Help me convince my dad to let me grow


OK i really want to grow at my house. My dad knows I smoke and is totally cool with it, he used to work at a headshop and shit he just cant smoke cuz of his job now. I got approved for my med card but i dont wanna get it unless i have a place lined up to grow. We have an extra part of our garage that is perfect, but he doesnt want me to do it. He thinks its still a huge deal, what should i do to get him to see that if you have your med card its pretty legit. Any ideas.... I would really appreciate it. Thanks


Active Member
maybe wait till you get your own place. That way if anything DID happen your dad wouldnt be held responsible. After all its his house...


Active Member
You have to respect your dad's wishes, If you really wanted to do it you could
A: Move out
B: Grow outside
C: Grow with a friend(risky)
D: Get the card, show him that it is legit and maybe he will change his mind?
E: ??


Active Member
As far as I'm concerned, that would be a hard sell. Your Dad doesn't smoke weed, he's paying for the house and legally responsible for what happens inside it, not you. What benefit does he get from you growing weed in his house? Also, the suggestion to grow more than you need and split the profits from selling it doesn't hold any enticement either. I'm sure you're Dad doesn't want to help turn his son into a drug dealer or his house into a drug store. Unfortunately for you, it sounds like that medical card you got isn't going to be put to use growing in your current situation. Just use it to legally buy your meds from a dispensary and don't worry about growing until you have your own place.


Well-Known Member
if you're legal you're legal . . . .

but if he simply doesn't want you growing in his house that's that.

however, it is always an option to try to convince him, as it is legal and there aren't very many repercussions on him, more pros than cons.

it's worth trying (to convince him, not try to grow without him knowing lol.) atleast.


Well-Known Member
His house = his rules.
However......maybe he'll let you start off with a couple of plants.


Staff member
if he doesnt want you too get over it his roof his rules , dont put your entire family (or just father) at risk because you decided to make a grow room


Well-Known Member
he has a MED CARD. no one is at risk. :)
Even if he has a med card, if his dad doesn't want him to grow then he has to respect his dads rules.....until his dad changes the rules.
Just keep talking to him man....eventually he'll give in.


Well-Known Member
Even if he has a med card, if his dad doesn't want him to grow then he has to respect his dads rules.....until his dad changes the rules.
Just keep talking to him man....eventually he'll give in.
i said nothing about his dad. i was ONLY addressing the risk. of course he would respect his dad.


thanks for all the feedback guys. I put together a bunch of stuff i found on the internet to show him that it is actually legal. I would never try to put him or our house at risk and i respect his rules i just know that this is a pretty risk free deal. last summer he let me have one plant in our backyard and i think after we sit down and talk a little more and i show him this i will be able to convince him. wish me luck