Attention Atheist

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the equation that created the universe

this is what you imagine to be impossible, how matter can be created from energy
By the way its *planets* genius.And you are wrong we can check for life without standing on the planet.If there was life we would not have a hard time finding it.

Are you serious? I thought that our telescopes were only powerful enough to detect changes in stars that are caused by the gravitational pull of the very largest planets around them. How the hell do you expect people to see the life on those planets based on that?
You think it should be easy for us to detect life on distant planets in other solar systems? How many detailed photos have you seen of those distant planets? None. We are not at that point yet.
You've got some strong opinions... obviously not much knowledge backing them up unfortunately.
You don't need to make another gender god, we do that ourselves and some of them are actually not bad looking. Or did you have a whole new sex organ in mind? Let me suggest you put it further away from our poop hole, and make it smell and taste nice. Oh and no gag reflex, thanks.

420ezah420, you seem to have the education level of what I would consider a 10-12 year old around here.
How old are you?
What part of the country or world did you go to school?
Did you have to drop out or something?
What do you do for a living?

I find it hard to imagine you as anything more than a pimply faced little boy.

Just curious...
You don't need to make another gender god, we do that ourselves and some of them are actually not bad looking. Or did you have a whole new sex organ in mind? Let me suggest you put it further away from our poop hole, and make it smell and taste nice. Oh and no gag reflex, thanks.
funny you should mention it. i was just discussing this very thing with a couple of arch-angels the other day and they had a few interesting suggestions. they seemed to be of the opinion that the third gender should produce a necessary catalyst that was scented with roses and lavender, producing a pleasantly melodious sound throughout the act. i've been leaning more toward the catalyst consisting of a noxious cloud of unspeakably foul and unidentifiable odors. i also think they should produce a sound somewhat akin to an off key fog horn during coitus, but that's not really as important as the smell. you folks have been reproducing like freaking rabbits down there and i really don't think i should be making sex any more pleasant than it already is. we did all agree that this new sex organ should protrude an average of 14" from the center of the forehead, whistling in a high wind and obscuring the eyesight during strenuous activity.
Yes you do like to fuck with us don't you. And there's not a lot of intelligence in that design either, but now your way of thinking is more clear.

Though shalt not shake their forehead sex organ around or get wood in public.
funny you should mention it. i was just discussing this very thing with a couple of arch-angels the other day and they had a few interesting suggestions. they seemed to be of the opinion that the third gender should produce a necessary catalyst that was scented with roses and lavender, producing a pleasantly melodious sound throughout the act. i've been leaning more toward the catalyst consisting of a noxious cloud of unspeakably foul and unidentifiable odors. i also think they should produce a sound somewhat akin to an off key fog horn during coitus, but that's not really as important as the smell. you folks have been reproducing like freaking rabbits down there and i really don't think i should be making sex any more pleasant than it already is. we did all agree that this new sex organ should protrude an average of 14" from the center of the forehead, whistling in a high wind and obscuring the eyesight during strenuous activity.

Can you please install some manner of obstacle detection?...Sudden impact involving genitals can be painful.
OK ill try again which THEORY do you believe?

#1 Big bang or #2 ice asteroid?

Now tell me your reasoning for your choice, and I will tell you why it is impossible.
Maybe you should try to keep up with current scientific understanding. In spite of asking you earlier in this thread, you have yet to produce any links to show that ANY scientist promotes your giant ice asteroid theory (probably because there is no such theory).
You appear to be confusing asteroids with comets. Asteroids are rocky, comets are made up of mostly ice. However, we know that the water on Earth could NOT have come from comets alone. We have know that since 1986 when Giotto flew through Halley's tail and determined the composition of the water in Halley has more heavy hydrogen than the water on Earth.
The study of zircons tell us that water must have been present when the Earth was formed.

As for asteroids, we do know that chondrocyte asteroids contain a lot of water, and much of the water in the asteroid belt is very similar in composition of that on Earth. This doesn't mean that asteroids brought water to Earth, but that water can be trapped during the formation of the early Earth and therefore the water didn't need to come from anywhere.
Yes you do like to fuck with us don't you. And there's not a lot of intelligence in that design either, but now your way of thinking is more clear.
i probably shouldn't be telling you this, but this entire universe thing was originally nothing more than a drunken bet. it all started back before the rest of the gods left town, before the vast pantheons started bickering among themselves and we were all getting along. i was just existing there and conversing with odin, chuthulu, zeus and a few others, consuming massive quantities of inter-dimensional hallucinogenic substances. we started wondering just how screwed up we could get things before they all fell apart. we went about designing this weird universe with balls of fire that circled each other and different kinds of orbs wildly careening around, everything just a hair's breadth away from total annihilation. i came up with the idea of making little critters that moved around of their own volition and someone, i think it was that son of a bitch loki, bet me it wouldn't last even a millennium. well, i sobered up seven days later and there was the whole thing, complete with these ludicrous creatures we called human beings. i must have been pretty high because none of us usually did that sort of thing back then. i have to admit that i didn't actually expect to win the bet, but i really cleaned up after that first couple of millennia passed. i think the whole thing left a bad taste in everybody's mouth because even the least of the gods won't talk to me any more and they stuck me here to look after this mess.

