My First Grow 2 x 150watt CFL 15 Pictures!!!


Well-Known Member
if you have one/get one of those nifty pH water testing kits, you can just test the pH of your plants drain water

these are efficient because you can also use the kit for your plants drinking/feeding water


Active Member
if you have one/get one of those nifty pH water testing kits, you can just test the pH of your plants drain water

these are efficient because you can also use the kit for your plants drinking/feeding water

Thanks for the tip because i do have ph test strips, but i thought i needed a separate one for the soil. I use the strips to test the drinking water which is within the normal range. I will post the PH on my next watering


Active Member
These are my girls at 20 days old and they are growing slow curling and now three of them have developed brown spots on the leaves help!!!!!!!!! any advice please.

I only served them nutes twice and that was at 1/8 strength at 8-7-6 and that was every other feeding the last two feedings i went to only water feeding but the browining is still persisting.

Also can someone comment as to why my plants look so little at 20 days all of them didnt sprout 20 days ago so i think they are in the range of 16 to 20 days with the eldest plants having sprouted at 20 days.



Active Member
hey man at least you have some that are doing pretty well. give thanks for that lol. mine are starting to mess up, i may be able to fix them tomorrow though with the use of my brain.


Active Member
hey man at least you have some that are doing pretty well. give thanks for that lol. mine are starting to mess up, i may be able to fix them tomorrow though with the use of my brain.

I just checked today and more of my plants are developing the brown spots im so pissed about that. I too will have to use my brain to figure this


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look like you are overwatering.. have you watered enough ?

Maybe you gave them too many nutes. At this stage they doint really need nutes if you have decent soil. I would say repot them, add some soil in slightly bigger containers and add some water.


Active Member
Doesnt look like you are overwatering.. have you watered enough ?

Maybe you gave them too many nutes. At this stage they doint really need nutes if you have decent soil. I would say repot them, add some soil in slightly bigger containers and add some water.

Ok i think im going to try that at this point im desperate to save these babies after three weeks watching them die is heart breaking.


Well-Known Member
Just wait 2 or 3 days... They should start growing again, and dont feed them any nutes.


Active Member
So basically I just repotted what usually happens to the plant once its repotted?
Did you transplant into a bigger pot of the same soil? If so did you look at the bottom of the soil when you transplanted? Were there alot of roots at the bottom?

The plants will need a couple days to recover and start growing again usually.
I believe the one plant that I saw that was turning was tipping its leaves towards the light source. Lumens fade very fast try to get the lights around 6 inches from the plants if you can, for now. You will want them closer to 1-2 inches eventually. Move lights closer over time. CFL's dont have very good penetration. Because of this you want to have them very close and consequentially you already need more lights because of the planter size. Two more lights like you have might work, one for every 2 plants. I think you need like 1 light per plant personally.
Also CFLS throw off the most light from their sides.
The temp shouldnt get to 90 that is to high and its cuz of that tin foil. Tin foil reflects more heat then light. If you use it make sure you are using the dull side not the shiny side. Figure out how to get the temp down.
Side note...I have the same thermometer/hygrometer...also your humidity looks fine for this stage in growth.
If you keep having trouble toss a couple plants so you can get the rest more centered under the light.
Keep giving them straight water for now. That soil contains nutes and will be enough for like a month at least.
On the mg moisture...I read someone clones successfully using that so Im sure its not that bad.

Keep watering them, make sure they have some air exchange and send them good vibes and see what happens. Thats my best advice for now.


Active Member
Just wait 2 or 3 days... They should start growing again, and dont feed them any nutes.
Too Late i poured in 1/4 strength nutes 8-7-6 around the roots to get the new soil loose, I hope this doesnt set me back once again because the reason i repotted was due to my plants all starting to deteriorate considerably from the day before.


Active Member
Did you transplant into a bigger pot of the same soil? If so did you look at the bottom of the soil when you transplanted? Were there alot of roots at the bottom?

