Two plant little cabinet grow journal


Active Member
Well i finally collected enough CFLs
Built a smallish box
got a pot with some prime homemade soil (its high quality)
and i just found two healthy looking seeds at the bottom of a bag of VERY NICE weed
All im waiting for now is my light hanger adjustable thing.

I have hacked my CFLs together with cable ties, gaffer tape and leftover mains voltage cable. im pretty sure it doesn't follow wiring regulations but i have a smoke alarm so i figure no harm. i have 114 watts of CFL.

sorry about the crappy photo my camera is dead

Should that be enough watts for two plants max ?
i intend to get a few more around flowering time.

So watch this space i will update it when anything new happens



Hey mate,
just regarding the 114watts of CFL's I would say you'd need more. I mean two plant WILL grow under 114watts but the end result will be less than satisfying according to what I know. I have 128watts on ONE plant and even thats pushing it, Im gonna get at least 20-40watts more.
DoctorMap :leaf:


Active Member
Hey mate,
just regarding the 114watts of CFL's I would say you'd need more. I mean two plant WILL grow under 114watts but the end result will be less than satisfying according to what I know. I have 128watts on ONE plant and even thats pushing it, Im gonna get at least 20-40watts more.
DoctorMap :leaf:
I was doing the maths earlier and i concur im gonna get a few more bulbs and also i found a few striplights that im putting in as well. im certainly gonna get some high watt bulbs to add for flowering



Active Member
My box is built now with a door and everything :)
i've put some black fabric over the hinges to block light when i get to the 12/12 period.

i also found to 38 watt striplights that im throwing in for good measure. im looking forward to my light hangers arriving so i can get going. cant wait to have the fresh growing smell back in my room :)
and yeah i know there is only one pot


Active Member
My light hangers arrived, im gonna start germinating my seed tomorrow maybes.

Im pretty buzzed to get growing again

Thanks david.



Active Member
Good luck with your grow mate. Looking at your box I would recommend that when you decide to step up the lighting (won't been needed til flowering imo, despite what I have read around the site, during early vegging I get no difference in results once I go above 80w and I only see a need to step up to 120w+ in the last stages of vegging before throwing them into a 420w 2700k cabinet) you should hang a light directly above each of those pc case fans to boost side lighting and improve penetration from your top lighting, I use this method personally and my side by side comparison with clones taken on same day and grown under 600w HPS is showing better results under CFL with less wattage.

Are all those case fans extracting? If so, I'd turn one (or possibly even 2) 180 degrees and your ladies should appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I remember a grow journal either here or on Overgrow that someone used only 4 foot flouros in a corner of a room.. Had a nice yield too.. Good luck with yours..


Active Member
I havent updated in a little while due to the following things
1. my bagseed didnt germinate at all, on further inspection the person who had given me them had smoked them first :finger:
2. i was waiting for some seeds to arrive in the mail
and 3. a few things were delayed by that damn volcano. My seeds and me :)

so i was stuck in Geneva waiting for my seed to be delivered by air to the uk.

There were there when i got back and i've now germinated them and they are 3 days old, in my past experience only one out of two seeds successfully germinated but low and behold i now have two feminized acapulco gold sprouts growing in their own pots. Its a new strain from barneys farm that apparently closely mimics the good old classic so im up for an experiment.

I wasnt expecting two so my lights are not set up for it so im off to get some more bulbs tomorrow. see below photos.

The temps are low, generally cooler than room temperature (i've lost my thermo) and im intending to rotate a fan or two inward when my carbon filters arrive to put over the top of them:)

you can see i burned the edge of a leaf :cuss: but im guessing it wont affect it too badly.
Check my awesome wiring to code :P and before someone jumps on me the red microswitch with the exposed wires is for fans not lights and as such is 12v :)

and a nice photo of the sprout with the burned tip

oh and while im at it, i found a 36 watt blacklight under my bed (stoner much :lol:) i know you cant use them as primaries but should i throw it in for the extra wattage ?


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the black light, but it kinda looks like ur sprout has a lil yellow tip.... does ur soil have nutrients in it?


Active Member
i dont know about the black light, but it kinda looks like ur sprout has a lil yellow tip.... does ur soil have nutrients in it?
Its high quality compost with manure in it. im trying to keep it as organic as possible. i suspect it was accidentally pushed against the glass of one of the bulbs and got a bit siszzled


Active Member
I was loitering around my small town and decided to stop by poundland (all items are £1, i presume americans have dollar stores) to see if they have any CFL's. i found nothing to interesting, although 6 11w lightbulbs for £1 cant hurt.

However i stumbled upon emergency blankets, in poundland. Weird right. The back of the pack read "Mylar Safety Blanket". my mind immediately started to churn, a bottle of spray mount and a twin pack of safety blankets later i have a VERY shiny grow box.

I bought some more lightbulbs for my surprise second plant which now has 90 watts all for itself. Its slightly cramped but i can downsize pots if i need to.

The mylar has raised temperatures slightly (i got a thermometer too) and last check it was around 80 Fahrenheit on the soil surface which is a little high but we shall see if its levelled out tomorrow.

Both sprouts looking daymn fine. i can almost taste them. sigh if only they grew faster.



Well-Known Member
I was loitering around my small town and decided to stop by poundland (all items are £1, i presume americans have dollar stores) to see if they have any CFL's. i found nothing to interesting, although 6 11w lightbulbs for £1 cant hurt.

However i stumbled upon emergency blankets, in poundland. Weird right. The back of the pack read "Mylar Safety Blanket". my mind immediately started to churn, a bottle of spray mount and a twin pack of safety blankets later i have a VERY shiny grow box.

I bought some more lightbulbs for my surprise second plant which now has 90 watts all for itself. Its slightly cramped but i can downsize pots if i need to.

The mylar has raised temperatures slightly (i got a thermometer too) and last check it was around 80 Fahrenheit on the soil surface which is a little high but we shall see if its levelled out tomorrow.

Both sprouts looking daymn fine. i can almost taste them. sigh if only they grew faster.

poundland sounds awesome lol we have dollar stores but they would never have anything cool like a mylar blanket ..... anyways, u cant really downsize pots throughout your grow, if anything you'lll need to transplant again once they take off..... and yes, the waiting sucks lol


Active Member
Well my secondry surprise plant is gone. well something happened. one day it looked a little small the next

im not to sad it was never the plan to grow two, i just wanted to experiment with a lil personal stuff.

the good news i can give my other plant another 90 watts :P

however my other plant aint looing to healthy. Im sure i haven't over or under watered. and i havent added any nutes to my manurey soil. I can only assume the problem is temps, at 80 F or 26C its a lil warm so i moved the lights away a tiny bit and its dropped a bit.

the leaves are curling under and seem very stiff. any ideas ?

the good thing is i wouldnt say it was stretching which seems to be the CFL growers main problem :-o


Active Member
Well it looks not too bad the bottom leaves are kinda weird but new ones appear daily. it's VERY short. I was even debating trying to induce some stretching but i decided against it.

PH - 6.85
Temperature - 79F