can god have delusions of grandeur?
You don't need to make another gender god, we do that ourselves and some of them are actually not bad looking. Or did you have a whole new sex organ in mind? Let me suggest you put it further away from our poop hole, and make it smell and taste nice. Oh and no gag reflex, thanks.

420ezah420, you seem to have the education level of what I would consider a 10-12 year old around here.
How old are you?
What part of the country or world did you go to school?
Did you have to drop out or something?
What do you do for a living?

I find it hard to imagine you as anything more than a pimply faced little boy.

Just curious...

I am 26 and I am from and live in california. No I graduated with a 3.6 core GPA & I am currently enrolled at Calstate U.I dont suck dick for a living thats for sure, I find it hard to imagine you as anything but a disgusting cock sucker.
i probably shouldn't be telling you this, but this entire universe thing was originally nothing more than a drunken bet. it all started back before the rest of the gods left town, before the vast pantheons started bickering among themselves and we were all getting along. i was just existing there and conversing with odin, chuthulu, zeus and a few others, consuming massive quantities of inter-dimensional hallucinogenic substances. we started wondering just how screwed up we could get things before they all fell apart. we went about designing this weird universe with balls of fire that circled each other and different kinds of orbs wildly careening around, everything just a hair's breadth away from total annihilation. i came up with the idea of making little critters that moved around of their own volition and someone, i think it was that son of a bitch loki, bet me it wouldn't last even a millennium. well, i sobered up seven days later and there was the whole thing, complete with these ludicrous creatures we called human beings. i must have been pretty high because none of us usually did that sort of thing back then. i have to admit that i didn't actually expect to win the bet, but i really cleaned up after that first couple of millennia passed. i think the whole thing left a bad taste in everybody's mouth because even the least of the gods won't talk to me any more and they stuck me here to look after this mess.

can god have delusions of grandeur?

Thank goodness I always wear a diaper when I am online (for obvious reasons).... I think I wet myself... wait... yah..I did.

I've always said that if G*D actually made contact or appeared, I would recognize have to recognize that, being an open minded person, so ..... hi G*D (waves)!!

Favorite form of life so far? Do you have a favorite, or one that you detest the least?
I am 26 and I am from and live in california. No I graduated with a 3.6 core GPA & I am currently enrolled at Calstate U.I dont suck dick for a living thats for sure, I find it hard to imagine you as anything but a disgusting cock sucker.

I am a disgusting cock sucking pussy licking freak. You got me.
Favorite form of life so far? Do you have a favorite, or one that you detest the least?
i'm a big fan of all the marsupials. you've gotta love a critter with built-in pockets. i also love the simplicity of serpents and i think they were given a bad rap in that mess you call the old testament. speaking of the bible, who compiled that shit anyway. i must have been passed out at the time. i distinctly remember handing the eighty-three commandments to a guy named mortimer and the jews, chosen my ass, i've always detested the whiny little bastards. the new testament is even more ridiculous. the only authorized biography was dictated to a guy named leroy. where the hell is the book of leroy? and all this prophecy crap, hell i'm not sure what i'm going to do from one day to the next, let alone next century or beyond.

this might be a good time to talk about the concept of evil. i love evil, it's all part of the chaos designed into this mess. don't go blaming it on satanic influences or whatever. the truth is, lucifer has been one of the few to stand by me during this whole ordeal. sure i created him and everything, but i created a bunch of others as well. michael, raphael and the rest of those goody two shoes abandoned me long ago, they seem to think they're too good to hang out in this backwater of eternity with the likes of me. as they were leaving, uriel even had the audacity to flip me the bird on his way out of town. if i can ever close this damn thing down, i'm gonna get even with those bastards if it's the last thing i do and, being eternal, i've got a long long time to even the score.
Marsupials FTW!!!

I just assumed it would have been one of the Dino's since they were around so long.

Ever run into the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
I just assumed it would have been one of the Dino's since they were around so long.
i hated those bastards, why do you think i let them go extinct. i did like watching them wander around, especially the ones with those tiny little arms, but they really stank and could carry a tune worth shit.

Ever run into the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
the fsm is a myth. i spent a summer in mesa, stoned out of my gourd on peyote (one of my favorite plants, by the way), and i didn't wash my hair for about a month and a half. somebody saw me doing something particularly godlike and suddenly a new god was born.