Blue Dream

7 weeks in...


this isnt my pic... Ever since RIU "updated" the site, there has been a ton of problems like this. Wonder where my pic went and how this one got in its place?? Whos picture is this anyway??
Finally.. thank you so much bro. I think that all the noobs that ask questions (common sense that one) don't even deserve any reply what so ever. But then again.. that's me. I like to help the noobs out whenever I can.. but when it comes to dumb questions like that one.. ehhh. Just agitates me royally you know?

Thanks for having the balls to say something to them though... I guess I'm too nice of a person to tell it like it is. LOL... because I usually help the noobs even when they ask questions like that. Props to you tho for telling them like it is brah.

They should also (the noobs) go and read the 'RIU FAQ'. There are quite a few answers to the questions that they ask inside the FAQ section...

anyhow.. happy toking and growing to all my experienced growers out there..

just picked up an oaksterdam cut from lapcg in west hollywood, i've never had it before but it sounds like a great smoke, i love having mostly up herbs available, i'll be training it to keep it low
Well well well looks like Blue Dream has got a strong following. I have not yet found it in a club near me but I do have 20 clones I acquired off a local grower, they are sitting in my stinkbud system (Spread the love). I was hoping some one could point me in the right direction of how she handles nutes? I am her veging at 1000ppm right now and I can see it is stressing her a little. Any one have some experience?

Really looking forward to lighting her up, all I have hear is good things about her. Any other adives about traits she has would be great. Does she herme easily? Look like she likes to strech. I have heard some crazy things about yeild; is this true?

Stocked looks like I got a good one.
Haha yeah Blue Dream, I always keep an 1/8th in stock for my girlfriend that is the only bud she'll smoke. Its really smooth and fruity smelling and the high is real indica heavy(couch lock). I wanted to grow a blue dream plant for my girlfriend but i'm having trouble finding seeds. I usually go to The Attitude(The shit when it comes to seed banks) and they don't have it. Has anyone bought any online?
Here is that blue dream, I got in flower. Now at 5 weeks.




How long do you all let them go for? And how much more do you think they are going to pack on. (they are grown in areo)
these were pulled at 7 1/2 weeks... they could have gone a little longer but not another 4 1/2 weeks so i guess there are many variables effecting harvest times this strain.

this nug was over 18 grams after trimming and curing:

Blue Dream rocks! Havn't seen any clones but I do know you can get seed.Cant remember who does it though.
this isnt my pic... Ever since RIU "updated" the site, there has been a ton of problems like this. Wonder where my pic went and how this one got in its place?? Whos picture is this anyway??

I had the same problem and just the other day my pics disappeared and now all of my albums are gone so I'm just giving up on this site.