Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
med, if you are really of the church of common sense then would you be reasonable enough to watch one or two of the oposing videos? at least then you could give an informed rebuttal to the arguments instead of these emotional attacks with almost fanatical devotion to this idea.

why would anyone believe you are a reasonable when you wont hear boths sides of an argument. they are all scientists, are they not?

here's "What is Normal?" on youtube; YouTube - What is Normal? Climate Video Part 1
I've watched enough global warming programs to know what I see. I can tell from the photographs from space that the ice shelfs are melting. I can see from pictures taken 50-100 years ago and compared to todays pictures that there is global warming. I can see pictures from 100-50 years ago that we have been busy de-foresting the planet. I can see the plastic washed up on the shores of pacific islands that are killing the seabirds, plastic floats and seabirds can't tell them from fish, they dive and swallow, then feed it to their young who then starve to death. I can see the shores of Alaskan natives washing away, after they have lived in this same place for centuries and witnessed the big melt, And on and on and on. I guess you idiots are just fucking blind. So count me out on this arguement as It's going nowhere fast. Believe all the brainwash you want. It's people like you that are allowing this insanity to continue. Yeah I agree it may not all be mans fault, but he certainly has a large hand in it.


Well-Known Member
Med you have been grievously bamboozled, and you do not know it yet.
You can thank me for warning you once you see the light, which will happen sooner or later.

Political sleight of hand has hypnotized you....and defrauded you and millions of others, who for some strange psychological need, feel compelled to delight in blaming mankind for all of the alleged ills of this planet!

The UN Climate Change Numbers Hoax
By Tom Harris: John McLean Friday, December 14, 2007

It’s an assertion repeated by politicians and climate campaigners the world over – ‘2,500 scientists of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agree that humans are causing a climate crisis’.
But it’s not true. And, for the first time ever, the public can now see the extent to which they have been misled. As lies go, it’s a whopper. Here’s the real situation.

med I know that you will not read this, but for those curious see here:
CFP: The UN Climate Change Numbers Hoax


Well-Known Member
sometimes i just can't believe how 2 people can look at the same evidence and reach different conclusions.
Exactly. Just like the overly intellectual Scientists and PHD’s who claim that planes never hit the WTC. Just because some dude with credentials that read like the phone book objects to scientific consensus doesn’t necessarily warrant debate… Incidentally, this guy’s credentials aren’t that impressive.

And yes, I realize the scientific consensus has been wrong before, but now that we’re out of college let’s not bank our lives on hitting ‘69’ on the roulette table of global clusterfuck! While you might dismiss our children as tools for alarmist propaganda, the rest of us are a little curious why you’d let us care more about yours than you???

I read your little article, and it raised a lot of issues. Some I may only imagine are quite valid… but I’ll never know, because while he references what he refers to as “studies”, he never refers to them as “scientific studies” or provides a published study number. This fires my bullshit radar for several reasons.

*Firstly, this dude clearly has no idea as to how important it is to perform a study in a scientifically controlled double blind manner.

*Secondly, if he provided a reference I could easily google it and gain access to the peer reviewed critiques published by experts employed for the sole purpose of rebutting the said study.

*Thirdly, he’s attacking global warming yet never even addresses, actually he never even mentions the major arguments in the scientific community. To put things in a litmus I believe we can agree on: This dude's a dolt of Michael Moore proportions.

About a month ago I got sucked into a Global Warming debate on this site. I referenced what I believe are the top three US Climatological research centers. There I referenced several hundred scientifically peer reviewed studies… Of which one 1997 study I challenged him to search any major news organization’s history and find a single article that didn’t claim the Global Warming debate over. His rebuttal was that I was getting all of my information from a single source (I listed the top three but whatever) and he said I should Google the rebuttal, and furthermore when will America learn? Well Jesus… I don’t know… maybe it’s because our high school students rank 29th in science… or perhaps I should just Google some subjective moonshine.

So my question to you is this: Which of the studies that he uses for the basis of his argument were performed in a scientific peer reviewed manner, and if none of them are then why are you pushing this bullshit… or do you not know why the method of reasoning that brought us out of the dark ages is important either???

Secondly, if you an honest broker in the Global Warming debate, then why did you choose to post an argument that clearly doesn’t address the pros? Or do you not know these either?


Well-Known Member
The proponents of Global Warming are using flawed information to try and control what the world should do, just like the Drug Enforcement Agency does.
So true. The smart politicians are all banking on the high dollar investment from the tree hugging pot smokers. I mean really… Who uses gasoline anymore anyway???


New Member
Towlie, your arguments are all wet. Get a clue, dude. And I'll bet my bottom dollar you use gasoline, and every other fossil fuel that powers this economy and your loudmouth bloviations via the computer.


New Member
You probably watch tv you hypocrite. You probably even bought a tv you hypocrite. Towlie, you see the southpark spoofing global warming and algore? If so, spend your time more productively and sit in the dark and think about not breathing.


New Member
You probably watch tv you hypocrite. You probably even bought a tv you hypocrite. Towlie, you see the southpark spoofing global warming and algore? If so, spend your time more productively and sit in the dark and think about not breathing.

CCodorkwad, You put everyone down and never back up your arguements with facts, just chip shots from the Vi meister, the wavelor and that dork VV. you guys need to get a room, invite all your friends, including that pervayor of nonsense Closet and take turns trying to pull each others heads out of your collective asses. The consensus on global warming is in: check with any valid scientific community and I'm pretty sure you'll get the truth, not your corporate jingoism..


Well-Known Member
Towlie, your arguments are all wet. Get a clue, dude. And I'll bet my bottom dollar you use gasoline, and every other fossil fuel that powers this economy and your loudmouth bloviations via the computer.
Humm… Do I even respond to this??? Oh well. Here goes…

Ccodain. The reason I responded to ViRedd & Closet.Cult rather than you is because they come across as quite intelligent individuals who can debate a subject without basing their entire claim in ad hominem attacks.

