LED Grow Lights


Ahoy, Newby grower long (loonnnggg) time user. I got an LED grow light from sunshine systems, good for 5 sq ft. Had a few already established plants in pots and put them under my new light. WOW! you can almost watch them grow, leafing out very nicely after just 1 week. So, the question is...what tips can anyone offer to help me maximize production?

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Hey! You should post up some pics if you can figure out how too. I would love to see some LED lighting in action. What wattage are you using? If it's good for 5 sq ft it must be a powerful mixed spectrum model. I do not have one myself, but am looking into going led soon. As far as I have read, the heating is quite low so you can keep the lights pretty close, like 6'', from the top canopy. That would help the penetration of the light to get to the lower fan leaves.

Besides that just keep the plants healthy and you should be on your way to a great grow!



Active Member
Welcome to the club! Please provide some more info on your setup and pictures are always nice. I am fascinated by the idea of using LED lights, but have never tried them to grow with myself.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 glowpanel 45's and have found they work very well. However, I have been using Prosources newer 5 band tri spectrum lights and they work 100x better in my experience. Don't get me wrong Sunshine systems are good, but I feel they need to keep up with the newer generations of LED technology. I still use my panels for side lighting but soon they will be used for my nursery only.


Well-Known Member
And no. I am not a salesman for Prosource. I wish I was, cause I'd for sure be using thier 700w hybrid LED's....LoL

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
They are very stretched! Get that light closer or they will be doomed when flowering time comes around. Flowering is usually when the plant doubles in height.. If these are still vegging than they have very long stems. Hope this helps. By the way, all this led action has me looking into seriously getting a 90w ufo led.


Active Member
I agree with MJ - even Sativas a week old should not be that stretched out with a thin stalk. I would add a fan (if you already don't have one) and move your light source closer to keep them from growing very tall in flowering.

I noticed the color of the plant looks a lot different under LEDs, as compared to white light. Is that just the camera or is that how they look in person?


The plants in the pics are all about 3 mos. old, they were already growing outdoors when I got the light and moved them inside. The lights make the plants appear to be a darker green than natural light