The plants will need a couple days to recover and start growing again usually.
I believe the one plant that I saw that was turning was tipping its leaves towards the light source. Lumens fade very fast try to get the lights around 6 inches from the plants if you can, for now. You will want them closer to 1-2 inches eventually. Move lights closer over time. CFL's dont have very good penetration. Because of this you want to have them very close and consequentially you already need more lights because of the planter size. Two more lights like you have might work, one for every 2 plants. I think you need like 1 light per plant personally.
Also CFLS throw off the most light from their sides.
The temp shouldnt get to 90 that is to high and its cuz of that tin foil. Tin foil reflects more heat then light. If you use it make sure you are using the dull side not the shiny side. Figure out how to get the temp down.
Side note...I have the same thermometer/hygrometer...also your humidity looks fine for this stage in growth.
If you keep having trouble toss a couple plants so you can get the rest more centered under the light.
Keep giving them straight water for now. That soil contains nutes and will be enough for like a month at least.
On the mg moisture...I read someone clones successfully using that so Im sure its not that bad.

Keep watering them, make sure they have some air exchange and send them good vibes and see what happens. Thats my best advice for now.
I did not repot in the same soil I used mostly cheap store brand potting soil that contained all of the stuff i've read about perlite etc,then the last few plants i topped it off with the rest of my miracle grow :-?didnt want to put it to waste being that it wouldnt be entirely miracle grow and it would be at the top.

I did look at the bottom when i removed them from the dixie cups and there were very thick root systems in the soil and unfortunately some of the roots had turned and were growing up apparently due to the fact they could not find anymore soil at the bottom. So i'm confident now that i repotted at a necessary time. Unfortunately i didnt untangle or cut the roots i just set them in the new pot as is :neutral: from what i've read thus far that might have been another mistake.

i will try to add more lights today unfortunately money has been an issue as of late but hopefully that will change and i can add much more lights in a week or so. but for now i probably will add two more lights today.

The temperature issue has been resolved i'm simply opening up the greenhouse a little more to release the air and the temps have been consistently around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will take your advice and water going forward if my plants survive this current mess up.

thanks for the advice repped as usual!:peace:


Active Member
Ok I just added two fluorescent tubes to my setup, I'm becoming obsessive about this whole thing.
Tell me if this makes sense the fluorescent tubes are only 15w rated but they were so inexpensive i had to jump at it.



Active Member
i'm pretty sure that thing will get the job done for now. But what happened to the other 3 plants bro? i think the reason they are growing slowly is because the lighting is too high (no pun intended) . I can see in that first pic, the light in the left corner. I'd say bring that down to about two inches away from the plant. Any other light for that matter because the lighting is really weak. But good job so far, they're hanging in there and doing their own thing. +rep


Active Member
i'm pretty sure that thing will get the job done for now. But what happened to the other 3 plants bro? i think the reason they are growing slowly is because the lighting is too high (no pun intended) . I can see in that first pic, the light in the left corner. I'd say bring that down to about two inches away from the plant. Any other light for that matter because the lighting is really weak. But good job so far, they're hanging in there and doing their own thing. +rep
The other three plants i couldnt bring myself to killing them so i just left them in the dixie cups outside of the range of the picture but i'm just going to let them try to make it in there until i can sex these. Ok I will lower that light, the lighting is weak but my choice of white plant containers and the fact the tubes are in a white casing is good for reflecting and making the most out of the little light i do have. Once i get a little more cash im going to order a hps system from amazon with a more potent light output. Thanks a lot bro Repped! They are hanging in there cant wait to see them take off because they are passed the root growth stage.:weed:

I think you should loose the reflectors and put the cfls parallel to the ground.
the plants are tall enough now and i think if i did that most of the light would end up going to the underside of the leaves i think i'm going to just lower the lights a bit more. repped thanks!:-P


Active Member
They are fine give them time, maybe a few days should see them getting better, dont nute seedlings that's usually bad. Well the times I did even with the tinyist bit. How hot is your grow area?