after veggin for nearly 2 months in my first grow. I have to admit though I'm really excited :mrgreen:

I have the same problem on two of my plants, but only on the lower leaves. They are both sativa dominate and don't like the nutes as much as my indica. I checked my soil pH and it was 5, even though my runoff was never more than 6. I flushed mine also, hopefullly it'll help. Keep us posted on how they do.
schultz is very hot on the roots use like 1\4 strength
Thanks for the tip. The day I put them into flowering I gave them the schultz at 1/4 strength with 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt. The next watering was pure distilled with the 3rd being the half strength mentioned above. I guess I should have taken it more slowly.


weed 1.jpgweed 2.jpgi need help guys it's my first time growing and im freking lost...
this is one of the three plats im growing (california orange) few days ago one of them got some dead leaves on the top of it.. iguess its coz i let the light
24/24 and gave them water under the light.. i want to know if this plant (the one on the pictire ) is dead . or if theres a solution to save her...
plzz answer


Active Member
Man you got them all fired up....flush that shit......get yourself some epsom salts also.......1/4-1/2 strength.....1/4 if your goona feed every watering........


it's my first time grwing and im freaking out .. i guess my plant is dying..
few days ago one of my plant got some dead leaves on the top of it (picture )
so i cut the dead leave. i think its coz i put the light 24/24 and giving water at
the same time.(i know im a noob)
iView attachment 904290 wana know if my plant is completly dead or if theres a solution to save here
my plant is California Orange

plzz help:-(:-(View attachment 904289


thx for the answer.. but im japaneese i dont really understand teknikal words....
can u make it a bit easier to understand? soory bout that..
it's my first time grwing and im freaking out .. i guess my plant is dying..
few days ago one of my plant got some dead leaves on the top of it (picture )
so i cut the dead leave. i think its coz i put the light 24/24 and giving water at
the same time.(i know im a noob)
iView attachment 904290 wana know if my plant is completly dead or if theres a solution to save here
my plant is California Orange

plzz help:-(:-(View attachment 904289
Well first of all you know you posted ur shit in someone elses thread right? ROFL. Anyways, those plants are doomed, waaay too stretched i'm assuming from insufficient lighting, if you want to grow weed get yourself at least a 250 watt metal halide ballast and lightbulb, on ebay they are really cheap. Use at least 1 square foot of a soil container, and plant them in normal non-fertilized soil and use only water for the first 2 weeks. Don't water too much and wait for the soil to dry out almost totally before soaking it again, repeat.All under 24 hour light. Search this forum for germination tips and growing tips. But as for the plants in that pic, theyre doomed homie.
Hey Xan, sorry about your plants. I don't mind you borrowing the thread for a bit. I wouldn't give up on them until I did everything I possibly could. Unfortunately I'm just as lost as you are about your problem. I guess take the advice given here and flush your plants with water, add more light, and hope for the best. Good luck.

As for me, the brown spots seemed to have stopped spreading so I think I did the right thing. I went out and bought a 8" reflector and put a 46w soft white bulb in the middle. Tell me what you guys think. Also, would you recommend putting the fan on the same timer as the lights or would you let it run 24/7?

The next photo is a picture of some clones I took before putting the plants into flower. They are about 3 weeks old I suppose. The biggest one doesn't look like its doing so hot while the other two seem just fine. It was already a light green when I watered it with distilled about four days ago and when I noticed it turning more light green (the next day) I poured a little bit of nute water over it. It looks a little over watered right now but its an obvious deficiency right? Probably Nitrogen? The stem was a pretty dark purple and the day after I poured a little nute water over it some spots on the stem turned back to a green shade.

