TowerDog & FlowerGirls Journal: Copycat AERO-2400 watts-Jillybean-PowerKush-Bagseed

we're all lookin in tower. we're just to jealous to comment. dickhead!!!! just playin. your game is tight bro, keep it up!
Thanks donkey. tryin to dial her in man. This jilly stretches like a mofo! I trying out bushmaster. we will see how it works. I am getting 6 new stains tomorow trainwreck (arcata cut), shiskaberry, blueberry, purple og kush, chemdog, and strawberry cream. I am giddy like a little kid dude I cant wait to grow those bitches out. I think i am goin to try and build a system kinda like yours instead of the tables and see how it works out. I love tinkering and building shit. just cant leave well enough alone
Alright running out of space in my cab With 5 females 3 in 3 gallon pots started with 10 from seed. I've been trying to re-veg, but after 2 weeks of 12/12 they seem to be stuck somewhere in between which is kind of bothersome considering I planed on putting them outside in the middle of may.
That sucks man. Hope everything turns out good for you. You are a wealth of knowladge im sure you will do well.


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously considering just keeping them in flower but I'm not sure what a plant in flower does with longer photo periods at the end there probably sturdy enough to go out on the first of may but there's a 50% chance of frost after may 11th where I'm at and by June the days will be close to 17hrs of light, maybe if put them in a shady spot but idk. If I keep them in flower I'll be harvesting near the end of may or mid June with the longest days of the year. That's an super early harvest for Michigan, I'll get two this year If it will work out. Thank you for your kind words brother.


Well-Known Member
Thanks donkey. tryin to dial her in man. This jilly stretches like a mofo! I trying out bushmaster. we will see how it works. I am getting 6 new stains tomorow trainwreck (arcata cut), shiskaberry, blueberry, purple og kush, chemdog, and strawberry cream. I am giddy like a little kid dude I cant wait to grow those bitches out. I think i am goin to try and build a system kinda like yours instead of the tables and see how it works out. I love tinkering and building shit. just cant leave well enough alone
I think I heard some where that Chemdog was bred with unknown genetics and parented NYC Diesel. Congratulations on the new additions I would be super excited too. But then again I haven't had the pleasure of growing out name brand stuff pretty sure I would be happier than a fat kid in a cake factory.
I think I heard some where that Chemdog was bred with unknown genetics and parented NYC Diesel. Congratulations on the new additions I would be super excited too. But then again I haven't had the pleasure of growing out name brand stuff pretty sure I would be happier than a fat kid in a cake factory.
I have some clones in my cloner right now that should have some decent size roots by next weekend. I will give a couple if you want.
chemdog!!!!!!!!!!! lucky mofo. be super careful with bushmaster bro. it will give your girls the claw.
Yea i am tryin real small doses with almost no nutes. A old dude that has been growing for like 20 yrs told me that they will stretch really bad if the temp drops drasticly at night. Anyone ever hear this? I have read more then once that you want a 15 degree differance. my temps are 77-80 lights on and 63-67 lights off. I know that 80 is a little high but that is about the max. It doesnt seem right for me to have to heat my room during the summer. idk wtf lmao


Well-Known Member
Lol I like your sense of humor, crackin up, sheesh I wish I was rich. My brother and I took off up north made a crap load of money and dumped all but 1000 into my room its my last ditch effort lol. Hey not JACKIN by no means. Haze2
Q 1: Anyone ever heard of chemdog #5?

Q 2: Is it true that anything more then a 7 degree temp change between night and day can cause serious stretching? These bitches are stretchen like you wouldnt believe! I will post some pics showing how severe it is in a min.

p.s I got bubba kush too!


Well-Known Member
It's the jillybean that's stretching right? shes mostly sativa I'll try to find something on the temps causing stretching but it seems more logical that high temps would cause a stretch as opposed to colder temps at night. because more space between nodes would allow more airflow allowing the plant to transpire better and cool itself. Possibly its the contrast between your night and day temps though I run at 74-80 like you but my temps only drop to 68 at night but I dont really have any sativa dominate strains. I'm deff curious about this though I will let you know if I find anything.
The pic doesnt really show how bad the stretching is. Jillybean is supposed to be 60/40 indica/sativa and the 2 that I kept for moms are indica dom. some of the nodes are 8-10" apart. seems like its something more then normal stretch. I have some clones off of a mom that I have not flowered out yet. They are 1 week into flowering and I am using bushmaster. They look good so far. we will see what happens:leaf:


Those picks are not what they look like now but it shows how bad they stretched. your probably right chop. its probably all genetics and im just freakin out over nothing. hope this doesnt completely fuck my yeild


Well-Known Member
Well all I did was I checked the description on attitude it said mostly sativa but i'm sure is wrong because before you click on the details it says mostly indica. Sometimes a stretch isn't a bad thing give space for more bud to pack in but I'm thinking I'm might pm brick top about the cold stretch question because I still cant find anything on it and that dude knows a ton and backs it up with the science behind it.
Well all I did was I checked the description on attitude it said mostly sativa but i'm sure is wrong because before you click on the details it says mostly indica. Sometimes a stretch isn't a bad thing give space for more bud to pack in but I'm thinking I'm might pm brick top about the cold stretch question because I still cant find anything on it and that dude knows a ton and backs it up with the science behind it.
Yea man I wouldnt be worried about it if it was a normal stretch. That would be great if you could ask brick top if he has heard of that before I go and put a damn heater in my flower room. The dude who told me about the temp thing is the one that I got all of my new strains from and he has been growing for 20 years. Its hard for me to just ignore that when all other aspects of my op are good. thanks for the help chop


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is super lanky. Is lowering your lights a possibility? That Power Kush looks insane though. So frosty, 7 weeks and no dry pistils or recession that I can see those are going to get fat when do you think you will be cutting them? they look like they could go 1.5-2 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Alright this is the answer I received directly from Brick Top. Props to this man:

" I have never seen any test results from any source that would be one that could not be questioned that says that cold night temperatures can cause stretching in marijuana plants but I do know it can and does happen in other growing things, other types of plant mainly but also in some bushes and trees.

The better greenhouse growers, as in ornamental plant growers, both hobby and professional, have long since gone to digital thermostats and higher grade temperature controls because allowing the night temperature to drop low enough and then and raising the day temperature high enough so it is beyond some certain range in degrees can and lead to plant stretch in a fair number of different kinds of plants.

Lacking unquestionable proof it does happen in marijuana plants I cannot say for sure, yes it does, but knowing for a fact it happens in other plants I would say it is highly likely it can and does from time to time occur in marijuana plants.

I would also believe that as varied as marijuana genetics are, where the landraces strains originated and the differences in them between it, possibly seeing that sort of stretch is somewhat strain dependent.

If all strains did it no one would be debating the question, do colder nights cause stretch? There would be no need to ask or debate, it would be common knowledge by now if it did have that effect across the board on marijuana plants.

So to repeat myself, something I love doing, I have to believe that yes, colder nights can cause some stretching in marijuana plants but it is likely strain dependant/due to some particular gene that might even be a recessive one that only pops up every now and then.

It does not appear to be a common enough occurrence for such a simple and direct from point 'A' to point 'B' connect the dots cause and effect in play. There has to be something more involved. How much more would have to be involved is open for debate until someone with the skills and time and resources to thoroughly test and document it does just that and gives us a definitive answer."