I have now read every post you have contributed to this thread and not a single one consists of anything more than “arguments against the man” as the Latin translation suggests. Perhaps you’d like to point to a single political thread you’ve contributed to where you haven’t based your case in such idiocy… I won’t hold my breath.

The reason I have shied against political debates on this forum is that they usually consist of dolts spewing mindless dogmatism… I was therefore not the least bit surprised to find someone (you) disgorging pure hate “You probably fall under the rainbow banner, and jeez, you are obsessed with giving head jobs.”

I was however surprised to find someone whose post I’ve found intelligent (ViRedd), 'high fiving' you for basically calling someone a ‘Faggot.’ I’m curious what Vi has to say, but I really could care less what an obvious bigot thinks.

While my arguments apparently don’t hold water, you apparently don’t understand them… because the only one you address directly is “That Big Oil might be a slightly more powerful lobby than Green Peace.”

To which you brilliantly rejoined in the tune of Little Orphan Annie “I’ll bet my bottom dollar you use gasoline.” Then five minutes later… I shit you not… It took this guy five minutes to come up with his second post of “You probably even bought a TV you hypocrite.” Also, what’s with the bizarre choices of underlining???

Jesus Christ man! How does anyone debate you without calling you a dolt? I’m trying real hard hear, but I can’t think of a good reason… which is I chose not to debate you in the first place. If you can think of anything even slightly intelligent to say, I’ll address it… Until then I’ll just let your own words act as the argument against you.


New Member
ccodiane- ad hominum....attacks against the man
You, MMGWarming-appeal to authority....algore?
appeal to belief- man made global warming?
appeal to a common practice- conservation, environmentalism?
appeal to emotion- its for the children?
appeal to fear- flooding, drought, etc?
appeal to flattery- algore?
appeal to novelty- renewable resources vs oil?
appeal to pity- penguins and polar bears?
appeal to popularity- recycling, hybrids, etc?
appeal to ridicule- global warming deniers?
appeal to spite- big oil, big business, etc?
appeal to tradition- the temperature of the earth has never been better?
bandwagon- medmao, wetowely, etc?
begging the question- consensus of scientists?
burden of proof- you say it's happening, but i should prove it isn't?
circumstantial ad hominem- I have something to gain by arguing? (sanity!)
composition- US uses more resources, must pollute the most?
confusing cause and effect- the whole damn argument

Need I continue. As I'm sure you must know, there are 42 fallacies of logic. Man made global warming is guilty of most. These are but a few of the fallacies you and yours have embraced. Should I rationally debate with a child the existence of Mr & Mrs Claus, why not. It could be fun! Thats what I have been doing bud, just having fun with the kids, allowing them to excercise their minds a bit. Seems like "they" need it.

“You probably fall under the rainbow banner, and jeez, you are obsessed with giving head jobs.” Taken in context, very funny. The rainbow had dual meanings for me. The embracing of fringe groups by the left and trying their best to make them mainstream/the norm. Illegal aliens, environmentalist wackos, homosexuals demanding marriage rights, etc. Also their ability to say they represent all colors, equally I'm sure, but being the actual bigots of society. Head jobs? The "wacko" in question has referred on multiple occasions to his/her desire to cut off my head in a less than humorous fashion. Yet I'm acused of hating? Thats fine loser.

Big oil a slightly more powerful lobby than all the worlds leftists united against it. You're probably right. The power of Capitalism, it makes me smile.

Yeah loser, the irony is you complain about things you have obviously embraced. Big this and big that, yet you sit around on your computer, watch your tv, buy things at big retail I'm sure, participate completely in the system you claim to so despise, and say you are taking the high road. The bought was supposed to jump out at you, it didn't. I'm not suprised.

If you want me to finish going through the list of "fallacies of logic", I will. Not for you, since you seem pretty set in your loser ways, but for anyone on the fence who might still have a chance at happiness.


New Member
CCodorkwad, You put everyone down and never back up your arguements with facts, just chip shots from the Vi meister, the wavelor and that dork VV. you guys need to get a room, invite all your friends, including that pervayor of nonsense Closet and take turns trying to pull each others heads out of your collective asses. The consensus on global warming is in: check with any valid scientific community and I'm pretty sure you'll get the truth, not your corporate jingoism..
Consensus is in? That's why I don't buy it, you idiot. Valid scientific community? The consensus guys and gals, right. Get a clue.


New Member
Consensus is in? That's why I don't buy it, you idiot. Valid scientific community? The consensus guys and gals, right. Get a clue.
Geeze it must be dark inside your ass, where your "head" resides. I'm done debating global warming with a dipshit like you. I doubt if your IQ even registers on the scale as I believe it doesn't go that low.


New Member
I thought you didn't want to duke it out with the asshole anymore. You're addicted to abuse, but at least you have me to provide it free of charge.


Well-Known Member
wow, awesome. I love you pot smokin hippies... ;) think about the next time you burn one down, what that does to our planet... gowd. :p

How's this.
  • People who want to buy into the green deal can and should.
  • People who don't can still do what they want.
But when the green people cut into the collective "our" food supply, it's on... How DARE you cause my milk to rise in price! Watch $5.00 a gal. for milk... It would be cool if it went to the dairy farmer... but it doesn't. It goes to "the man" who makes the corn and out to the "real man" I'm sure.

At least change your damn light bulbs!! Get all CFL's they are worth it and will save the planet faster than your hybrid can go 0-60. oh I love all of you's.


New Member
I did to save money, CFL's, but save the planet? They contain mercury, so, its a no go. If you want to save money, CFLs. Save the palnet? Stick with the Edisons.