I just want to make sure that its going to be fine for another 2 or 3 days before I can give it a full feeding since the soil is still wet. Also, is it normal for it to be showing full blown pistils right now? The mother that I took it from I couldn't tell the sex even though it was showing preflowers for about two or three weeks beforehand. They are on a 18/6 schedule so I'm just surprised it didn't show preflowers like the other plants but has pistils. I'm positive one of those other two is from the male I killed while the other is from the shorter plant but I have absolutely no clue which is which. Will it grow the balls while in veg and show sex just like the lime green plant? Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
1) 10-40-10 is completely the wrong ratio for flower. You want something more along the lines of 5-3-10. You want lots of potassium.
2) You want pH between 6.5 and 7 for soil grows. Just below 6 is too low.
3) Whats your heat like in there? To be honest, for 2 months veg they are pretty small. The growth rate of my plants (which i thought were already ok) almost doubled once i got my ventilation and temps right (but i suspect your main problem is nutes and light). Get it right and you can have plants double or even triple that size in one month.

Also, you're supported have your lights shining on the tops of the leaves (so above the plant). I can't say for sure because ive never heard of anyone doing it, but i would suspect you're not helping them with that light shining up at the underside of the leaves.

Don't water them if the soil is already wet. Looks like you may already be overwatering them (which really just means keeping the soil wet for too long. They need to dry out quite a bit before each water).
Sorry, its not a soft lightbulb its a soft white cfl. Yes I know I wasn't giving the plants enough light but I couldn't put them into flowering until I got my hps bulb which took longer than expected. I had 3 plants growing for like 2 months under 140 watts of cfl light. The biggest one turned out male so he got the axe. I was mostly concerned about the smaller plant not getting enough light since the bigger plant is like 7 inches taller than it so I decided to try to give both a little bit of supplemental light which is why I added the light in the middle. I put it there last night. Theres a 250w hps above them.

Also you're sure that the 10 40 10 is the wrong ratio? I thought the plants needed lots of phosphorus during the flowering period. I guess I'll know for sure if I corrected the ph problem when I test the runoff again. The water / nute mix I give them has a ph of around 6.6 to 6.8 and theyll be getting fed probably tomorrow when the soil will be dry. The clones I have right now are sitting under the 140w cfl setup I had for the bigger plants. They look really sad right now. It froze last night so maybe they got too cold during the night?



Well-Known Member
Nope, they need lots of K (potassium) during flowering. They don't need much P, in fact, alot of good flowering ferts have more N than P in their flower formula.

You need a thermometer so you can tell us how hot it gets at its hottest and how cold it gets at its coldest. Temperature is hugely important, aswell as getting fresh air into the grow room and stale air out.


Well-Known Member
By the way, can you also let us know when you last watered them.

Unless the soil is bone dry, then DO NOT water them tomorrow. They already look over watered.

The large light green one at the back clearly has a nitrogen deficiency.

I think you have a whole range of problems, but you need to understand and sort them out once at a time. A good start would be to understand watering schedules.


Active Member
foil may be your problem? that creats hotspots and if your circulation isnt up to par then that could lead to the burning of the leaves what do you have your plants on now time cycle and what did you have them on before
I wasn't talking about watering the clones tomorrow, I was talking about watering my plants in flowering. However Ill probably wait on that as well since apparently I have the wrong fertilizer. Would you recommend any good flowering ferts from Lowes or Meyers? If not what would you recommend the NPK ratios to be. I watered the clones 5 days ago and it probably has like one or two more days before the soil will be dry enough to water. They looked fine for the first three or four days and started to droop yesterday. I've been giving them all purpose miracle grow nutes (24 8 16) at 1/4 strength. The lime green plant was given distilled on accident during the last watering. I thought it was Nitgrogen deficiency but wasn't sure. Thanks for the help.

As for the temperatures I'm not completely positive. My AC thermostat says its 75 degrees downstairs and its definitely cooler upstairs where the plants are. The cfl's don't make the room very hot but If I had to guess I would say the temp drops to the low 60's when the lights go off. Ill buy a thermometer and find out the temps for sure. As far as airflow goes I guess it could be a problem that I don't have a fan blowing in the closet with the clones. The closet they are in is approximately 36 square feet and it has a sliding door where air can easily escape on all sides. The door sits like an inch off the ground and light leaks out into the room from all sides of the sliding door. I dont' use tin foil at all. Where does it look like I burned my plants? The clones are on a 18/6 light schedule and the flowering plants are on 12/12. Also like I asked earlier above would you recommend putting the fan on the same 12/12 timer as the lights or would you let it run 24/7.